Unlocking DevOps Efficiency: 7 Key Benefits of Implementing Kubernetes

By Prometteur solutions 18 Min Read

7 Reasons Why Kubernetes Is Essential for DevOps

In this article, we will be looking to answer the following question; What exactly is DevOps? How does it function? What exactly is Kubernetes? What is the purpose of Kubernetes? What role does Kubernetes play in DevOps? Why is Kubernetes important for DevOps? Continue reading to learn more.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices and guidelines that improve software development productivity. DevOps reduces the SDLC (software development life cycle) to produce high-quality software with consistent code delivery. DevOps is an acronym for “development” and “operations,” It aims to improve the pace with which software applications are developed.

DevOps allows enterprises to service their clients and fulfill their aims more successfully due to the increased speed. It also enhances software product quality, minimizes problems, and boosts overall performance. The primary advantages of DevOps include high speed, security, dependability, CI/CD, scalability, and greater collaboration.

The following stages are included in DevOps practices:

Planning: Workspace/productivity tools such as Confluence and Jira assist DevOps teams in enhancing project management and assure software product delivery on schedule.

Build and Delivery: For quick development, deployment, and testing, developers depend on DevOps technologies such as Kubernetes. DevOps tools include Docker, Chef, Terraform, Puppet, and Ansible.

Testing: Tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitLab CI reduce testing time, effort, and mistakes. DevOps improves businesses’ testing capability without sacrificing code quality or user experience.

Software monitoring and logging: This stage includes performance monitoring, analysis, logging, processing feedback, and a few more duties. Prometheus, Elastic (ELK) Stack, Grafana, Sumo Logic, and Splunk are prominent monitoring tools.

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What is containerization? How does it aid in DevOps?

Containerization is a method used in DevOps implementation. The software component, environment, and dependencies are all put in an isolated container throughout this procedure. Containerization accelerates deployment, patching, and scalability.

In recent years, virtual machines and cloud computing have dramatically decreased downtime and damaged applications. However, executing guest operating systems on them requires significant processing power. As a result, containers employ ‘runtime engines,’ which share the host operating system of the computers on which they are installed.

Runtime engines provide quicker boot times, increased server efficiency, and reduced storage sizes. Most runtime engines are a few megabytes in size, while virtual machines need 4-8 gigabytes of storage. Containers are therefore, portable, highly scalable, secure, compatible with many cloud platforms, and DevOps-friendly.

What is Kubernetes? Why do DevOps developers utilize Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration technology that can manage, scale, and automate software deployment. Kubernetes facilitates DevOps by combining software systems’ development and maintenance phases to boost agility. Developers may inspect, access, deploy, update, and optimize container ecosystems using the Kubernetes user interface.

Containerization is a more efficient and effective approach to deploy DevOps than a monolithic program. Kubernetes is a container management system that builds and maintains containers on cloud-based server systems. Kubernetes assists DevOps teams in reducing infrastructure strain by allowing containers to run on diverse machines/environments without failure.

What are the Kubernetes components?

Kubernetes’ primary components include:

The master oversees the API for the whole cloud application cluster.

Nodes: Within the cluster, nodes are real or virtual computers that host the application.

Pods: Pods are the fundamental building pieces of Kubernetes, allowing a group of containers to operate concurrently.

Replication controller: The replication controller guarantees that the desired number of pods is always operating.

Services host a dynamic load balancer for a specified number of pods.

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What is the significance of Kubernetes in DevOps?

There is no downtime during deployment.

Kubernetes enables developers to distribute upgrades to cloud-based apps with no downtime. The rolling updates and automatic rollback functions protect against update failure. In addition, because it updates one cluster at a time, Kubernetes may be used to move traffic to the remaining available services.


Kubernetes, being an independent and continuous containerization ecosystem, enables easy application scalability. Kubernetes can scale an application up and down based on demand, load, and resources. The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automates this procedure to guarantee appropriate usage and resource savings.

