Video Game Testing – Play Games and Earn Money

By Prometteur solutions 16 Min Read

Video game testing has become a lucrative career for many gamers and enthusiasts alike. Companies invest millions of dollars into developing and releasing new games, and they rely heavily on feedback from gamers to ensure the quality of their product. This is where video game testers come in – they play the games, identify bugs and glitches, and provide valuable feedback to developers. 

But it’s not just a job for those in the industry, anyone can sign up to test games and earn money. This unique opportunity allows gamers to turn their passion into a paying gig and provides a chance to be among the first to experience new games before they hit the market. In this article, we’ll explore the world of video game testing and provide insights on how to get started and potentially earn money doing what you love.

What is Video Game Testing and What Skills are Needed?

Video game testing, also known as quality assurance (QA) testing, involves the evaluation and identification of bugs, glitches, and other issues that could affect the gameplay experience of a video game. Game testers play a crucial role in ensuring that the game is fully functional and enjoyable for players before it is released to the public.

To become a video game tester, one needs to possess several skills, including:

  • Attention to detail: A tester needs to be able to spot even the smallest of errors, glitches, or bugs within the game.
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills: Testers should be able to think critically and identify the root cause of issues that they encounter.
  • Communication skills: Testers should be able to communicate clearly and effectively with developers and other team members, both verbally and in writing.
  • Patience and persistence: Testers may need to play the same section of a game multiple times to identify and replicate an issue, so it’s essential to have patience and persistence.
  • Knowledge of video games: A tester should have a good understanding of how video games work, including game mechanics, controls, and gameplay.
  • Time management: Testers must be able to manage their time effectively to meet deadlines and complete their testing tasks within the given timeline.

In addition to the above skills, testers should also have an interest in video games and a willingness to learn new tools and technologies related to testing. With the rapid development of the video game industry, it’s essential for testers to stay up-to-date with new technologies and tools that can aid in testing games.

How to Find the Best Video Game Testing Jobs

If you are interested in finding the best video game testing jobs, here are some steps you can take:

  • Build your skills: The first step to finding the best video game testing jobs is to build your skills in video game testing. You can do this by taking courses in video game testing or working on personal projects to gain experience.
  • Network: Reach out to professionals in the video game industry and attend industry events. Networking can help you learn about job openings and get your foot in the door.
  • Research companies: Look for video game companies that are known for producing high-quality games and have a reputation for treating their employees well. Research the company’s culture, employee benefits, and work-life balance.
  • Check job boards: There are various job boards and websites dedicated to video game jobs. Look for job openings that match your skills and interests.
  • Apply to internships: Internships can be a great way to gain experience in video game testing and potentially lead to a full-time job.
  • Be flexible: Be open to starting in an entry-level position or working on a contract basis. This can help you gain experience and build your reputation in the industry.

Overall, finding the best video game testing jobs requires building your skills, networking, researching companies, checking job boards, applying to internships, and being flexible in your job search.

What Does it Take to Become a Professional Video Game Tester?

To become a professional video game tester, you typically need to meet certain qualifications and have a particular set of skills. Here’s what it takes:

  • Education: While there are no specific educational requirements for becoming a video game tester, having a degree in a related field such as computer science or game design can be helpful.
  • Knowledge of the gaming industry: A solid understanding of video games and the gaming industry is important for a video game tester. You should be familiar with different types of games, platforms, and genres.
  • Attention to detail: Video game testing requires a high level of attention to detail. You should be able to identify even the smallest bugs or glitches in a game and provide detailed feedback to the development team.
  • Strong communication skills: Effective communication is crucial when working as a video game tester. You’ll need to be able to communicate clearly and effectively with developers, designers, and other testers.
  • Patience: Video game testing can be a repetitive and tedious job. You’ll need to have the patience to play the same game over and over again to identify and report all the issues.
  • Flexibility: Video game testing is often done on a project basis, so you’ll need to be flexible with your schedule and be able to work on short notice.

As for the earnings, the salary of a video game tester varies based on experience, location, and company. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a video game tester in the United States is around $34,000 per year.

To become a successful video game tester, you should continuously work on improving your skills and knowledge of the industry. Networking with other gamers, attending gaming conferences, and keeping up with the latest trends in gaming can all help you stay on top of your game.

