Software Testing Analysts Job Description  and Their Salaries

By Prometteur solutions 18 Min Read

Are you looking for the best software testing analyst job description content?

Or perhaps you are just looking for web content to learn one or two things about software testing analysts qualifications?

If your answer is yes and your search is within or around software testing job descriptions and salaries, you are on the right page.


What is Software Testing?

The process of checking to see if your software meets the required design or user’s requirement is called software testing. The practice is best performed during the software development process and after launching the product.

 In software testing, it is a priority to identify defects and find ways to address them.

There are two types of software testing processes; automated and manual processes.

Who are Software Analysts?

Software analysts are professional software testers who play leading roles in software testing processes. They may work with the developers or the QA group for the best quality and outcome.

Software analysts are the people who usually take the tasks of performing different types of tests. These tests are designed to evaluate different components of software to identify and fix errors and defects.

Software analysts work very closely with stakeholders to have a good understanding of their requirements for the software. With the right information in their hands, they can test, perform quality assurance services as well as offer technical support.

What are Software Testing Analyst Responsibilities?

There are several responsibilities of Software Testing Analysts. Sometimes, they are called Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Analysts. Their ultimate task is aimed at ensuring the quality and reliability of software products before release.

Some of the key responsibilities include;

Test Planning

One of the major responsibilities of software testing analysts is test planning. However, this requires them to have a good understanding of the software requirements of stakeholders. With such knowledge, they can determine the testing scope, objectives, and test coverage.

The testing scope, objectives and test coverage areas will help in designing an excellent plan. This plan includes writing test cases in line with the business requirements and implementing them to meet the test requirements.

Test Execution

Software testing analysts job description and responsibilities also cover the task of test execution. Here, the designed test cases are well executed to identify bugs, errors, or defects in the system.

Defect Management

Also, software testing analyst responsibilities extend to managing defects so they are expected to do the following; report defects, track their status, and work with developers to resolve issues in a timely manner.

Test Automation

Software tester’s responsibilities also include coordinating automated testing. They are most often required to know how to create and maintain automated test scripts.

The reason for this is to help save time and perform regression testing with minimal effort.


Communication is a key responsibility and this is how it works. The testers must be able to communicate all test results to project stakeholders.

Stakeholders may include developers, project managers, and business analysts. Also, they must be able to provide comprehensive feedback on software quality.

Continuous Improvement

Lastly, software testing analyst job description and their key responsibilities demands that they are able to identify areas of improvement.

This should cut across the testing processes, tools, and methodologies and continuously work to enhance testing efficiency and effectiveness.

Software testing analyst responsibilities are very important in the software development process. It is their responsibilities that make great quality and excellent performance possible

The Software Testing Analysts Salary

Software testing analysts’ salary varies because they are affected and determined by a lot of factors.

Mostly, these factors include, but not limited to, the testers’ experience, the company, the type of software testing, the complexities surrounding the tests and how long the test would take.

Software Testing Analyst salary may also be affected by the region, country, and state. In countries like the US, India, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria, Spain, and China, different cities have different salary scales for software testers.

Some might be higher than others not necessarily based on experience but because some cities might be home to big tech companies while others are not.

Software Testing Analyst salary in the United States

In the United States, according to Indeed, the average base salary for a software test analyst is around $70,000 to $71,000 per year.

The website also states that after tax deductions, testers can still have take-home pay amounting to up to $62,000 per annum.

However, the United States according to the same site, says that;

Beginner software testers’ salaries may still be as low as $46,000 to 50,000$ per annum.

Expert software developers may have a take-home pay amounting as high as $108,000

Software Testing Analyst salary in United Kin

In the United Kingdom, claims that the average salary for a software test analyst is around £54,000 per year.

When it is low, that’s for Beginner testers, it’s around £49,00.

Meanwhile, for Expert or experienced testers, the salary per annum is =£63,000

Software Testing Analyst Salary in Australia

In Australia, the average based salary per annum is around $95,000 to $115,000.

For beginners, it is around $75,000

For experts, it is around $135,000


Software Testing Analysts Salary in India

In India, puts it that “the average salary of a software tester is ₹3.5 LPA.” However, offers from big tech companies can push the payment up by 20% to 50%.

What are the Factors Affecting Software Testing Analyst Responsibilities?

  • Location
  • Company
  • Experience
  • Skills


All over the world, payments are different based on the location of the company. A company in the US will offer different payments from companies in Africa and Asia. Also, the national minimum wage and cost of living in different locations affect salary scales.


Some companies are just getting started in the business and will not offer huge amounts in payment. Some do not have a steady flow of projects. Others may have big investors, and deal with the biggest clients in the industry. All these factors into the salary offers from company to company.


Experience plays a huge role in both the job description, skills and software testing analyst salary. Beginners, intermediate levels and expert testers will earn different amounts. Every company follows this payment structure.


The Software Testing Analyst skills play an important role in the salary scale and offers. Beginners and experts will not have the same offers and they will be bringing varying values.

From the insights in these sections, it is important to remember that Software Testing Analyst job description and their salaries will always differ based on the affective factors; industry or company they work in, and their location, it is important that testers do not compromise on the quality of delivery.

Also, software testers need to be passionate about their jobs and be very intentional in grooming their testing skills.

