6 Must-Do Things When You Perform Game Testing

By Prometteur solutions 12 Min Read

Game testing is an essential part of the game development process. It involves playing a game to find and report any bugs, glitches, or other issues that may affect the game’s performance, user experience, or overall quality. To ensure a game’s success, it is crucial to conduct effective game testing. In this article, we will discuss each of these must-do things in detail to give you a better understanding of how to perform effective game testing.

The importance of game testing

Game testing is a critical component in the game development process as it helps ensure the quality and stability of the game. By testing the game thoroughly, developers can identify and fix bugs, glitches, and other issues before releasing the game to the public. This ultimately leads to a better gaming experience for the players and increases the chances of the game’s success in the market.

The fundamental steps involved in game testing are outlined as follows:

Requirement Gathering:

Testers must acquire a comprehensive understanding of the game’s requirements, including the storyboard, game structure, features, characters, rules, game points, and levels. This understanding helps them develop an effective testing strategy.

Development of Game Testing Strategy:

The game testing strategy must cover various aspects, including the testing timeline, testers involved, the number of testing cycles, in-scope and out-scope items, types of testing to be conducted, testing for potential risks, service level agreements, risks and mitigation, defect finding process, reporting process, and hardware components such as Joy stick, Console, and Wi-Fi devices that are not typically part of the game testing environment.

Creation of Test Cases:

Testers must design both positive and negative test cases. They can employ several effective testing techniques, such as critical path testing, exception path testing, boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, and error guessing to design the test cases.

Execution of Test Cases:

This step involves the identification of more defects in a specific gaming environment and hardware configuration. Additionally, alpha and beta testing, as well as testing for specific age groups, can enhance the game’s quality. Content testing is also essential to ensure that the game content is appropriate for viewers and understandable.

Recording of Test Results:

The testers must record the results of the game testing conducted. This record helps them understand the error patterns and improve upon them.

Defect Categorization:

All identified defects must be recorded and categorized according to priority. This process simplifies the task of reworking the errors for developers.

After game testing is performed, the game is sent to the clients for feedback. Based on the feedback received, further improvements are made before delivering the game to the market for audiences to enjoy a seamless gaming experience.

Perform Functional Testing

Explanation of functional testing:

Functional testing is a type of software testing that ensures that the game’s features, mechanics, and functionalities work as intended. It involves testing the game’s behavior under different scenarios and user actions to verify that the game functions properly without any errors.

Types of functional testing:

There are several types of functional testing that you can perform during game testing, including:

  • Smoke Testing: It is a quick test that is performed to ensure that the game is working correctly before proceeding to further testing.
  • Regression Testing: It is a type of testing that ensures that the game’s existing functionalities have not been affected by any changes made in the game.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): It is a type of testing where the game is tested by actual users to verify that the game meets their requirements and is user-friendly.
  • Boundary Testing: It is a type of testing where the game’s input parameters are tested to ensure that the game functions correctly when input values are at the limits.
  • Error Handling Testing: It is a type of testing where the game is tested to verify that it can handle errors and exceptions correctly.

Checklist for functional testing:

To perform functional testing effectively, you can use the following checklist:

  • Verify that all the game’s features and functionalities work as intended.
  • Ensure that the game is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Verify that the game is responsive and performs well under different scenarios.
  • Test the game under different conditions, such as different hardware and software configurations.
  • Verify that the game meets the client’s requirements and specifications.
  • Ensure that the game does not crash or freeze during gameplay.

Common issues to look out for:

During functional testing, you should watch out for the following common issues:

  • Bugs or errors in the game’s functionalities.
  • Inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the game’s behavior.
  • User interface issues, such as confusing or cluttered menus.
  • Performance issues, such as slow loading times or lag.
  • Compatibility issues with different hardware or software configurations.
  • Security vulnerabilities, such as exploitable loopholes or weak encryption.

Test User Experience (UX)

Explanation of UX testing:

User Experience (UX) testing refers to the evaluation of how a user interacts with a game and how they feel while playing it. UX testing is important to ensure that the game provides a satisfactory and enjoyable experience for the user.

Types of UX testing:

  • Usability testing: This type of testing evaluates how easy it is for a user to navigate and interact with the game.
  • A/B testing: A/B testing is used to compare two versions of a game to determine which one provides a better user experience.
  • Focus groups: A focus group involves gathering a group of users to discuss and provide feedback on the game.
  • Surveys: Surveys are used to gather feedback from users about their experience playing the game.

Checklist for UX testing:

  • Are the game mechanics easy to understand and use?
  • Does the game provide a satisfying and enjoyable experience for the user?
  • Is the user interface (UI) easy to navigate?
  • Does the game provide clear instructions and feedback to the user?
  • Are the controls responsive and intuitive?
  • Is the game accessible for users with disabilities?

Common issues to look out for:

  • Confusing game mechanics
  • Poor UI design
  • Unresponsive controls
  • Lack of instructions and feedback
  • Inaccessible design for users with disabilities

Ensure Compatibility

Compatibility testing is the process of testing a game to ensure that it runs smoothly on various devices and platforms. Compatibility testing is important to ensure that the game is accessible to a wide range of users.

Types of compatibility testing:

  • Cross-platform testing: This type of testing is used to ensure that the game runs smoothly on different operating systems and devices.
  • Browser compatibility testing: This type of testing is used to ensure that the game runs smoothly on different web browsers.
  • Device compatibility testing: This type of testing is used to ensure that the game runs smoothly on different devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

Checklist for compatibility testing:

  • Does the game run smoothly on different operating systems and devices?
  • Does the game run smoothly on different web browsers?
  • Does the game run smoothly on different screen resolutions?
  • Are there any compatibility issues with specific hardware or software configurations?

Common issues to look out for:

  • Crashes or freezes on specific devices or platforms
  • Compatibility issues with specific web browsers
  • Display issues on specific screen resolutions

Security Testing

Security testing is the process of testing a game to ensure that it is secure and protected against potential security threats, such as hacking or unauthorized access.

Types of security testing:

  • Vulnerability testing: This type of testing is used to identify vulnerabilities in the game’s code and design.
  • Penetration testing: This type of testing involves attempting to hack into the game to identify potential security weaknesses.
  • Authentication testing: This type of testing is used to evaluate the game’s authentication and authorization processes.

Checklist for security testing:

  • Are all data inputs and outputs secure?
  • Are the game’s authentication and authorization processes secure?
  • Are there any potential vulnerabilities in the game’s code or design?
  • Is the game protected against common security threats, such as hacking and unauthorized access?

Common issues to look out for:

  • Vulnerabilities in the game’s code or design
  • Weak authentication and authorization processes
  • Lack of encryption for sensitive data.


Game testing is a crucial aspect of delivering a high-quality product to consumers. It involves the process of identifying and fixing any bugs, glitches, or issues that may affect the gameplay experience of the user. Game testing ensures that the game is functional, stable, and provides a smooth experience to the user.

A well-tested game not only improves the overall experience of the player but also minimizes the possibility of negative reviews and refunds. Testing also helps developers to identify any potential flaws or loopholes in the game, which may be exploited by malicious actors. It also provides insights into user behavior, preferences, and patterns that can help developers to make informed decisions about future updates and releases.

In conclusion, game testing plays a critical role in the development of high-quality games. It helps to ensure that the final product is functional, stable, and provides a seamless user experience. The investment in game testing can pay off in the long run, as it can lead to higher user satisfaction, better reviews, and a more successful game.

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