Game Testing Tutorial: All The Information About Aspiring Testers

By Prometteur solutions 18 Min Read

Game testing is the process of evaluating a game to uncover bugs, performance issues, and other defects before release. It is a critical part of the game development process that helps ensure a high-quality experience for players.

Thorough game testing requires knowledge of different testing methods, tools, and techniques. This game testing tutorial provides aspiring game testers with tutorials on the key aspects of game testing.

Testing helps identify problems that players may encounter so developers can fix them. It also provides insights to improve overall gameplay and user experience.

Without comprehensive testing, games may suffer from disruptive glitches, compatibility issues, unclear objectives, and other problems that frustrate users. Investing in rigorous testing is essential for releasing hit games that meet expectations.

This game testing tutorial covers the major types of testing, techniques, and tips for those interested in becoming professional QA testers. Follow along to learn the details of functional, compatibility, localization, and performance testing. We’ll also explore manual versus automated testing, bug tracking tools, and core competencies for testers.

So, if you are ready, let’s get started on the game testing tutorials!

Types of Game Testing

Game testing comprises different categories based on the goals and focus of each test. The main types covered in this game testing tutorials include functional testing, compatibility testing, performance testing, and localization testing.

Functional Testing

Functional testing is one of the most important game tester responsibilities to evaluate whether game features and mechanics work as intended. It focuses on verifying the correct functionality according to specifications.

Some common functional testing techniques that are key game tester responsibilities include:

·  Button/input testing

Check if buttons or other inputs activate the right actions. This is a core game tester responsibility.

·  UI testing

Validate screen transitions, access to menus/settings, UI element behavior. Thoroughly testing UI is a game tester responsibility.

·  Options testing

Confirm configuration options function properly. Game testers are responsible for ensuring options work correctly.

·  Game mechanics testing

Verify correct behavior for gameplay aspects like physics, AI, scores, etc. Testing game mechanics is an essential responsibility for game testers.

·  Audio testing

Check sound effects, music, and dialogue playback. Game testers are responsible for verifying audio quality.

·  Save/load testing

Validate saving and loading game state functions properly. Game testers must ensure save/load functionality works as a key responsibility.

Functional testers methodically play through game components and compare against expected results. For example, they would validate difficulty settings correctly adjust enemy strength or AI capabilities as a core game tester responsibility.

Testers check if completing objectives properly increments scores, unlocks achievements, awards loot, etc to fulfill key game tester responsibilities. The goal is confirming the game works as intended which depends on diligent game testers executing their responsibilities.

Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing is a critical step-by-step process in the game development process to check the game’s operability across different hardware and software configurations. Thorough compatibility game development process step-by-step developers can identify and fix issues before launch.

Some key techniques in the compatibility testing process step-by-step include:

·  Platform testing

Verify gameplay on target platforms like PC, consoles, mobile devices. Testing across all platforms is an essential step.

·  Device testing

Check responsiveness and visual rendering on various models. Testing a wide variety of devices step-by-step is key.

·  OS testing

Validate compatibility with target operating system versions. OS testing is a vital compatibility testing step.

·  Driver testing

Confirm game works with different GPU, audio, controller drivers. Driver testing step-by-step helps avoid driver-specific bugs.

·  Resolution testing

Check scaling and layouts on different display resolutions. Resolution testing is a standard compatibility testing step.

·  Configuration testing

Test memory, storage, network requirements for optimal play. Configuration testing is a key step-by-step process.

Following the compatibility game development process step-by-step allows testers to assess smooth gameplay on min and recommended specs. They confirm the UI adapts correctly across phone and tablet form factors through meticulous multi-device testing steps.

Executing compatibility testing throughout the game development process step-by-step helps avoid issues that only impact some users.

Performance Testing

Several tame testing tutorials provide valuable insights into performance testing. Performance testing gauges metrics like frame rate, load times, latency, and stability under normal and peak conditions.

Here are the common performance testing techniques that most game testing tutorials offer:

·  Load testing

Check game performance with minimum, average, and peak user loads.

·  Stress testing

Test behavior under extreme loads beyond normal usage.

