Automation Test For Website and Web Apps Using Selenium

By Prometteur solutions 20 Min Read

Automation Testing For Website and Web Apps Using Selenium

What do you do when you need to make sure your website or app meets user expectations and manual testing takes forever to get the job done? You must employ a reliable test automation tool like Selenium to do the magic.

Selenium is the perfect choice for automation testing for websites. It is easy to use and fast, allowing you to build reliable test suites that save time and money quickly. With Selenium, you can soon write automated tests that run across different browsers in parallel, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. And it’s affordable so you don’t have to break your budget. 

Before starting automation testing web apps using Selenium, you must have a Selenium server and a browser. The Selenium server is where the Selenium tests will be conducted. The browser is the software that will be used to interact with the web application being tested.

Importance of Automation testing web apps using Selenium

Automation testing web apps using Selenium is crucial for a number of reasons. Priority one: It makes a considerable time and financial contribution. Repetitive test cases can be executed fast and easily by automating the testing process, minimizing the requirement for manual intervention. This helps organizations save money because it saves a significant amount of time and work.

Additionally, automation testing web apps using Selenium offers quicker input on the caliber of web apps. Early in the development process, flaws, errors, and other problems can be quickly found by testers, giving developers time to fix them. This makes it easier to provide high-quality web apps on schedule and guarantees client satisfaction.

The enhanced test coverage attained by Automation testing web apps using Selenium is a major additional factor. Testers may make sure that various input data combinations, situations, and edge cases are adequately evaluated by having the capacity to design and run a large number of test cases. This enhances the dependability and durability of online applications.

Regression testing benefits greatly from automation testing. Regression testing is crucial to verify that new adjustments do not have unwanted side effects or break existing functionality as web apps go through changes or updates. With Automation testing web apps using Selenium, testers can quickly run regression test suites again to confirm the app’s reliability following updates.

The greater test coverage attained by automation testing web apps using Selenium

 is a major additional factor. Testers may make sure that various input data combinations, situations, and edge cases are adequately evaluated by having the capacity to design and run a large number of test cases. This enhances the dependability and durability of online applications.

Regression testing benefits greatly from automation testing. Regression testing is crucial to verify that new adjustments do not have unwanted side effects or break existing functionality as web apps go through changes or updates. When automation testing web apps using Selenium, testers may quickly run regression test suites to confirm the program’s reliability following changes.

Cross-browser compatibility is a significant consideration for web apps, and Selenium enables testers to validate app functionality across multiple browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. This capability ensures a consistent user experience across different platforms and helps identify and resolve browser-specific issues.

Integration with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines is another advantage of automation testing using Selenium. By integrating automated test scripts into the CI/CD workflow, organizations can achieve continuous testing, providing immediate feedback on app stability and quality at each stage. This facilitates rapid software updates and ensures that new features do not introduce regressions.

Additionally, automation testing web apps using Selenium removes the chance of human error, which can happen with manual testing. Test scripts run by Selenium enable precise and consistent testing, improving the process’ overall accuracy and lowering the likelihood of false positives or negatives.

Selenium’s ability to automate web app testing has many advantages, including reduced testing time and costs, quicker feedback cycles, increased test coverage, regression testing capabilities, cross-browser compatibility testing, interaction with CI/CD pipelines, and higher testing accuracies. Organizations can improve the caliber, dependability, and effectiveness of their online applications by adopting automation.

What Can You Test with Selenium Automation Testing for Websites?

Selenium automation testing for websites is crucial for a variety of reasons. 

Ensuring that your website performs as it should is one of the most popular reasons. By automating various tests, you may ensure that your application functions as planned and that faults are discovered before they cause any problems.

You should always test several components of your website while automating tests. By doing this, you can ensure your application’s operating as it should.

Automation Testing For Website and Web Apps Using Selenium: How it is done.

To begin automation testing for websites  or web applications using Selenium, it is crucial to conduct a thorough assessment of the application. This assessment helps in understanding the specific requirements and goals, which in turn guides the approach for automation testing.

