Power BI vs. Tableau: Which Is the Better Data Visualization Software for Your Business?

By Prometteur solutions 20 Min Read

Here are some essential questions we attempted to answer with this article. 

  • Is Power BI or Tableau more user-friendly? 
  • What’s the difference between Power BI and Tableau? 
  • What benefits does Power BI have over Tableau? 
  • Which is more popular, Power BI or Tableau?

Continue reading to get the answers to these questions.

Data science innovations play a significant part in contemporary computing. However, to exploit any data, we must first interpret it, which is where data visualization comes in.


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What is data visualization?

The graphical depiction of information, frequently in the form of a chart, image, table, or diagram, is known as data visualization. Data visualization’s primary goal is to uncover trends, repetitive patterns, and anomalies in data. The four major phases of data visualization are as follows:

Presentation of Exploration Analysis Synthesis

Data analysts and scientists successfully evaluate, comprehend, and visualize information. Data visualization technologies assist them in communicating their insights via images, graphs, and charts. Data visualization technologies also turn data into a visually attractive manner that any layperson can comprehend.

Companies produce intelligent reports and dashboards using data visualization and analysis tools such as charts, widgets, pivot tables, and tabular view components. Data visualization assists company owners and stakeholders in gaining insights from a wide range of measurements and massive volumes of data.

Recognizing trends and faults aids in the improvement of productivity, detection of red flags, and management of business analytics. In addition, this feature aids in the formulation of crucial business choices, the development of business strategies, and the establishment of corporate objectives.

For data visualization, businesses utilize Tableau, QlikView, Grafana, Plotly, Chartist.js, Power BI, Datawrapper, Sisense, FusionCharts, and D3.js. Power BI and Tableau, on the other hand, are the world’s most popular data visualization applications.

What are the key distinctions between Power BI and Tableau?

What is Power BI?

In July 2011, Microsoft released Power BI (Business Intelligence) as a data visualization tool. Power BI is a business analytics platform that analyzes, visualizes, and extracts data for further processing.

Power BI offers pre-built SaaS dashboards and reports with real-time dashboard changes. Businesses utilize Power BI for predictive, self-service, and reporting analytics. Power BI stores business intelligence data and integrates with SaaS solutions like Google Analytics, Azure, Office 365, and others.

What is Tableau?

Tableau is a data visualization and business intelligence application for producing reports and analyzing huge datasets. Tableau allows users to build customized charts, maps, graphs, dashboards, stories, and other indicators.

Salesforce bought Tableau in August 2019. Tableau is adaptable and supports a wide range of database interfaces. Tableau is also quite simple to understand and needs no technical knowledge.

Tableau also provides a good connection with various data sources such as Excel files, JSON files, text files, and servers such as Tableau and Microsoft SQL servers.

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What are the key distinctions between Power BI and Tableau?


Power BI is less expensive than Tableau. The professional edition of Power BI costs $10 per person per month. Tableau Pro, on the other hand, costs more than $35 per user every month.

Rapidity and effectiveness

Power BI is speedier with smaller data sets but slows down with huge amounts of data. Conversely, Tableau can analyze massive amounts of data fast and has customization capabilities capable of portraying a broad variety of data points.

Customer service

With a free subscription, Power BI provides minimal customer assistance. On the other hand, the commercial edition of Power BI offers far quicker customer service. Conversely, Tableau offers excellent customer service and a large community forum for addressing issues.

Scaling Power BI is suited for small and medium-sized businesses. However, because of its flexibility to manage bigger data volumes, Tableau is ideal for medium and large-scale enterprises.

Report embedding

Using this functionality, you can easily embed reports with the ‘Embed’ option in Power BI. Users may embed and show reports on internal web portals. However, embedding reports for a different environment than 

Editor of queries

Users may change data in Power BI’s query editor before feeding it to data visualization applications. The ability to alter the data aids in separating undesirable portions, incorrect sections, and unstructured data. Tableau does not have this functionality. Users must manually change the data before putting it into Tableau.

Support for operating systems

Because Microsoft owns the Power BI data visualization software, it can only be used on Windows-based computers. Tableau, on the other hand, is compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems.

Simpleness of usage

Power BI is easy for novices with a minimal understanding of MS Excel. Tableau, on the other hand, is a little difficult to use, therefore it is best left to expert business analysts and experienced users.