·  Volume testing

Validate performance with large datasets, content, and saved game files.

·  Spike testing

Simulate sudden bursts in traffic to test response.

·  Endurance testing

Test for memory leaks, crashes, delays after prolonged use.

For instance, testers would benchmark frame rates in intense combat scenes across various devices. They’d execute load tests with massive simultaneous users to simulate launch day volumes.

Performance testing identifies optimization opportunities.

Game testing tutorials for performance testing provide key insights into gauging metrics like frame rate, load times, latency, and stability under different conditions.

Localization Testing

Game tester responsibilities during the game development process step-by-step require thorough localization testing. Localization testing verifies translated text, adapted artwork, and localized content function properly during game testing.

Test techniques for game tester responsibilities include:

·  Text validation

Check UI strings, menus, subtitles, and tutorials for translation accuracy as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  Art validation

Confirm adapted art assets fit correctly as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  Format testing

Validate localized numbers, date/time formats work correctly as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  Compliance testing

Verify content adheres to local regulations and cultural norms as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  Language testing

Check foreign voice overs match mouth animations and lip syncing as part of game tester responsibilities.

Testers thoroughly play through games in each supported language to catch translation errors as part of game tester responsibilities during the game development process step-by-step.

They confirm text fields, icons, and images adapt to properly fit as part of game tester responsibilities.

For global releases, thorough localization testing is essential during the game development process step-by-step for game tester responsibilities.


What are Tools and Techniques Used in Game Testing?

Game testing leverages both manual and automated testing along with bug tracking software. Mastering these tools and techniques is instrumental for aspiring testers to perform their game tester responsibilities during the game development process step-by-step.

Manual Testing

Manual testing involves human testers interactively playing through games to identify issues firsthand as part of their game tester responsibilities.

Some of the manual techniques used in game testing include:

·  Exploratory testing

Intuitively trying game features without defined test cases as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  Use case testing

Testing typical player workflows and usage scenarios as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  Playthroughs

Completing entire games to catch issues as part of game tester responsibilities during the game development process step-by-step.

·  Regression testing

Retesting previously checked features after changes as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  Beta testing

Testing by a limited external player group as part of game tester responsibilities.

Manual testing allows nuanced evaluation of overall gameplay and user experience as part of game tester responsibilities. This is important during the game development process step-by-step.

Testers can spot visual glitches or inconsistencies that automated tests may miss through manual testing during their game tester responsibilities.

The hands-on approach makes it well-suited for functional, UI, localization, and compatibility testing as part of game tester responsibilities.

However, manual testing can be time-consuming, inconsistent, and lacks scalability for game tester responsibilities during the game development process step-by-step.

Automated Testing

Automated testing uses code scripts to algorithmically run through tests and verify expected results as part of game tester responsibilities.

Types of test automation used in game testing include:

·  Unit testing – Testing individual functions or components in isolation as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  API testing – Validating application programming interfaces and system calls as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  UI testing – Testing user interface elements and front-end code as part of game tester responsibilities during the game development process step-by-step.

·  Integration testing – Testing interactions between integrated systems as part of game tester responsibilities.

·  Regression testing – Re-running test suites after changes as part of game tester responsibilities during the game development process step-by-step.

·  Load testing – Simulating user loads for performance testing as part of game tester responsibilities.

Automated testing improves efficiency, consistency, and coverage for finding certain defects during game testing.

It’s well-suited for functional testing and performance benchmarks as part of game tester responsibilities. However, automating complex gameplay scenarios can prove challenging during game testing.

Automation requires dedicated resources and skills for implementation as part of game tester responsibilities during the game development process step-by-step.

Automated testing plays an important role in game testing by enabling efficient validation of certain test cases as part of broader game tester responsibilities.

The combination of automated and manual techniques provides comprehensive coverage for identifying issues from different angles during game testing.

Bug Tracking Software

Bug tracking software is an essential tool used extensively in game testing. It is for documenting and managing all reported defects across the game development process step-by-step.

Mastering bug tracking software is an important skill for game testers to excel in their responsibilities.