When it comes to automation testing for websites , there are different options available. One option is to utilize Selenium IDE’s record-and-play functionality or create reliable browser-based test cases. Selenium IDE, as a Chrome and Firefox extension, provides a convenient way to identify elements using their ID, Class, or Xpath.

In addition to element identification, Selenium IDE offers features like debugging and breaking points. It allows testers to manage all test cases and suites within a single project file. The simplicity of Selenese instructions makes it accessible even to those without prior programming or computer science background.

For more advanced automation testing for websites , Selenium RC (Remote Control) can be employed. Selenium RC allows the creation of tests in different programming languages and enables their execution against any HTTP website using JavaScript-supported browsers. Selenium RC consists of a server component that launches the browser, acts as an HTTP proxy for website requests, and efficiently terminates processes.

In the realm of newer browsers and web user interfaces built with AJAX, the role of client libraries is of utmost importance. These libraries serve as a crucial component in facilitating smooth communication between the browser and the client. However, a significant breakthrough in this field has been the emergence of Selenium WebDriver, which has revolutionized the automation testing landscape.

Selenium WebDriver acts as a direct intermediary between the browser and the client, eliminating the need for the server component that was present in Selenium RC (Remote Control). This advancement has led to the deprecation of the server component in favor of WebDriver.

Within the Selenium framework, WebDriver stands out as the most powerful tool available. It represents an upgraded version of Selenium RC, providing extensive browser support including Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and Opera. One notable advantage of WebDriver is that it doesn’t require a separate server to be initiated before executing test cases, unlike its predecessor, Selenium RC.

Selenium 2.0 combines the capabilities of both Selenium RC and WebDriver APIs, enabling the automation of dynamic web pages and AJAX calls. By directly making calls to the browser, WebDriver harnesses the full potential of its capabilities and support. This direct interaction significantly enhances the speed and efficiency of test case execution across different browsers, surpassing the performance of Selenium RC and IDE.

WebDriver excels in handling complex web elements, offering seamless management of alerts, checkboxes, and drop-down menus. It also empowers testers with features like window switching and efficient handling of AJAX calls. These capabilities make WebDriver a comprehensive and reliable solution for automation testing.

In summary, with the advent of Selenium WebDriver, the role of client libraries has been surpassed by a more advanced and efficient approach. WebDriver’s compatibility with various browsers, its ability to execute tests without a separate server, and its extensive support for dynamic web pages and AJAX calls make it an indispensable tool for successful automation testing. Its superior handling of complex web elements and smooth integration with different browser functionalities solidify its position as the go-to choice for web app automation.

Is It Necessary to Create a WebDriver Instance when performing automation testing for websites?

When you are performing automation testing for websites, you must build a WebDriver instance. You should refer to WebDriver and be able to have child objects of its implementation classes, such as GoogleChrome, Internet Explorer, or others.

  • WebDriver driver= new FirefoxDriver();
  • WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
  • WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Also, remember that to use ChromeDriver and InternetExplorerDriver, you will need to use the System.setproperty method to set the path to where their executable file can be found.

Using the notation System.setProperty(“”, “Path”):


You do not need to set it for firefox, but if your Selenium version is more significant than 3.0, your code needs to include the setting for the path of the gecko driver.


After you have created an instance of webdriver, it is time to launch the web application you want to test. To do this, navigate to the webpage that you want to test. Get or the function can be used to navigate to the webdriver.

driver. get(“URL”); 

This is what takes you to the test website, which you have specifically requested.

Find an HTML Element on the Webpage 

Once you have successfully landed on the webpage, you are now able to interact with the webpage using HTML components. You can use any one of a number of different locators to find out where the elements are. They are referred to as the ID, the name, the class name, and Xpath. Firebug and other developer tools are options for assisting you in locating the element you are looking for.

One example of a locator is the formula below

WebElement login = driver.findElement(“”));.

You will need to locate a web element during your automation testing web apps using Selenium. When you have located a web element, it is time to go on to the next step, which is to perform an action on it. For instance, if it asks for your username, you can type them in from the keyboard, but if it asks for your login button, all you have to do is click on it.


