Is it better to launch the website or the mobile app first for a startup? | Mobile App Development Company in India | Prometteur Solutions

Is it better to launch the website or the mobile app first for a startup?

Case Study

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Is it better to launch the website or the mobile app first for a startup?

It is absolutely crucial to choose the right platform for your debut minimum viable product (MVP). Every entrepreneur and startup enthusiastic are confused to decide one among mobile vs web battle.

Based on Prometteur Solutions experience in building the web, native, hybrid and cross-platform apps for marketplaces, e-commerce and websites, we recommend mobile application over the web.

We decided to come up with series of questions to help you out for a better decision on your development approach.

Growth rate: How fast has mobile app usage been growing?

Smartphone adoption surpassed 81% in the year 2016 and became a basic need for everyone.

 How fast has mobile app usage been growing?

How fast has mobile app usage been growing?

The smartphone users are doubled in last five years. Mobile users spend more time on the internet with their mobile app, according to a newly released report by ComScore, mobile apps including facebook engage user more with the mobile app than desktop. Accounting 52% of the time spent using digital media.

According to data released by StatCounter mobile internet usage surpassed desktop usage for the first time. The report states that mobile devices hold 51.3% of share in all web visits made in the month October 2016.

Internet Usage Worldwide

Internet Usage Worldwide

Frequency: How often are people using apps on each device?

In last five years, smartphone penetration made the user mobile addict, mobile app usage increased by 52%. Here is the graphical presentation of traffic received by top ranking websites from mobile app and web or desktop.

Traffic statistic from device

Traffic statistic for Mobile vs Desktop

Almost all the top ranking sites receiving high traffic from mobile apps, Facebook also disclosed the information that revenue generated from mobile is higher than the web.

User engagement: What percentage of time are consumers spending on their top apps?

Mobile users are spending an average of 2 hours and 42 minutes per day on their devices in which 22 minutes per day are spent in the browser, with the balance of time focused on applications. Mobile users spend 86% of the time on mobile apps.

User engagement on mobile apps

User engagement on mobile apps

Freedom in Designing: Which platform is more compatible with user-friendly design?

Even with technological advancements in web designing, mobile websites have to rely a lot on browsers to perform even the most elementary functions. Mobile websites depend on browser features like ‘back button,’ ‘refresh button,’ and ‘address bar’ to work. Dislike web mobile app don’t have any of these restrictions.
A mobile app can be designed with high flexibility in design with a lot of functions, based on advanced gestures like ‘tap,’ ‘swipe,’ ‘drag,’ ‘hold,’ and much more.

3d Touch

Apps can use these gestures as shortcuts to offer innovative functionality. For example, apple offers 3D touch for more option to perform a task better.

Notifications: Do you need ease in sending notifications?

The most preferred way for business communication was email for last two decades but it has lost the effectiveness today. Now email has been replaced by notifications for quick action from the user. Even with notifications can be sent via web, the rate of blocking notifications on web is extremely high.

The ability to send instant, non-intrusive notifications to users has so desired that it is one of the major reasons why many businesses want to have a mobile app in the first place.

Why mobile First?

While the spectacular growth of apps transpired quickly, this shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. After all, apps are the fuel that is driving mobile’s growth and where most of the devices’ utility comes from. They allow you to perform tasks such as leasing a cab, checking the weather, posting on social media, streaming music, watching videos, playing a game, and much more.

About The Author

Pradip Thakar is Co-Founder and Director at Prometteur Solutions Pvt Ltd. He is passionate entrepreneur and technocrat . He has experience in Design, Business Development and Startup consulting and mentoring. He prefers business readings and loves traveling.

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