Common Pitfalls & Mistakes When Looking For Video Gaming Jobs and how to avoid them

Here are some common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid when looking for video gaming jobs:

  • Focusing too much on playing games: While playing games is undoubtedly an enjoyable part of the gaming industry, it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that video game development is a business. Make sure you are aware of the industry trends, understand the company’s mission and goals, and have the right skills and experience for the job you are applying for.
  • Overlooking entry-level positions: Many video game companies hire entry-level positions, such as quality assurance testers, game designers, and programmers. Even if your ultimate goal is to be a game designer or producer, taking on an entry-level position can give you valuable experience and help you gain a better understanding of the industry.
  • Not networking enough: Networking is a crucial part of finding a job in the gaming industry. Attend gaming conventions, join industry groups, and reach out to people you know who work in the industry. Having connections can help you learn about job opportunities, and personal recommendations can be a valuable asset when applying for a job.
  • Having a weak portfolio: When applying for a job in the gaming industry, your portfolio is your most important asset. Make sure it is up-to-date, showcases your best work, and is tailored to the type of job you are applying for. A weak portfolio can be a major turn-off to potential employers.
  • Not doing your research: Make sure you research the company and the job you are applying for thoroughly. Know what the company’s mission and values are, and understand the requirements and responsibilities of the job. This will help you prepare for the interview and show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Being too focused on salary: While salary is an important factor in any job, it’s important not to be too focused on it when looking for a job in the gaming industry. Many companies offer lower salaries but offer other perks such as flexible working hours, opportunities for career advancement, and a fun and creative work environment.
  • Not being open to relocation: The gaming industry is a global industry, and many job opportunities may require relocation. If you are not willing to relocate, you may miss out on some great job opportunities. Keep an open mind and be willing to consider relocation if it means landing your dream job.

Overall, when looking for a job in the gaming industry, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the industry, be prepared, and stay focused on your goals. With dedication and hard work, you can find a job that allows you to pursue your passion for gaming while also advancing your career.


In conclusion, video game testing has become an exciting way to earn money for gamers who enjoy playing video games. It provides an opportunity for game developers to ensure that their games are of high quality and meet the expectations of their target audience. As a video game tester, one can get paid for playing games and identifying glitches, bugs, and other issues. Moreover, it’s an excellent way to gain experience in the gaming industry and develop relevant skills. While it may not be the easiest job to get, it can be an excellent source of income for those passionate about gaming. Overall, video game testing is a great way to monetize one’s hobby and have fun while doing it.


Q: What is video game testing?

A: Video game testing is the process of testing a video game for bugs, glitches, and other issues to ensure that it is of high quality and functions properly. Video game testers play through the game in various ways to identify issues that developers can then address before releasing the game to the public.

Q: Can you really earn money by playing video games?

A: Yes, you can earn money by playing video games as a video game tester. Video game testing is a legitimate job that pays testers to play games and identify issues. However, it is important to note that not all video game testing positions are paid, and some may only offer compensation in the form of free games or other perks.

Q: What are the qualifications to become a video game tester?

A: The qualifications to become a video game tester can vary depending on the employer. However, most companies look for testers who have a passion for gaming, good communication skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work well in a team. A high school diploma or equivalent is typically required, but some companies may prefer candidates with a degree in a related field.

Q: How much can you earn as a video game tester?

A: The amount you can earn as a video game tester can vary depending on the company, project, and your experience. Entry-level positions may pay around minimum wage, while more experienced testers can earn upwards of $20 per hour. Some companies also offer bonuses or incentives for identifying major bugs or issues in a game.

Q: What are the typical tasks of a video game tester?

A: The tasks of a video game tester can vary depending on the project and the company. However, common tasks include playing the game in various ways to identify issues, documenting and reporting bugs, providing feedback on gameplay and user experience, and working with developers to resolve issues.

Q: How can I find video game testing jobs?

A: You can find video game testing jobs by searching online job boards, company websites, or through staffing agencies that specialize in gaming. It is important to research the company and the job requirements before applying to ensure that it is a legitimate opportunity.

Q: Is video game testing a good career choice?

A: Video game testing can be a good career choice for those who are passionate about gaming and have the skills required for the job. However, it is important to note that video game testing is often a temporary position and may not offer long-term job security. Some testers may use the experience as a stepping stone to other careers in the gaming industry, such as game design or development.

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