Mobile Compatibility Testing: Here are the Importance

By Prometteur solutions 15 Min Read

Mobile compatibility testing enables and ensures that an application meets the various devices-browser-OS requirements (Shormistha Chatterjee, 2023).

Mobile apps have become very popular because of their importance to people’s lifestyles and businesses. However, this popularity does not exempt the app from failing to meet expectations or having any vulnerability issues.

One of the most common issues is mobile compatibility, which is crucial for success because it impacts the user experience. To this end, there is a need for compatibility testing on every mobile app before they are finally launched to the ideal users.

What is Mobile Compatibility Testing?

Compatibility testing follows a process that determines how and if two or more software apps can work together without glitches or usability issues. Mobile compatibility testing is done to ensure that the mobile works with relevant integrated software.

Mobile compatibility testing comes with several benefits but one of the biggest and most common is that it helps prevent mobile app defects, errors and glitches from disrupting the integrations and function of the app on devices.

Simply put, compatibility testing eradicates the possibility of encountering issues or glitches on the users’ side.

Types of Mobile Compatibility Testing

There are different types of compatibility testing. Let us look at them in this section

Forward compatibility testing

This type of software compatibility testing involves testing processes that are designed to determine a computer’s hardware or software compatibility with updated releases of a product. Forwarded compatibility testing is very important for applications that go through regular upgrades because sometimes an upgrade may lead to some bugs or glitches in the app. 

Here are the different ways by which you can perform the forward software compatibility testing;

  • Hardware compatibility test
  • Software compatibility test
  • Field test
  • Compatibility definition
  • Compatibility verification

Backward software compatibility testing 

This is the second type and it follows a designed testing process that will ensure that new products can easily work with older ones. Backward compatibility testing may sometimes be done using the same software to check how it will behave with the old system. 

A popular instance is during an upgrade or change of operating systems to newer ones. 

Of course, after an upgrade, you would wish to have your mobile app to be compatible with the new versions, this is why you should take the testing seriously.

App Compatibility Testing Processes

Mobile compatibility testing includes making early preparations because it involves installations of different kinds, the use of different browsers, hardware configurations and network systems. But before you dive into it, ensure you have your testing teams on the ground and a ready-to-use app.

After ensuring the above are all set, have your list of devices, browsers OS, and your testing platforms ready.  Make sure you choose a platform that your testers are familiar with using. Familiarity will help them to interact and test, as well as easily record their tests to share the results with you.

The next stage is to ensure there is a testing environment for your testers to use so they can implement their tests.

During and after the software compatibility tests, ensure you properly monitor your testers so that they will send all the test reports to you in the right way. Having received their reports, go through, and review carefully.

Embracing Automated Testing Tools

One of the best strategies for mobile compatibility testing is to utilise automation. It does not serve to replace manual testing but to enhance the whole process.

Automation testing can cover more and wider test cases within a shorter period than manual testing.

Automation is also more accurate, less stressful and requires minimal human input for best results

Here is how to use test automation with Selenium

Manual Testing Techniques for Mobile Compatibility

Another important tool for testing is the manual testing. This is the opposite of test automation. Manual testing requires human input to get the required results.

While manual testing is slower than automation, it can sometimes be more reliable. This is because the users are real humans who take their time to do the job, observe and send in helpful reports and recommendations.

Incorporating User Feedback in Testing Processes

User feedback is very important in achieving successful mobile app compatibility testing. They can help in giving development team the insights on what works well and what needs improvement.

You can also consider collecting user testimonials and useful feedback from customers. This will help to filter the nose

Written or video testimonials can influence potential users and build trust.

Positive reviews generate organic publicity, which plays an important role in purchase decisions.

Importance of Compatibility Testing

Mobile compatibility testing is a crucial component of mobile app development. As a result, the software development team enjoys several advantages. Think about releasing a mobile app without first doing a compatibility test so you can get a good picture of these advantages.

It’s likely that as soon as the app enters the app store, users will start experiencing issues due to the lack of cross-platform testing. Users will begin to express their dissatisfaction with the app’s performance, UX, UI, and navigation.

In the worst circumstances, the absence of compatibility testing might potentially impact the functioning capabilities of your program. Some of the application’s most essential features may stop functioning under the new setting. Therefore, the absence of compatibility testing might set your mobile application for failure.

At the same time, the software team will not be able to better the software development process by using the input acquired during compatibility testing. Consequently, they won’t be able to accurately record essential data concerning the reliability, usability, and scalability of the program.