Code infrastructure and configuration

Kubernetes assists developers in building ‘infrastructure as code’ and managing coding environment parameters as code. Scripts can be run sparingly when deploying a new environment. Developers may use Kubernetes to connect the source repository and its configuration files.

Collaboration between departments

Kubernetes’ role-based access restrictions facilitate cooperation while guaranteeing that resources and settings stay consistent. For example, Kubernetes may limit testers’ access to just the builds and pending approvals. On the other hand, customers may be limited to assessing procedures and deployment.

What is the appeal of Kubernetes to developers?

Kubernetes is well-known for its scalability, agility, simplified approach, and open-source nature. Other factors contributing to Kubernetes’ popularity include:

Portability and adaptability

Kubernetes may be used in any situation, independent of the container runtime or underlying infrastructure. Kubernetes works flawlessly on on-premises servers, private clouds, and public cloud architecture. Furthermore, Kubernetes is very portable since it can be deployed on a variety of infrastructures and environment settings.

Abstraction of infrastructure

Kubernetes, often known as K8s, can manage cloud application storage, networking, and compute on its own. As a result, once Kubernetes is implemented, developers can concentrate on application development rather than the environment.

Automated operations

Kubernetes has a plethora of built-in commands for automating several everyday tasks. As a result, automating the bulk of the heavy-duty processes simplifies the application administration process.

What are the advantages of Kubernetes?

Because Kubernetes is becoming more popular among DevOps teams, organizations enjoy a shorter learning curve when using the container orchestration platform. However, the advantages do not end there. Here’s a deeper look at why businesses are turning to Kubernetes for a variety of applications.

The following are some of the most significant advantages of using Kubernetes to manage your microservices architecture.

1. Cost reductions from container orchestration

Companies of all sizes — big and small — who utilize Kubernetes services save money on ecosystem maintenance and automating tedious operations. Kubernetes automatically provisioned and fitted containers onto nodes to maximize resource use. Because some public cloud platforms charge a maintenance fee for each cluster, operating fewer clusters implies fewer API servers and other redundancy, which helps save expenses.

Once Kubernetes clusters are set up, applications may operate with low downtime and function well, needing less maintenance when a node or pod dies and must be manually repaired. In addition, container orchestration in Kubernetes results in a more efficient workflow with less need to repeat the same procedures, resulting in fewer servers and less need for bulky, wasteful management.

2. Improvements in DevOps efficiency for microservices architecture

Container integration and access to storage resources from many cloud providers simplify development, testing, and deployment. In addition, it is simpler and more economical to create container images, which include everything an application needs to execute, than virtual machine (VM) images. All of this translates to speedier development and shorter release and deployment timelines.

The earlier developers install Kubernetes throughout the development lifecycle, the sooner they can test code and avoid costly errors later on. Microservices-based apps are made up of discrete functional units that connect with one another through APIs. As a result, development teams may be divided into smaller groups, each working on a particular feature, and IT teams can work more effectively. Namespaces, a method of creating numerous virtual sub-clusters inside the same physical Kubernetes cluster, increase cluster efficiency by providing access control.

3. Workload deployment in multi cloud environments

You used to install an application on a virtual machine and connect it to a domain name system (DNS) server. Workloads may now reside in a single cloud or be easily distributed across many cloud services, among other advantages of Kubernetes. Kubernetes clusters enable the easy and rapid migration of containerized apps from on-premises infrastructure to hybrid deployments across any cloud provider’s public or private cloud architecture without sacrificing any app’s functionalities or performance. This allows you to migrate workloads to a closed or proprietary system without being locked in. Integrations with Kubernetes-based applications are simple with PROMETTEUR SOLUTIONS Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.

There are many methods for moving applications to the cloud:

Lift and shift refers to transferring an application without modifying its code.

Replatforming entails making just the modifications required to enable a program to work in a new environment.

Refactoring is a more involved process that requires rebuilding an application’s structure and functionality.