This allows you to send input from the keyboard to the username textbox



/ This is used to click the Login button

Prepare for the Response That the Browser Will Give to the Action:

The actual loading of the website in the browser can take some time. You ought to have some default time wait for each of the web elements up till the duration of the driver instance’s life. In Selenium, you may accomplish this by using the implicit wait feature.



implicitly wait for ten seconds using Wait(ten,TimeUnit.SECONDS);

This time would be applicable for use in all aspects of the web. However, there are occasions when loading just one element takes a greater amount of time than usual, and when this happens, you have the option to utilize explicit wait.

WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);

wait till (ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(“”)) is executed;

Wait objects allow for an unlimited amount of conditions to be set.

Finish Your Current Browsing Session

After the necessary check is finished, you are free to close the browser.


This will end the session that is currently active

Automation Testing for Websites : Tips & Tricks

So as you may know, there are some few Tips & Tricks for automation testing for website using Selenium. Strap on your seat belts and let us take you on a ride here.

What you need to know is that automation testing for website using Selenium is one of the best ways to ensure that your website is running smoothly and that all the different parts of your website are working as they should.

But that is not all because there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re going to consider automation testing for websites. For example, you need to have a clear testing plan and make sure you test all the different scenarios that could occur on your website. And finally, you need to use the right tools to make the testing process faster and easier.

Conclusion & Next Steps

In this article, we have covered a range of important topics related to automation testing for websites using Selenium. We explored how this specific testing approach can greatly enhance the quality of your website and web applications. We also discussed effective strategies for implementing automation testing using Selenium to achieve notable improvements.

Throughout the article, we highlighted key considerations that should be taken into account when conducting automation testing for websites using Selenium. Also, we provided a comprehensive guide on how to execute this testing process correctly. 

So, really, what are you still waiting for? Take the initiative to begin automation testing for your website using Selenium and witness the remarkable enhancements it can bring. 

We genuinely hope that you found our blog post informative and enjoyable. Automation testing for websites using Selenium plays a vital role in any automated testing process, but it is crucial to approach it with the right methodology. Our intention was to outline the most effective ways to perform Selenium testing, and we sincerely hope that our insights will empower you to optimize your testing endeavors.

From our corner of the world, we express our gratitude for your readership, and we eagerly anticipate hearing your thoughts on this subject.


What is a Selenium Testing tool?

Selenium Testing is a well-known open-source testing tool that is typically utilized for automation testing for websites. The functioning of web applications may be tested using automated tests that can be written in a variety of programming languages thanks to this tool. Tests written in Selenium can be executed on a wide variety of web browsers and operating systems.

Do you need code for Selenium testing?

The fact that Selenium is open-source, free, and compatible with a wide variety of web browsers, operating systems, and programming languages are just some of its many advantages. It is not really necessary to have coding abilities except if you want to do very technical testing.

Can you perform automation testing for websites using Selenium?

The following are examples testing categories of those that are frequently automated using Selenium:

  • Testing for compatibility 
  • Performance Testing 
  • Testing for Integration 
  • Testing Testing for Systems
  • End-to-end Testing
  • Regression Testing

Can you Perform Automation Testing for Every Website Using Selenium?

Selenium is a browser automation tool. That wraps it up!

Its primary use is to automate web applications for testing purposes, although it is by no means the only thing it can do. Web-based administrative tasks that are monotonous can (and should) also be automated.

Is Automation Testing Websites Using Selenium that simple?

Learning Selenium is not particularly difficult; nonetheless, in order to learn it as quickly as possible, one needs good discipline and a strategic road map. As a result, in order to acquire a deeper understanding and familiarity with automation testing with Selenium, one should focus on learning four things: Java, Selenium Webdriver, TestNg, and Frameworks.

How exactly does one automate the testing of web applications using Selenium?

  • Automating your login process with Selenium and its associated Steps
  • Create a Selenium WebDriver instance.
  • Configure the browser settings.
  • Proceed to the website that must be Tested.
  • Locate the required web element.
  • Carry out the designated action on the web element.
  • Check and make sure the activity is valid.
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