Translation of Manual Test Cases to Automation Script: Know How?

By Prometteur solutions 16 Min Read


Hey there! We understand the challenges you face when it comes to automating your manual test cases. Translating them into automation scripts can indeed be a complex task, but fear not, as we’re here to guide you through the process and make it smoother than ever!

Automating your test cases can bring a world of benefits, such as increased efficiency and accuracy. By leveraging automation, you can save valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on more critical aspects of your work.

In this post, we’ll dive deep into the art of translating manual test cases to automation scripts. We’ll explore the best practices and techniques that can help you seamlessly bridge the gap between manual and automated testing. With these insights, you’ll be equipped to transform your manual test cases into robust and reliable automation scripts.

We’ll also share some valuable tips to make the entire process easier for you. From selecting the right automation framework to designing reusable test scripts, we’ll provide you with actionable advice that will streamline your automation journey.

So, if you’re ready to unlock the power of automation and take your testing efforts to the next level, stay tuned. We’re here to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to conquer the challenge of translating manual test cases to automation scripts. Get ready to witness the magic of automation unfold before your eyes!

Read on to learn more.

Translation of Manual Test Cases to Automation Script

State of the AUT

The segment precondition is just a particular condition of the foundation that must be established for a given advance to be executed.

Test Steps

The manual test steps may be divided into three categories:

The information sections 

– Data passing steps are where you input data to contribute to your AUT.

Change of AUT State Stages: Unveiling the Transformation

Let’s explore some of the ways through which your AUT can transform and evolve during testing.

Navigation to Another Page: One common way to alter the AUT state is by navigating to a different page within the application. This change can trigger new elements, features, or interactions, offering a fresh perspective and testing opportunities.

Field Visibility: Making a certain field or element visible can dynamically modify the behavior of your AUT. This can involve revealing hidden information, enabling additional options, or prompting user input, providing valuable insights into the application’s response.

Editable Fields: By making a previously non-editable field editable, you introduce the potential for user input and interaction. This allows you to verify how the AUT handles data entry, validation, and any associated changes triggered by user inputs.

Checkbox Activation: 

Combining different elements, such as checkboxes, with dynamic behavior can create unique conditions within your AUT. For instance, activating a checkbox might unlock or enable specific fields or functionalities, providing a tailored user experience based on user preferences.

Through these various transformation stages, you can effectively capture and assess the behavior and responsiveness of your AUT. By carefully orchestrating these changes during your testing process, you can uncover potential bugs, inconsistencies, or performance issues, ultimately ensuring the reliability and robustness of your application.

Automation steps: 

The information section stages in the automation test script and manual procedures are not dissimilar. Everything you do is an entry of data. The way you refer to the field is distinctive. Because the methods will be performed by the machine, we merely need to ensure that we refer to the fields in the AUT in a manner that the device understands. That is, you must use the same consistent name that is used in the QA test scripts.

In a manual setting, you play out the action and approve the change at the same time for Change of AUT/Combination example test cases for beginners. However, in an automated setting, this is not possible. As a result, we must add action and approval/checkpoint stages.

Notes on readability.

Debugging Declarations: Illuminating Your Test Journey

Let’s explore two common approaches for incorporating debugging declarations into your testing workflow.

Message Boxes for Perceptibility: Message boxes can be your trusted companions during test execution. By strategically placing message boxes at key points within your test script, you can display various values, variables, or messages relevant to the current state of the test. This provides you with real-time visibility and helps you understand the flow of execution, identify any anomalies, and validate the correctness of the test steps. 

Proclamations of Success: Another effective approach is to log your test execution details externally. This can be done by writing down important information in a notebook, a dedicated scratch pad, or even an Excel spreadsheet. By documenting success statements, such as the completion of a test step or the expected output, you create a tangible record of the test’s progress. This external logging helps you track the overall success of the test, identify patterns or trends, and analyze any deviations or errors that may occur during execution.

By leveraging these debugging declaration techniques, you enhance your ability to comprehend and control your test scenarios. Whether through interactive message boxes or external logging, these practices empower you to observe the inner workings of your test and gain deeper insights into its execution.


All testing objectives would be rendered useless when they are not properly checked and approved. Experts will advise that test cases are safer when performed manually, especially for online applications. 

Test Data

Some questions you should consider answering for your sample test cases for manual testing requirements:

Where to put it?

To hard code or not to hard code?

Concerns on security?

Concerns on reusability?

Looking back at the manual test script, you’ll see that having access to the test information, including the login and password, is one of the prerequisites for attempting to start the test.


In the real outcome area of a manual test case, you may enter the result of each advancement. However, the result record of an automation tool comprises the aftereffect of each stage when completed.

Why is Automation Important?

It is not only cost-effective, but it is also important to have automation in order to maintain a high quality of translation. The reason for this is that manual translation is time-consuming and produces errors. With automation, these errors can be eliminated and the translation can be made more quickly and accurately.

