5 Major Steps to Test Automation Assessment

By Prometteur solutions 12 Min Read

Conducting manual testing for companies requires companies to hire several employees to work simultaneously on different products, resulting in high costs and slower results.

Without proper testing, companies risk the quality of their products and can lose potential customers. With manual testing, it’s hard to keep up with the ever-changing technology and ensure that all products are tested quickly and efficiently. This is why companies are saying goodbye to time-consuming and expensive manual testing, hence using automated testing solutions

Automation assessment is a process that helps businesses assess the potential automation of their processes. It helps them identify which processes can be automated and which ones should be left as manual processes. Automation assessment can also help businesses to identify the risks associated with automation and to find solutions to mitigate these risks. In this post, we are going to discuss the benefits of automation assessment and outline the steps that you need to take in order to carry out an automation assessment.

Automation assessment is one of the most important steps in information security management. It is the process of identifying and assessing the potential risks associated with the use of automation tools and technologies. By automating certain processes, organizations can improve efficiency and security. However, automating processes without properly assessing the risks can lead to serious security breaches.

What is automation assessment?

Automation assessment is the process of assessing the automation level in a business. It helps businesses understand the effectiveness of their automation systems, identifies areas where automation could be improved and makes recommendations on how to achieve the desired automation level.

Automation assessment can help to improve business efficiency, increase production, improve quality and reduce costs. It can also help to improve customer service and increase employee satisfaction.

Test Automation Assessment: 5 Major Steps to Success

Major Steps in Assessing Test Automation

Test automation has become so important that most modern businesses cannot properly function without it. The procedure saves money and time, therefore it’s crucial to use it to the fullest extent. Businesses may achieve their testing goals for having a quality product that meets customer’s needs by determining the procedure’s true worth and optimizing it to their advantage.  The process of doing this is called test automation assessment.

Businesses may achieve their testing goals for having a quality product that meets customer’s needs by determining the procedure’s true worth and optimizing it to their advantage.  The process of doing this is called test automation assessment.

Automation Testing

In order to get the most out of these processes, it is essential to put them through an automated assessment tool to find any flaws and fix them. Also, by doing these tests, a company may gauge its readiness to adopt a test automation strategy. 

Among other important aspects to assess, focusing on the key areas of the software development life cycle (SDLC)    you’ll have a fully functional test automation assessment system in no time. Under the SDLC, test automation assessment can be achieved using these steps.

Learning the Current Structure

Checking the current quality standards and testing methods that are followed requires first gaining a grasp of the current system, technology, and processes. Gaining familiarity with the goals, technological stack, user flow, and manual test cases (if any) is also recommended.


A careful assessment is performed to establish the level of tool automation readiness. To achieve this, you can create a requirement traceability matrix breakdown that includes the whole scope of tests, the specifics of the business needs, the finer points of the functional requirements, and the potential for quality enhancements in each area.

In addition, a report may be compiled detailing the automation ROI (return on investment) and the practicality of a selected tool. At this stage, we you may determine which test cases are crucial to our company’s success.

Proof of Concept (POC)

A proof-of-concept (POC) is used to figure out what kinds of test scenarios can really be run on a product. That is to say, it encompasses the steps used to construct proof-of-concept tests and figure out whether or not full automation is really necessary by running tests on a subset of the possible scenarios.

Suggestion & implementation

Recommendations are made to enhance the quality, performance, and delivering of the product based on the data gathered from these tests.


The next step is to put into action the findings and suggestions offered. Additionally, at this point, the strategy, feasibility, and particular test automation tools are all well specified. At this point, you put into action the most effective automation solutions, which boost testing quality while cutting down on testing time and resources. 

Hire the best test automation assessment experts

Following the correct automation approach yields a flawless test automation assessment process that may improve test quality, cut down on testing time and effort, ensure on-time delivery, and provide a return on investment. Companies that want to provide the market with the greatest and most cutting-edge items will benefit from doing test automation assessments.

After Automation Assessment, What Next?

After completing an automation assessment, it’s important to review the results to ensure your business is moving in the right direction. 

What are the benefits of automation assessment?

Automation assessment can help improve an organisation’s efficiency and effectiveness by identifying the areas where automation can be applied to improve processes and performance.

There are a number of benefits to automation assessment including:

Reduced time and effort: Automation assessment can help reduce the time and effort needed to perform tasks.

Improved accuracy and efficiency: Automation assessment can help improve processes’ accuracy and efficiency by identifying and resolving issues quickly.

Improved communication and collaboration: Automation assessment can help to improve communication and collaboration by providing a clear understanding of the automation and its impact.

Reduced risk: Automation assessment can help to reduce the risk of making mistakes by identifying and resolving potential issues.

A few things to keep in mind about test automation

Automation is not the use of robots or other automatons.

Automation is not the use of artificial intelligence.

Automation is not the deployment of a computer program to automatically perform a task.

Automation is the use of technology to make a task or process easier or faster.

What else should you do with test automation assessment?

There are other important assessment automation potentials to explore. They include

1. Identify how much work is currently done manually.

2. Identify any areas where automation can help free up time.

3. Evaluate the feasibility of automating specific tasks.

4. Estimate the potential costs and benefits of automation.

5. Make a decision about whether automation is worth the investment.

The steps in assessing automation potential are important because they can help you determine whether automation is a good fit for your business. Automation can free up time so you can focus on other aspects of your business. Automation can also help you improve your processes so you can operate more efficiently. But before you can even begin to think about automation, you need to assess the potential for it.

What Are Some Test Automation Best Practices?

When you have established that automating the testing process is the best option for your project, the next step is to investigate how to provide a safe basis for your work. The implementation and upkeep of automation will both initially provide some difficult obstacles. However, the best practices for test automation are very necessary in order to achieve success and make certain that test cases are operating correctly.

In the following, we will provide our top best practices that will assist you in getting started with test automation and embracing it effectively.

  • Determine which kind of exams will benefit most from being computerized.
  • Determine which automated testing tools are most appropriate for your project.
  • Assign responsibilities to each member of the team in accordance with the amount of expertise they possess.
  • Organize and provide test data of a meaningful and high quality.
  • Maintain a constant focus on debugging automated situations.
  • The testing process should begin as early as possible in the development life cycle.
  • Make your script reusable
  • Keep the old tests running while also adding new ones.
  • It is essential to bear in mind that every business and testing team has their own specific needs. Conduct an analysis of these practices to decide which ones are most appropriate for your company and its customers. 

When test automation is put into place, adhering to these best practices may increase the value it provides and reduce the amount of time needed to bring a product to market.

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to have automated processes in place. This is not only helpful in terms of efficiency, but it also helps to protect your company from liability. In this blog post, we outlined the 5 major steps that you need to take to assess your automation needs. We hope that this article will help you to make the right decisions for your business. Thank you for reading!


What is test automation assessment?

Automation assessment is one of the most important steps in information security management. It is the process of identifying and assessing the potential risks associated with the use of automation tools and technologies

What are the 5 major steps of test automation assessment?

  • Understanding the Existing System
  • Assessment
  • Conduct a Proof of Concept (POC)
  • Recommendation & Implementation
  • Implementation

Does test automation improve quality?

Yes. Test automation plays an important role in improving product and test quality.

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