Integrations of data analysis

Power BI may be linked with Microsoft Azure for data analysis and pattern identification in cloud operations. In addition, Tableau has built-in machine-learning features that may be used for data analysis.

In conclusion

Power BI and Tableau are both sophisticated data visualization solutions with distinct capabilities. You should choose one based on your needs, scalability, data size, and available resources.

According to current technology developments, professionals with data visualization knowledge are in high demand. However, given the demand-supply imbalance for such data specialists, it would be prudent to engage them today.

Do you need remote software engineers with data visualization experience for your business? Consider Prometteur Solutions!

Prometteur Solutions can assist you with hiring competent and experienced Power BI and Tableau engineers in as little as 3-5 days. Prometteur Solutions has a global developer talent pool of people. In addition, prometteur Solutions can help you expand your software development team by employing remote professionals.

So, what makes the platform unique? Here are the top seven advantages of Power BI:

  • Power BI can deliver business insight for many types of organizations (interactivity)
  • Power BI is safe.
  • Power BI effortlessly connects to a variety of data sources.
  • Power BI supports artificial intelligence.
  • Power BI is always being enhanced.
  • Power BI applications are an excellent way to share information. 

Do you want to Hire Power BI and Tableau developers in Mumbai for your development projects? Get in touch with us now and let us discuss your project and get working on ASAP!

Let’s take a closer look at these advantages

1. Power BI Can Provide All Business Intelligence

One of the most significant advantages of Power BI is that it enables businesses (of all sizes) to develop data-driven cultures better. A data-driven culture is one in which choices are made based on facts rather than sentiments or intuition.

Power BI assists businesses in accomplishing this challenging job by easily delivering business intelligence assets (such as real-time reports and dashboards) to everyone (if desired) in an organization. This has the impact of allowing a complete firm to make choices based on real-time and trustworthy data.

Power BI comes in two flavors: Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service. Because Power BI Desktop is completely free, anybody in an organization may download it and begin utilizing it right away. In addition, users may connect to data and produce reports with sophisticated visuals using Power BI Desktop.

These reports may subsequently be published (as dashboards) to Power BI’s cloud version, known as the Power BI service. It is under the Power BI service that reports may be published as dashboards for users to consume on any device and from any location.

The Power BI service is not free and must be used with a Power BI Pro subscription. To understand more, contact Prometteur Solutions now.

2. Power BI Makes Data Come Alive (Interactivity)

It becomes precious when data can deliver helpful business insights and create tales that assist decision-makers make better choices.

Power BI makes it simple to see data. Users may connect their data to Power BI and use visualizations like column charts, pie charts, bubble and heat maps, scatter plots, and more to construct stories about their data to learn and share insights.

Power BI Map Filled Screenshot of a choropleth

These visualizations are straightforward to implement, and Power BI’s capabilities makes it easy to drag and move graphics to generate intelligent, clear, and well-organized reports and dashboards.

Furthermore, these representations are interactive, which is a significant advantage of Power BI. Consumers may filter reports and dashboards, and then see their presentations alter and update in seconds to fit their newly applied filter needs – all to gain greater insight from their data.

3. Power BI is safe.

Power BI has a slew of security capabilities that allow customers to secure sensitive data while also meeting different security and compliance criteria. Power BI, for example, makes use of Microsoft’s Cloud App Security feature, which “provides extensive visibility, control over data movement, and advanced analytics to detect and battle cyberthreats across all of your Microsoft and third-party cloud services” (source).

Furthermore, Power BI’s sensitivity labels feature allows administrators to easily notify users and customers about which data/information is sensitive and should be treated differently. The popular Microsoft software also has encryption capabilities that increase data security.

Finally, developers may leverage Power BI’s row-level security (RLS) features to design and assign distinct responsibilities to different users. This security feature is handy for firms that have data that should only be seen by certain workers (or groups).

4. Power BI is simple to connect to a variety of data sources.

I won’t spend too much effort on this Power BI advantage. The powerful data analytics platform can connect to a wide range of data sources, including file data sources such as Excel and CSV, database sources such as Oracle database and Snowflake, and web data sources such as Salesforce and Adobe Analytics.

Furthermore, the interface between Power BI and Excel is great, allowing you to “simply [move] all of your existing Excel queries, data models, and reports to Power BI—without learning a new application or language” (source).

5. Power BI supports artificial intelligence.

Power BI has artificial intelligence features that enable customers to get more out of their data and reports. It provides three sophisticated AI visualizations developers can utilize to delve deeper into their data, gain insights, and detect potentially difficult-to-find patterns.

