How to test a taxi booking app like Uber?

By Prometteur solutions 18 Min Read

The growth of taxi apps like Uber has proven that there is massive demand for on-demand travel in the market. These apps make travel easier for many travellers, but with this growth comes an increase in the risk of users, travellers and drivers alike. This is why taxi booking app testing is important.

Developers can be biassed, and since they have to deal with a lot of competition and spend a lot of money, this can have a big effect. 

Software testing does cost you some money, but it reduces a huge amount of risk. But the question prevails! How can you best perform taxi booking app testing?

Why is Taxi Booking App Testing so Important?

Today’s highly competitive technological market makes it essential to ensure that all applications are of the highest standard. Users may quickly browse through and delete apps with a few clicks and swipes. However, by performing taxi booking app testing – usability testing, you can be sure that your app will satisfy user needs and that your customers will like doing business with you again and again.

Here are some of the advantages of mobile app testing

Effective Quality Testing.

Taxi booking app testing establishes whether the app can be set up, run, and interact with the infrastructure supporting the backend of the content. This is a critical phase in the process of creating and launching high-quality products.

Actual testing of the device.

You can be sure that the findings are accurate and that a particular feature functions on the appropriate device when you perform a taxi booking app testing for your taxi-app on actual mobile devices. Additionally, it makes it simple for users to enjoy themselves.

Security of Customer/Driver Data

The app would contain both the customer’s and the driver’s personal information (PII). Any security lapse in this area could land the app developer and owner in legal hot water. 

Integrated Payments and Wallets:

Performing app testing for taxi booking includes testing the payment gateways and how reliable they are. These gateways and payment methods need to be thoroughly tested in order to guarantee that the clients’ money is secure. 

Accurate data

This will contain details regarding the client, the driver, the journey, the offers, the costs, the distance, as well as other important ones needed. The accuracy of every piece of information on the app needs to be verified.

Employ in daily life.

Simulators and emulators can never handle situations where a phone disconnects, loads slowly, or the battery runs out. However, Uber-like app testing on actual hardware can provide us with helpful input. For reliable results, real devices also use accelerometers, geolocation, and push notifications.

Nice UI and UX.

When you perform taxi booking app testing, the look and feel of the app and how well it works are also tested, as well as different features. Using real mobile devices for your Uber-like app testing helps ensure the interface is easy to use.

Loyal customer.

Another benefit of performing ride-hailing app testing is that it will increase the reliability and trust of the app and company. Customers who like your app and are happy with it will think of your company as reliable and tell their friends about it. You can reach thousands or even millions of users with loyal customers and high-quality apps enhanced by taxi booking app testing.

Having a good name.

Companies in the uber business that want to stay competitive and keep a good name are thinking more and more about app testing for taxi booking.


At first, you have to spend money on taxi booking app testing, but you have to spend money in order to make more money in the future. Today, even small startups can afford to test by working with a test service provider, which is usually cheaper than hiring full-time testers.

Performing App Testing for Taxi Booking: What to Test in a Taxi Booking App like Uber?

Software installation testing is a difficult task on its own, but it becomes more complicated when it comes to Uber-like app testing. You need to do more than test out the software installation process. You have to test your design, the user experience and the app’s overall quality.

Performing Uber-like App Testing From the Driver’s Point of View

Benefits and trip history: 

Most drivers will be compensated depending on the number of trips they have completed, and the benefits will grow as the daily or weekly completed trip count increases. So in your taxi booking app testing, consider the earnings and trips to allow the driver to easily check all of these facts, payment alternatives and history.

Hiding Customer Personal Data: 

Another area to consider in your app testing for taxi booking is the customer data, particularly phone numbers and credit card details. This is crucial. This information is optional to be shared with the drivers. A hotline number should be provided to contact clients, and customer information should be kept private from the driver.

Trip Visibility and Options: 

While you perform your taxi booking app testing, test for trip visibility options. The driver should be able to view the customer search within a certain radius as determined by the company based on his present position. He should also be able to accept or refuse the trip. The journey should be hidden from the other drivers once approved.

Driver Data: 

Taxi booking app testing should cover driver data because the app will also provide driver information, such as incentive, number of trips, star ratings (if available), payment schedule, and other details, in addition to customer information. To confirm that the mapping in the database or server is accurate and that the queries run to obtain the data are as expected, this must be tested once more.

Taxi Booking App Testing From the Viewpoint of Customers

User Information

Customer information is crucial to every business, but in the world of the Uber app, it is even more crucial. Your app testing for taxi booking must carry out a rigorous test to ensure that all of the data is accurate in order to guarantee the reliability and accuracy of the client information. They will first do a manual test on a limited group of testers before switching to a more thorough automated test. So that both drivers and passengers may enjoy a secure and dependable experience, this test strives to confirm that all of the customer data is accurate.

Perform Uber-like App Testing on SMS and push notifications: 

Each app has its own needs for SMS, email, and push alerts. These will contain booking confirmation, cab arrival, driver data, OTP, trip completion, the amount payable, cancellation request, feedback request, and other alerts. Each of them must be evaluated to ensure that they are time-bound following the business requirements.

Perform Taxi Booking App Testing Offers: 

From time to time, the firm may make offers and discounts to all or select consumers. The offer code, its authenticity, and any unique restrictions for taking advantage of the deals must be checked. Another test area is the amount that is lowered after taking advantage of the offer.

