Are you running an eCommerce store but seems as if you are not making as much profit as you’d want? Perhaps, you want consumers to locate your store or website using their Ecommerce Mobile Application gadgets quickly and special features like social login or multi-language to get them started faster.
If that is the case, you consider creating a customized eCommerce app for iOS and Android for your business.
Research has shown that over the years, organizations with customized mobile apps generate lots of profits. And they get to retain the loyalty of their numerous customers, all thanks to the improved engagement facilitated by their mobile apps. And those are enough examples that inform you that you can also do the same.
What’s an eCommerce mobile app?
An eCommerce application allows you to sell commodities or products online to shoppers via the convenience of a mobile app. One of the most popular eCommerce apps is Amazon Shopping.
You don’t have to rob a bank in order to create an eCommerce mobile application. You can hire Prometteur, a leading eCommerce app development company making waves in the industry.
Current trends in the eCommerce app development market in 2020
Global sales via mobile devices were estimated at $2.3 trillion in 2019. And according to multiple and highly reliable sources, eCommerce sales are expected to exceed the $4.5 trillion mark by 2021.
Shopify has also stated that tablets and smartphones were the preferred shopping channels on both Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2019. These statistics clearly indicate the multi-dimensional expansion of the eCommerce industry.

The market is currently growing like wild grass, and savvy business owners are pitching in. You can also grab a good share, especially if you hire the services of Prometteur to create an eCommerce mobile application for your business.
Benefits of eCommerce app development
As mentioned earlier, by 2021, mobile commerce sales are expected to account for up to 54 percent of the total eCommerce sales. This shows that there is an incredibly huge market yet to be explored. And that is what many businesses today are doing.
Last year, up to 62 percent of mobile users purchased an item or two online via their smartphones within 6 months. This says a whole lot about the future of online shopping and mobile phones.
If you still need convincing, check out the following benefits that eCommerce app development brings to the table:
Increases the loyalty of customers
It is certainly more cost-effective to retain customers than to always seek new ones all the time. If you want to considerably increase customer loyalty, you need to find what they want desperately and give it to them at an affordable price. And the most efficient – and effective – channel to achieve this is through your eCommerce mobile application. You will, almost overnight, start gaining the trust and loyalty of these customers.
The next time they need to purchase something that you sell, you will be at the top of the list. The impact that customer loyalty has on your business can be profound. Those customers will recommend your products or services to friends, co-workers, family members, or colleagues willingly and for free. And this can dramatically scale your brand.
Boosts eCommerce success
Amazon, Alibaba, and other highly successful eCommerce businesses are making waves in the industry with the help of eCommerce applications. If you own a physical store and want to boost your daily, weekly, or even monthly income without running Facebook or Google ads, you should consider investing in an eCommerce app development service offered by Prometteur, one of the leading web development companies in India.
A mobile version of your store enables you to reach even more individuals within your locality easily. Back this up with a mobile-responsive site, and the number of orders will skyrocket within a short time.

Enhanced usability
eCommerce apps can load high-definition images and load heavy animations pretty fast. They are modern, stylish, and bright. The app architecture allows Prometteur to create useful and exclusive functionality with intuitive navigation.
Always reachable
The mobile lifestyle has become so ingrained in most people’s lives that the last thing they touch when they turn in – and the first as soon as they wake up the next day – is their mobile phones. Having your eCommerce mobile application installed on your customers’ smartphones is an indication that you have established even more contacts.
Your customers can easily make a purchase right from wherever they are as long as they have access to the internet. A mobile version of your store enables you to reach even more individuals within your locality easily. Back this up with a mobile-responsive site, and the number of orders will skyrocket within a short time.
Reduced costs
Getting Prometteur to create an eCommerce app for your online store is an excellent opportunity to reduce costs. There will be no need for you to pay rent for space, as long as you have a warehouse where you can store your products. And you may not even need a warehouse if you have a garage that is large enough to store all your products.
Drives user engagement
One known fact is that eCommerce mobile applications generally encourage smartphone users to readily ask friends for feedback about a specific service or product via social networks. It is undoubtedly one of the cheapest but most effective ways to promote your products.
Every loyal or diehard customer will already have your mobile application installed on your smartphone. And they automatically become your unofficial ambassadors and platform for advertising your eCommerce store on social networks like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. And anytime you make special offers to those who have already installed your mobile app, they will gladly and happily share a few links to your site. This is because most people admire or love exclusive things.
Features A Good eCommerce App Should Have
Research has shown that mobile apps will significantly dominate online sales by 2021. And they will account for up to 54 percent of total online sales. Since you are planning to create an eCommerce mobile app, it is highly essential that you have the crucial eCommerce mobile application development features.
So, if you hire Prometteur to create an eCommerce mobile app for you, the following essential features will be integrated for you:

Social login
You should consider streamlining the entire process of logging into your mobile application. You need to simplify registration forms and permit users to use their email addresses as their primary login. Social login – i.e. the use of Facebook, Google, or Twitter – via external accounts should be permitted for logging into the app. When access to the app is easy, there will be a corresponding rise or increase in conversion rates as well as sales volume. Make sure that users don’t have to enter a plethora of personal details in order to start using your eCommerce app. So, make the entry point as easy as possible for potential users of the app.
If you run multiple versions of your e-Commerce website for different regions, you need to add the language options to your eCommerce mobile app. Users can easily switch between different languages or regions according to their preferences.
Inadequate or inefficient payment options are major turn-offs for eCommerce apps. Prometteur can integrate multiple payment options in your eCommerce app for you as well as multi-currency, i.e. the ability to pay for the purchased product using any approved currency from any part of the world. You will never lose confirmed sales again due to a lack of multiple payment options or payments using multiple currencies.
Easy checkout
Easy checkout is one of the benefits of eCommerce mobile apps. From a user’s viewpoint, it is always a tremendous relief when they can quickly checkout without providing a lot of information. Single-click payments have practically become one of the most important mobile commerce trends today. This makes the payment process as short as one click. These popular and easy payment methods are now favorites of most users as no one wants to spend too much time on the payment process.
Reviews and ratings
One of the most vital features you must have in your eCommerce mobile app is the feedback option. It is often mistaken by many business owners that having reviews, ratings, or reporting options is only beneficial for users of the mobile app. But the truth is that whatever feedback or reviews you get on your mobile app can be utilized as a guide to improving the application significantly.
Always bear in mind that the app is for the satisfaction and convenience of users, and it should be creatively built as well as possible. The rating option is another good one that is generally represented with 5 stars. Ratings are viewed publicly, which is incredibly great for your mobile app. Excellent ratings will be seen as a method or way of recommendation, which ultimately leads to a significant increase in the number of users.
Shipping management
This is where you get to manage the numerous shipping options you want to provide. Users should be able to add their shipping addresses easily, thereby building a great and positive user experience in your eCommerce mobile application. Users of your mobile app should be able to access the available shipping options and see how much each of them costs. They will also be in the know as regards the estimated time delivery time for each of the options you provide.
Take note, however, that is if you are building an MVP of your eCommerce app, start with the simple option of ordering a product to one of your physical stores. And when your products start gaining a lot of traction, this feature can be further developed and new options added with each iteration.
Users should be able to check the shipping status of the products they ordered in your eCommerce store. This option, when added to your mobile app, helps to enhance the overall quality of interaction customers have with your store after they complete a purchase. It also boosts transparency, which many business owners are not willing to imbibe in their day-to-day activities.
Invoice management
This is where you get to manage the invoice of every customer that fills in their company data and receives an invoice easily. You can address the needs of a particular segment in order to build customer loyalty as well as the optimal checkout experience.
Google Analytics
Let’s say your eCommerce mobile app is up and running, and users are visiting your eCommerce store and purchasing products. However, do you know the particular product that is sold the most in your store? Do you have an idea about the specific period when your eCommerce app has maximum users? This is where Google Analytics comes in: use Google Analytics to measure the full potential of your eCommerce app.
There is a valid reason why Google Analytics is listed as a must-have feature on any mobile app that is making waves in the eCommerce industry. The tool is used to measure user session times, click-through rates, cost of conversion, etc. Google Analytics helps you find products that are selling more in your eCommerce store and how users interact with your mobile app.
You will even learn a lot more about user behavior – such as who your high-value users are, where the users come from, how they go through their buying journeys, the categories they love to browse through the most, etc. – which will power your decisions when creating strategies for more user acquisition.
Newsletter and email
You should have a newsletter signup form integrated into your modern eCommerce website. This is the form that you will use to collect the email addresses of your customers. You can start sending them promos and special offers via email in order to inform them of new product arrivals. With Prometteur Solutions, you can have powerful eCommerce Apps built for your business. Our team of developers has proven their worth over time and can provide you with eCommerce apps integrated with basic eCommerce App features and so much more.

Features that Prometteur can help you integrate into your eCommerce app include:
- Social login
- Multi language
- Multi-currency
- Unlimited no of products and categories
- Easy checkout
- Reviews and ratings
- Order management
- Advanced reports
- Inventory management
- Customers management
- Campaign management
- Manage promotions
- Shipping management
- Tax management
- Invoice management
- Responsive theme
- SEO friendly
- Google analytics
- Admin dashboard
- Profit calculator
- Product comparison
- Seller dashboard
- Newsletter and email
Your eCommerce mobile application should aim at providing a unique and immersive user experience. This makes online shopping a much simpler, seamless, and enjoyable process. It should also have numerous features that drive massive sales in order to boost revenues for your organization or business.