Popular bug tracking tools used in game testing as part of a tester’s responsibilities include:

·  Jira

Feature-rich bug tracker with agile project management capabilities used by game testers.

·  Bugzilla

Open source bug tracker ideal for large distributed teams used by game testers.

·  Mantis

Intuitive web-based bug tracker with customizable workflows used by game testers during the game development process.

·  TestRail

Specialized test case management and test results tracking tool used by game testers.

·  Asana

Visual task management for agile workflows beyond just bug tracking used by game testers.

Effective use of these bug trackers allows testers to log new issues with details, screenshots, system info, and steps to reproduce as part of their daily responsibilities.

Team members can be assigned bugs, provide status updates, and verify fixed issues through the tracker by game testers during the game development process step-by-step.

These tools improve defect tracking and efficient collaboration which are critical to a game tester’s responsibilities across the game lifecycle. Bug tracking software is a game tester’s most important tool for managing issues efficiently.

Game Testing Tutorials: Tips for Becoming a Successful Game Tester

In addition to understanding game testing tutorials and their techniques,, aspiring QA professionals need to cultivate expertise across several areas.

Here are tips on becoming a stellar game tester:

Develop a Passion for Games

Successful game testers almost always have a passion for games.

You must enjoy playing all game genres and have extensive experience across PC, console, and mobile platforms.

Thoroughly know game mechanics, standards, and what makes for an engaging experience. Stay on top of gaming industry news and trends.

 Gain Technical Knowledge

Strong technical know-how helps testers understand problems and explain them clearly. Learn about gaming hardware internals, software configurations, programming languages, OS intricacies, and performance benchmarks. A technology-oriented background or mindset is useful here.

 Hone Your Communication Skills 

Communication is critical since testers work closely with game developers and publishers. File detailed, organized bug reports with clear reproduction steps.verbalize feedback effectively in team discussions. Provide useful suggestions to improve gameplay and user experience.

 Be Detail-Oriented

Gaming is filled with subtle details that impact the experience. As a tester, diligently find corner case defects and inconsistencies in games. Identify obscure bugs that average players may never encounter but still matter. A meticulous, perfectionist nature will produce the best results.

The Game Development Process Step-by-Step

Developing a game follows a step-by-step process that involves multiple phases. Game testing tutorial should cover the phases of the game development process. Here is an overview of the game development process step-by-step:

·  Conceptualization

The game concept is ideated based on goals and target audience. Game testing tutorial often explain this first phase.

·  Pre-production

The game design doc is written, tech analysis is done, and the team is assembled. Game testing tutorial will teach how testing fits into pre-production.

·  Production

Game assets are created, code is written, and gameplay is implemented. Game testing tutorial focus heavily on testing during production.

·  Alpha Version

Core functionality and content are integrated into a playable early build. Game testing tutorial will cover testing alpha builds.

·  Beta Version

·  The game is feature complete for testing and feedback in a release candidate build. Game testing tutorial emphasize beta testing.

·  Release

The game launches and is available for the public to play. Game testing tutorials discuss testing for launch readiness.

·  Maintenance

Post-launch support for updates, bug fixes, DLC, and optimization occurs. Game testing tutorial explain the role of testing for live operations.

Going through each phase of the game development process step-by-step allows a high quality game to be conceived, built, and delivered. Game testing tutorial should provide overviews of the full game development lifecycle. Understanding this process is key for game testers and developers alike.


Game testing is indispensable for preventing major issues from impacting players. This game testing tutorial covered the most important types of testing. These important testing types are; including functional, compatibility, localization, and performance testing.

We looked at essential techniques like playthroughs, configuration tests, localization verification, and load testing. Core testing tools were also discussed such as bug trackers, automated testing, and manual playthroughs.

Finally, we provided tips on building expertise through game passion, technical knowledge, communication skills, and attention to detail. Use these tutorials to excel as a tester!

Thorough game testing delivers polished experiences that meet player expectations. Mastering the diverse testing practices takes dedication. But helping developers release hit games makes the efforts worthwhile. With passion and perseverance, an exciting career as a game tester awaits.

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