6. Power BI is Constantly Improving

Microsoft continues to invest in Power BI, demonstrating a strong commitment to making it one of the world’s most valued and helpful data analytics tools. As a result, the program is routinely updated with new capabilities, and old functions are often modified and enhanced.

7. Power BI Apps – A Great Way to Share Content

Power BI apps are an extremely straightforward method for report creators to provide Power BI material to customers, whether huge groups, a whole enterprise or even just one individual.

Throughout our consulting work at Prometteur Solutions we’ve experienced firsthand the usefulness of Power BI tools. For example, we recently assisted a huge retail firm in fully using this capability. After helping our client in improving their data, implementing Power BI, and creating essential reports and dashboards, we assisted them in developing a sophisticated Power BI app to share their Power BI information with other personnel successfully.

The Advantages of Using Tableau Data Visualization

Tableau enables complicated calculations, data mixing, and dashboarding to generate appealing representations. In addition, the visualizations provide insights that are difficult to get from a spreadsheet.

Interactive visualization

The hashtag and drop functionality in Tableau allows users to build highly dynamic graphics. Within a few minutes, an infinite number of graphics are created.

Implementation simplicity

Tableau improves the user experience by offering a variety of visualization choices. In addition, tableau does not need coding knowledge, making it simple to show data in a short amount of time.

Deal with massive volumes of data

Tableau efficiently manages massive volumes of data. Without changing the dashboard, data is utilized to produce multiple visualizations. It effectively processes both live and static data, as well as data from a variety of external sources.

Support for mobile devices and a dynamic dashboard

The Tableau dashboard features enable users to adjust it for specific devices such as smartphones or laptops. It detects any device’s screen resolution and guarantees that reports are shown effectively.

Outstanding performance

Tableau’s overall performance is solid and secure. It efficiently manages large quantities of data and generates many visualizations with a single click.

Geodata interpretation

Tableau identifies geodata and assists users in seeing and understanding how it is dispersed geographically.

Charts are combined.

Tableau users may combine many charts to create interactive, meaningful dashboards that help analysis. Then, a single section of the chart or graphic is examined in depth to learn more about the data.

It saves time.

Businesses that use Tableau may save a substantial amount of time by evaluating data quickly. In addition, data from current Excel sheets is also converted to Tableau to expedite work completion.

Decisions based on data

Tableau ensures that data informs all business choices. It correctly analyzes data and facilitates quick decision-making. As a result, it reduces decision-making delays and saves the company time.


Because it interfaces with the current computer infrastructure and data sources, Tableau is more adaptable than other analytics solutions.

Complete software

A tableau is a full-fledged program that does not need any other tools or hardware to perform. It can handle any data and show it in a matter of seconds.

Access to scripting languages

Tableau users may utilize Python to conduct complicated computations, minimize performance difficulties, and optimize dashboards.

Businesses must employ a vast quantity of data in their daily operations. Tableau with OLAP assists businesses by increasing earnings and decreasing operational expenses. In addition, it makes data visually appealing and dynamic, allowing organizations to make rapid judgments.

It enables firms to keep up with developing technologies and stay ahead of their competition by innovatively displaying their data.

These are the benefits of using a tableau. I hope you found this information interesting. If you have any questions or recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you want to Hire Power BI and Tableau developers in Delhi for your development projects? Get in touch with us now and let us discuss your project and get working on ASAP!


Is Power BI or Tableau more user-friendly?

Power BI is often more straightforward for both novice and expert users. However, tableau has a steeper learning curve than Power BI. 

Is Power BI The Best?

Power BI is the premier data analytics, business intelligence, and reporting solution. Power BI is, in the view of leading global technology consulting firms, one of the most extensively utilized data analytics tools by professionals due to its business approach.

Should I prefer Tableau over Power BI?

Only seasoned business analysts and data visualizers prefer Tableau over Power BI.

What benefits does Power BI have over Tableau?

Power BI outperforms Tableau in many ways, including auto-refreshing features, AI/ML support, Power Query for data wrangling, and rapid dashboard presentation. Power BI also includes options for embedding reporting, rapid deployment, and hybrid setup.

Which is more popular, Power BI or Tableau?

Tableau had a 13 percent market share in 2021, with over 31,500 firms utilizing it as data visualization software. On the other hand, Power BI had a 5.4 percent market share, with over 13,000 firms using it for data visualization.

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