Last but not least, the team won’t know about compatibility problems until after the program has been released because most of the time they are only discovered through feedback. This means that fixing these issues will be more difficult and time-consuming for the team.

However, by doing compatibility testing, your team will be able to confirm the mobile app’s functionalities for both business and end users. Improvements in quality and functionality mean happier customers.

Giving users a pleasurable experience will lead to recommendations and word-of-mouth advertising for your app. This would lead to the app rapidly gaining a sizable user base.

Important Tools for Compatibility Testing

  • LambdaTest
  • Ranorex Studio
  • Browsershots
  • Sauce Labs
  • TestingBot
  • TestComplete
  • Experitest
  • Function
  • Turbo Browser Sandbox
  • Browserling

How to Perform Compatibility Testing 

We already iterated that compatibility testing (both web compatibility testing and mobile compatibility testing) is a serious step in ensuring you have a good software app. Let us walk you through the different steps you need to take to ensure you perform the best software compatibility tests.

1. Decide what you want to test

The first step in performing your software compatibility testing is to decide to perform the test. Your decision must be very clear as to what you want. Are you looking towards testing an app or a website?

2. Create a test scenario

You have decided to perform your test, so now it is time to create your test scenario. At this stage, you just need to know the best test environment to use for your app testing.

3. Perform the compatibility test

Going forward on your web compatibility testing and mobile compatibility testing, you have reached the stage where you must perform the actual tests. Have your testers read with their testing tools and perform your compatibility test.

4. Analyse the results

Make sure you monitor the testing stages and record the test results. Now in this stage, you must perform your test analysis.

5. Take corrective action

During your test implementation, there is a stage called the corrective stage where you may need to implement corrective actions against programs that do not meet your set standards. This is the stage.

6. Repeat the process

You may not get the required results at a go so you may need to redo the test. No worries, sometimes compatibility testing (both web compatibility testing and mobile compatibility testing) can be frustrating but trust us when we say it is with the stress.

7. Make a decision

Now you have done all the above steps of the test. It is time to use the result to make a grand decision. Maybe you want to purchase the software or you want to launch it for the first time in the market. If the issues identified are something you can afford to fix, go ahead and fix them. Whatever your decision, use the test results as your guide.

Why Perform Mobile Compatibility Testing?

Mobile compatibility testing aims at checking if your app will perform well on different devices. Mobile compatibility testing follows processes that ensure your app performs the same way on different devices. This is great for mobile app developers.

Shall we see some benefits of mobile compatibility testing?

1. One of the top benefits of mobile compatibility testing is to ensure that your app works well on different devices. With this advantage in your business, you will have more users with positive feedback and reviews which will help in the ranking of your business on search engines.

2. Another benefit of mobile compatibility testing is that it helps you not only identify but address issues at an early stage before they grow too big to handle without incurring many losses.

3. Furthermore the benefit of mobile compatibility testing is that the process helps you to determine common features because your testers who are like ideal users will help you to figure out the best features in your mobile app. You on the other hand will have the opportunity to improve those features for better usability and compatibility.

4. Lastly on our list of benefits of mobile compatibility testing is how it helps you to test your mobile app on different devices and get relevant feedback to make improvements in those areas. 

Considerations for Compatibility Test

There are a few things that you must take into consideration. when you are conducting mobile compatibility tests. 

Here are they;

  • Access the website and app on different devices. 
  • Testing on a variety of devices 
  • Access the website and app on different networks. 
  • Test the website and app on different browsers. 

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What is software compatibility testing?

Compatibility testing is a type of software testing that is used as a validation method to guarantee that the intended program works properly across platforms as specified in the requirement specification.

What is forward compatibility testing?

It is a type of compatibility testing that ensures that the generated software will perform properly with future versions of the platforms on which it has been installed.

What is backward compatibility testing?

Backward compatibility testing ensures that generated software performs correctly on the backward version of the operating system on which it is installed.

How Does Compatibility Testing Work?

Have a comprehensive understanding of the platform on which the app will run; everyone engaged in the process must be well-versed in the platform.

Set up the setting and execute a trial run before the main test.

Report the problems properly and ensure that they are resolved. If you discover new problems, ensure that the old fix is still functional after the correction.

What are the Compatibility Testing Tools?

The use of tools makes the procedure considerably easier., LambdaTest, Ranorex Studio, Browsershots, TestComplete, Turbo Browser Sandbox, Browsera, and other major tools are utilized in the business.

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