Registration of users and drivers:

Registration for both customers and drivers must be validated to ensure that proper data is saved in the server. Users and drivers should also be allowed to add, update, and delete information.

Map Related and Live Tracking: 

Taxi booking app testing on the map-related functions of any taxi booking software is crucial. This includes activating the app in the current location, discovering nearby taxis, and following the cab’s journey in real-time before and after completing the booking.

Trip – distance and time: 

Taxi booking app testing on the trip distance should be giving attention too. This includes the distance between the pick-up and drop-off points. Based on the congestion spots in the area, the quickest route with the least traffic should be picked. The expected journey time and other trip parameters based on business requirements.

Journey Modification: 

Taxi booking app testing to see if the user can do some modifications. The user should be able to modify the trip. This includes cancellation as well as modifying the destination point. In the latter scenario, the journey distance, duration, money, and route should be adjusted accordingly. First, check to see whether there is a restriction to how many times the user may make the modifications. If there is a limit, such as 2 or 3, it must be tested that the system refuses the fourth modification.

Cab Sharing: 

The majority of the applications would allow consumers to share cabs. It is critical in this scenario to measure the distance between the shared pick-up places. The company must determine this restriction. Check the specifications and do a taxi booking app testing to ensure that the shared pick-ups are scheduled within that range.

Time Tracking: 

The cab’s live movement should be connected to the time it takes to reach the destination or the time it takes to reach the client. These values must be adjusted regularly to ensure the functionality is operating properly. This may be demonstrated by simulating a moving vehicle and determining its location and time. The refresh is a vital necessity here. The firm must determine this; ideally, it should be 1 second or less so that the client does not notice a lag. However, depending on the system architecture and load, the firm may opt for 2-5 seconds. All of these must be checked during the Uber-like app testing phase.

OTP Generating System: 

You must perform taxi booking app testing on OTP generation because most applications will feature an OTP generation system for authenticating the user during registration and even while boarding a cab. The OTP must be confirmed against the client data, including valid and incorrect entries. Another crucial but sometimes forgotten consideration is the amount of retries permitted. If the OTP is regenerated, the system should accept just the most recent OTP and not any prior ones. Ignore this if it does not apply to your app.

Wallet Transactions and History: 

Most applications will allow you to put money into your wallet using a pre-configured payment gateway. Uber-like app testing on wallet for money top-ups, balances, transaction history, refunds, and offers should be tested and fixed if any issues are found. The same will be true for other payment methods such as debit card, credit card, UPI, and others as specified by the app.

Feedback and rating system: 

Both the consumer and the driver should be able to provide feedback and rate the app, therefore, endeavour to do an Uber-like app testing on this function. In addition, they should be able to offer each other comments and ratings. These ratings must be examined in order to enhance the drivers and the services offered.

Customer Support and Escalation: 

It is very important to perform taxi booking app testing on this feature because the software will provide a customer support and escalation mechanism. This can include email, phone, or chat assistance. Each must be tested, as well as the various escalation stages.

Driver and taxi information: 

Customers should be able to see all of the driver’s information and prior customer ratings. They should also be able to view the taxi number and type and the driver’s contact information. According to the app, they may also include driver images.

What Are The Taxi Booking App TestingTesting Types?

Here is a list of some of the types of testing:

Manual Testing: 

Critical business functions must be manually tested. Manual testing is also required when the team needs more time or funds to automate or when the automation feasibility of the features could be better.

Automation Testing: 

The app will undergo several validations. Automation is not necessary if the testing is to be done once. However, if regular upgrades or new features are expected, it is preferable to have an automation suite in place to decrease future testing efforts and save time.

Security testing: 

This is one of the taxi booking app testing types. The app server or database stores personal information about consumers and drivers. This will contain the names, addresses, phone numbers, mobile numbers, and payment information such as bank or card numbers. The protection of this data is critical. The app should be protected against external threats.

Performance testing 

This type of app testing for taxi booking is done based on the expected demand to ensure that the search, map loading time, and other operations are well within the SLA during peak and off-peak loads. Based on these findings, the company will determine whether or not to scale up the infrastructure.

Integration Testing: 

This taxi booking app testing type comprises the driver’s and customer’s GPS tracking or mobile devices, the database or server, and the booking app. The correctness and data flow of the integration between these systems must be validated.

DB testing: 

The database stores customer and driver information and all trip information. As a result, database testing is essential. During testing, we must confirm that fundamental activities such as adding a record, updating a record, removing a record, and retrieving a record are carried out as expected.

Exploratory testing 

This is a type of informal taxi booking app testing in which the user explores the program, going through all of the different pages to ensure that everything is fixed.

Responsive Testing: 

Responsive app testing for taxi booking is required to guarantee that your taxi booking software works properly on devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions. With so many new devices hitting the market and so much internet usage, responsive testing of the app must be treated extremely seriously.

UAT Testing: 

The final stage of any app or software development must be UAT or User Acceptance Testing. UAT is a taxi booking app testing type that provides the use pattern and the most frequently utilised regions of the software. This will be useful in determining the app’s future features.

If you want to learn more about the ins and outs of taxi booking app testing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 

We would love to offer the best assistance to you!

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