Translation of Manual Test Cases to Automation Script Some Hard Facts

  • Manual test cases are a great way to ensure accuracy and precision in your software. However, translating them to automation scripts can be difficult and time-consuming.
  • If you’re not familiar with automation scripts, they’re code executed automatically by your software in order to perform certain tasks or operations. Automation scripts can be used for things like system testing, debugging, and performance optimization.
  • So, translating manual test cases into automation scripts requires the right knowledge and tools. This ensures smooth and successful transitions. Always remember this; transitioning from manual to automation testing is a journey that requires patience and practice. 
  • By investing time and effort into acquiring the right knowledge and tools, you can streamline your testing process, save time, and achieve more accurate and precise results.

What are the benefits of Automation

Automation plays a crucial role in various industries, including the translation industry and the business world, by streamlining processes and improving efficiency. Here are some key points highlighting the benefits of automation:

  • Increased Efficiency
  • Improved Accuracy
  • Enhanced Workflow
  • Cost Savings
  • Consistency and Standardization
  • Workplace Safety and Environmental Considerations

By embracing automation, businesses can unlock numerous benefits, including improved efficiency, accuracy, and workflow. It allows organizations to leverage technology to their advantage, freeing up human resources for more valuable and strategic activities, ultimately leading to increased productivity and success.

What are the Prerequisites for Automation?

Automation indeed offers several advantages when it comes to test automation. By automating manual test cases, you can streamline your testing process and achieve greater efficiency and accuracy. 

Here are some key points to consider:

Time-saving and Efficiency:  Automated tests can be executed repeatedly and consistently, reducing the overall testing time and enabling faster feedback on the application’s quality.

Improved Accuracy: Automated tests follow predefined steps and rules, reducing the chances of oversight or mistakes in test execution.

Scalability and Reusability: Once created, automation scripts can be reused across different test cycles, enabling efficient regression testing and reducing maintenance efforts.

Workflow Enhancement: By automating repetitive and mundane tasks, testers can dedicate more time to strategic testing activities, ultimately improving the overall workflow.

Test Coverage and Consistency:  It ensures consistent test execution, reducing the risk of missed test steps and increasing overall test coverage.

Traceability and Reporting: Automation tools provide detailed logs and reports, allowing testers to track the execution of test cases, identify failures, and analyze results efficiently. 

However, it’s important to strike a balance between automation and manual testing. Not all test cases may be suitable for automation, particularly those requiring human judgment, exploratory testing, or usability evaluation. 

Evaluation of the Automation Script

Regular evaluation of automation scripts is crucial to ensure their effectiveness and reliability. 

Here are some additional benefits to consider:

  • Error Analysis: This helps identify potential problems or defects in the script and allows for timely fixes and improvements.
  • Result Validation: By comparing the actual outcomes with the anticipated ones, you can ensure that the script is functioning correctly and producing accurate results.
  • Maintenance and Updates: Regular evaluation helps keep the script up to date and aligned with the latest requirements.
  • Performance Optimization: By assessing execution times, resource utilization, and other performance metrics, you can identify potential bottlenecks or areas for optimization, leading to enhanced script performance.
  • Test Coverage Assessment: This helps ensure comprehensive testing and minimizes the risk of missing critical areas.
  • Feedback and Continuous: It allows you to gather insights from testers, stakeholders, and end users, enabling continuous improvement of the automation strategy and script development practices.

Remember that evaluation should be an ongoing process throughout the automation journey.

whichever method you choose, make sure to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Evaluate the automation script on a regular basis
  2. Document the results of the evaluation
  3. Make changes to the automation script as needed

Challenges in Transitioning Manual Test Cases to Automation:

Do you know that translating manual test cases to automation scripts can be extremely challenging, depending on the complexity of the manual test case?

Here are some of the challenges:

The need for automation: 

Even if you cannot alter an established practice, you may modify one to meet the needs of the situation. As a result, automation necessitates the involvement of both management and the development team.

Automating a whole application: 

Completely automating an application can sometimes be a complex and pain-staking undertaking or task that needs a significant amount of effort, careful design, and monitoring.

Manual-to-Automation mentality: 

Criteria should be established for test cases to be separated based on demographics or other categories specified by the customer. These may cover business logic, risk considerations, and so on.

The most crucial aspect of testing is the design and use of an appropriate framework. Rather than concentrating on scripts, we should consider how to create a framework that makes writing and maintenance simple.

Team knowledge: 

The team must be well-versed in automation and completely accept responsibility for it, as this will improve the competence of each resource.


It is no news that sometimes, test cases can consume a lot of our testing times. Also, it is sometimes not an easy task to just search and find an automation tester to attend to our needs within a short period. This is where we come in to serve you. At Prometteur, we offer fast team building of expert testers for your online apps and websites. We can help you assemble the best testing team within a short period so you will not have to waste your working hours searching for experts to get on your testing team. We get that burden off your shoulders!


Is it advisable to translate my manual test cases to automation script?

Yes, it is. You can reach out to us and we will offer you the best services including building you a robust test automation team.

Why is Automation Important?

  • It is important for the following reasons;
  • It is cost effective
  • It is easier to maintain high quality with test automation
  • It saves time
  • It eliminates manual testing errors
  • It is fast and accurate

What are some important things to know before translating manual test cases to automated script?

  • You must get a good knowledge and understanding of automation
  • You need to know the difference between manual and automated testing
  • You need to know the right tools you will be needing
  • You need to hire the best automation testing companies
  • Want to know more? Get in touch with us
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