 Challenges Faced by Software Testing Analysts

Software testing analysts face several challenges in their work. Some of the common challenges include.

Time constraints

Testing is often the last phase of software development, and software testing analysts may have limited time to test the software thoroughly.

Budget constraints

Limited budgets may restrict the resources available for testing.

Communication barriers

Communication between developers and testers may be challenging, leading to misunderstandings and delays.

Lack of resources

Software testing analysts may not have access to the necessary resources, such as hardware and software, to perform their work effectively.

Changing requirements

Changes in software requirements may affect the testing process, leading to delays and additional work.

Lack of collaboration between developers and testers

Collaboration between developers and testers is essential for effective testing, but it may not always happen.

Prerequisites that Will Help Software Testing Analyst Shine in their Job Description

As a software testing analyst, you will have great responsibilities. You must pursue your responsibility with passion and desire for excellence.

Understand that many software products and business success will depend on the quality of job. Ensure you do whatever it takes and shine like the moon at night.

Here are some general skills and qualities that are highly useful in axing the software testing analyst job description:

Strong communication skills

This is a soft skill that every software tester must have. Communication is very important because it contributes to the success of any project. Moreso, effective communication is crucial in any job.

As a software tester, you need to be able to communicate in clear and accurate ways. Ensure your intention is accurately expressed and your message is passed without giving room for doubts or misunderstanding.

Also, listen to details so that your responses will be accurate enough to meet the requirements. Being a software developer, you will need excellent communication skills to efficiently work among teams and establish strong relationships.

Time management skills

Another important skill to have to excellently meet your goals of a software testing analyst job description is time management. Once you are able to properly manage your time, you can easily stay organised and meet up with work-related demands and deadlines.

Flexibility and adaptability

Dispatching software testing analyst job duties require a high level of flexibility and adaptability. You will need to work with different teams, and stakeholders and deal with changing demands. Being able to transform yourself to fit into all of these at different times is crucial to success.

Positive attitude

Always maintain a positive mindset. Keep a smiling face at work but do not be too playful or too serious. A positive attitude can go a long way in helping you to stay motivated and enjoy working with different people and teams.  It will also make you an amazing software tester to work with.

Technical skills

Smashing your software testing analyst job description will require some important technical skills. These are skills that make you special and not easily disposable. Know the most important technical skills and learn them.

Try to brush up on your skills every now and then so as to stay on top of trends. Join relevant community groups and listen to or engage in professional discussions on software testing.

You may also follow top blog sites and listen to different podcasts in the field. All of these will help you to stay ahead of the curve.

Attention to detail

The skill of paying attention to details is non-negotiable as a software tester. We initially noted that you must learn to listen.

Being a good listener always helps because you will understand all requirements. Ensure you ask questions where and when necessary for clarity.  

All of these will help you to know your expectations and the best test cases for the project.

Problem-solving skills

 You can have all the technical skills, be able to communicate, pay attention to details and others, however, if you do not have problem-solving skills, your performance will be below standards.

Problem-solving skills are important for you to be able to slay your software testing analyst job description. It shows that you are proactive, resourceful, and able to think critically.


You must also be able and always willing to work among different teams. Understand that you may need to move from one team to another based on how to get your projects.

There are cases whereby, you may be an offshore resource person and will need to integrate with a team to deliver the project.

Teamwork will help you pull up an excellent performance. Working well in a team, communicating effectively, and contributing to shared goals is a valuable skill.


Self-motivation is very crucial, especially in getting through hard times. Sometimes, the job may seem overwhelming, or the challenges you get to encounter can be very frustrating.

Being self-motivated will help you to pull through. It is also very important to take your wins and own your credits. Praise yourself every time you do something commendable.

Continuous learning

Lastly ensuring you excellently deliver your software testing analyst job descriptions is your learning ability. Remember, not everyone is teachable but you must be if you want to be a great tester. When there is something to learn, learn and utilise the skills on projects so that they can become part of you.

Conclusion on Software Testing Analyst job duties

The first day that you will receive the software testing analyst job description, see it as the minimum required performance from you.

It is just like a taste of your work at different levels. So, when you actually get on it, try to outperform your job descriptions by offering value-added services.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We will be happy to help you.

FAQs on Software Testing Analysts Job Description and Their Salaries

What is a software testing analyst?

A software testing analyst is responsible for testing software to identify and fix bugs. They also work to ensure that software meets the needs of its users and is released on time and within budget.

What are the responsibilities of a software testing analyst?

Software testing analysts have a variety of responsibilities, including:

  • Developing and executing test plans
  • Writing and executing test scripts
  • Testing software manually and automatically
  • Identifying and reporting bugs
  • Working with developers to fix bugs
  • Ensuring that software meets the needs of its users
  • Communicating with stakeholders about the testing process and results.

What are the qualifications for a software testing analyst job?

Most software testing analyst jobs require a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field. Some employers may also prefer candidates with experience in software development or quality assurance.

What is the salary for a software testing analyst?

The salary for a software testing analyst varies depending on experience, location, and company size. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a software testing analyst in the United States is $99,302 per year.

What are some tips for success as a software testing analyst?

Some tips for success as a software testing analyst include:

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in the field.
  • Develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Be proactive and take initiative.
  • Be able to work well independently and as part of a team.


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