4. Greater mobility with less vendor lock-in

When compared to virtual machines, using containers for your applications gives a lighter, more agile solution to manage virtualization (VMs). In addition, containers are smaller, quicker, and more portable because they only contain the resources a program requires (i.e., its code, installs, and dependencies) and utilize the capabilities and resources of the host operating system (OS). For example, serving four programs on four virtual machines would typically need running four copies of a guest OS on that server. Running those four programs in a container technique, on the other hand, implies confining them all inside a single container that uses the exact version of the host OS.

Kubernetes is not only adaptable enough for container management on multiple kinds of infrastructure (public cloud, private cloud, or on-premises servers, as long as the host OS is a version of Linux or Windows), but it also works with nearly any container runtime (the program that runs containers). Most other orchestrators are locked onto certain runtimes or cloud infrastructures, resulting in lock-in. Kubernetes services enable you to scale without having to redesign your infrastructure.

5. Deployment automation

Kubernetes manages and automates container deployment across numerous compute nodes in the public cloud, on-premises virtual machines, or physical servers. Its automated scalability allows teams to scale up or down to meet demand quickly. In addition, Autoscaling creates additional containers in response to strong loads or spikes, whether caused by CPU consumption, memory thresholds, or custom metrics — for example, when an online event begins and there is an unexpected rise in requests.

When the demand has passed, Kubernetes automatically shrinks down resources to minimize waste. The platform not only scales infrastructure resources up and down as required but also enables for simple horizontal and vertical scalability. Another advantage of Kubernetes is the ability to undo an application update if anything goes wrong.

6. App stability and availability in the cloud

Kubernetes enables the dependable operation of containerized applications. It automatically puts and balances containerized workloads and grows clusters to meet rising demand while keeping the system operational. If one node in a multi-node cluster fails, the workload is shifted to the other nodes without affecting user availability. It also has self-healing features and will restart, reschedule, or replace a container if it fails or nodes die. In addition, it enables you to do rolling software upgrades with no downtime. Even high-availability applications may be configured in Kubernetes to run on one or more public cloud services with extremely high uptime. Amazon, for example, utilized Kubernetes to migrate from a monolithic to a microservices design.

7. Kubernetes’ open-source advantages

Kubernetes is a community-led project and completely open-source tool (it was once the fastest-growing open-source software ever), which means it has a massive ecosystem of other open-source products built to work with it. The platform’s robust support ensures that Kubernetes is constantly innovated and improved, protecting an investment in the platform and preventing lock-in to technology that will soon become obsolete. Support and portability are also seen across all of the top public cloud providers, including PROMETTEUR SOLUTIONS, AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. A popular misperception is that Kubernetes services compete with Docker directly, although this is not the case. Docker is a containerization technology, while Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that is often used to manage numerous Docker clusters.

Summary As the need for cloud systems, DevOps, and virtual machines grows, so will the demand for Kubernetes engineers. Hiring skilled and qualified Kubernetes engineers will guarantee that your cloud-based applications run well under all conditions.

So, if you want to recruit professional and pre-vetted Kubernetes engineers, go to Prometteur Solutions.com.

Prometteur Solutions’s AI-powered Intelligent Talent Cloud enables businesses to remotely source, assess, match, and manage the world’s top software engineers in only 3-5 days. Prometteur Solutions.com allows you to hire from a global talent pool of developers.

Do you want to hire DevOps developers in Mumbai for your development projects? Get in touch with us now and let us discuss your project and get working on ASAP!


What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration technology that can manage, scale, and automate software deployment.

Why do DevOps developers utilize Kubernetes?

Kubernetes facilitates DevOps by combining software systems’ development and maintenance phases to boost agility. Developers may inspect, access, deploy, update, and optimize container ecosystems using the Kubernetes user interface.

How should developers prepare for a Kubernetes job?

Developers should read the official Kubernetes documentation to understand more about the platform. They should practice using Minikube or Kind at home. Attempting to put up several API servers will also assist developers in preparing for Kubernetes tasks.

What distinguishes Kubernetes from Docker?

Docker and Kubernetes are both cloud-native open-source technologies. The key distinction between the two is that Docker may package containerized apps on a single machine. Kubernetes is a container-based application platform that is used to execute applications across a cluster.

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