Simple Ways You Can Improve as a Tester

By Prometteur solutions 17 Min Read

As a tester, your job is to ensure that the software you’re testing is reliable, functional, and meets the needs of the end users. While there are many ways to approach testing, there are also some fundamental principles that can help you become a more effective and efficient tester.

In this article, we’ll explore ten simple ways that you can improve as a tester, regardless of your level of experience. From mastering test design techniques to building strong communication skills, these tips will help you excel in your role and deliver high-quality software that meets the needs of your organization and its users. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can become a better tester today!

What are the 10 Simple Ways You Can Improve as a Tester?

Learn new skills: 

Keep learning and expanding your skill set. Attend training sessions, conferences, and read books on testing and quality assurance. To learn new skills: Identify the areas where you need improvement. Assess your strengths and weaknesses, and determine which areas you need to focus on.

Look for resources that can help you learn. This can include online courses, books, webinars, or training programs offered by your company. Practice what you learn. Apply the new skills in your work and seek feedback from your colleagues or manager.

Collaborate with developers: 

Work closely with developers to understand the code and provide valuable feedback. This will improve your ability to detect defects and find bugs. To collaborate with developers:

Build a good relationship with the developers. Understand their priorities, constraints, and concerns. Show interest in their work and how your testing can support their goals.

Participate in the development process. Attend sprint planning meetings, code reviews, and stand-up meetings. Ask questions and provide feedback on the quality and testability of the code.

Use the same tools and terminology as the developers. This will help you understand the code and communicate effectively with them.

Automate your testing. Collaborate with developers to create automated tests that can be integrated into the development process. This will help catch defects early and improve the speed and quality of the development process.

Remember that collaboration and continuous learning are key to success in testing and quality assurance.

Practice exploratory testing: 

Don’t rely solely on test cases. Use your creativity and intuition to explore the software and find new ways to test it.

That’s right! While having test cases is essential, relying solely on them can lead to overlooking potential issues in the software. As a tester, you need to be creative and intuitive in your approach to testing.

Exploratory testing is a great way to complement your test cases. In exploratory testing, you are encouraged to use your intuition and creativity to explore the software and find new ways to test it. You can create a test plan that includes a list of areas to explore, but you should also be open to unexpected results and potential bugs that you come across.

You can also try to think like a user and use the software in ways that may not be covered by the test cases. For example, if you’re testing a website, try using different browsers and devices, or attempt to perform tasks in a different order than what is outlined in the test cases.

Remember, testing is an iterative process, and it’s okay to fail. The more you test, the more you’ll learn about the software, and the more effective your testing will become. So, don’t be afraid to be creative and intuitive in your approach to testing.

Develop a strong test plan: 

Create a well-structured test plan that outlines your testing objectives, strategies, and timelines.

Here is a sample test plan that outlines testing objectives, strategies, and timelines:


  • Purpose of the test plan
  • Scope of the testing
  • Assumptions and risks

Testing Objectives

  • Define testing objectives and goals
  • Describe the expected outcomes
  • Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success

Testing Strategies

  • List the testing methods and techniques
  • Describe the testing environment
  • Define the testing data and scenarios
  • Explain the approach to test case design and execution
  • Detail the testing tools and technologies

Testing Timeline

  • Provide an estimated timeline for each testing phase
  • Define the testing milestones and deliverables
  • Allocate testing resources and responsibilities
  • Identify dependencies and constraints

Test Execution

  • Provide a detailed test plan for each testing phase
  • Define the test execution process and procedures
  • Provide guidelines for bug reporting and tracking
  • Outline the testing communication plan

Testing Results and Analysis

  • Define the criteria for evaluating the testing results
  • Describe the process for analyzing and reporting the results
  • Detail the corrective actions and re-testing process
  • Identify the final test deliverables and documentation


  • Recap the testing objectives, strategies, and timelines
  • Summarize the testing results and outcomes
  • Provide recommendations for future testing activities
  • Identify any remaining risks and issues.

Overall, this test plan aims to provide a comprehensive framework for testing activities, including the testing objectives, strategies, and timelines. It also provides a clear understanding of the testing environment, test data, and scenarios. The plan also defines the testing tools and technologies used in the testing process. Finally, it provides a summary of the testing results and outcomes, along with recommendations for future testing activities.

Use test automation: 

Implement automated testing to improve efficiency and accuracy. This will free up time to focus on more complex testing scenarios.

Test automation involves using software tools to execute tests automatically and compare the actual outcomes with the expected outcomes. This approach can improve the efficiency and accuracy of testing and can also free up time for testers to focus on more complex scenarios.

Here are some steps you can take to implement test automation:

Identify the scenarios that can be automated: Start by identifying the test cases that can be automated. This could include repetitive tests or tests that require multiple inputs and outputs.

Choose a test automation tool: There are many test automation tools available in the market. Choose a tool that meets your specific testing requirements and integrates well with your development environment.

Design and develop test scripts: Once you have selected the tool, design and develop the test scripts that will automate the identified test cases. Test scripts should be well-written and easy to maintain.

Execute the automated tests: Run the automated tests and observe the results. Compare the actual results with the expected results to identify any discrepancies.

Analyze the results: Analyze the test results to identify any defects or areas of improvement. Share the results with the development team for them to take appropriate actions.

Maintain the test scripts: Ensure that the test scripts are maintained and updated regularly. This is important as changes to the application or the testing environment may affect the performance of the automated tests.

By implementing test automation, you can improve the efficiency and accuracy of testing, reduce the risk of errors, and free up time for testers to focus on more complex scenarios.

Test early and often: 

Begin testing as early as possible in the development cycle and continue testing throughout the process.

Yes, testing early and often is a best practice in software development. It involves starting the testing process as early as possible in the development cycle, ideally during the requirements gathering phase, and continuing to test throughout the development process. This approach helps to identify and address defects and issues as early as possible, reducing the likelihood of more significant problems occurring later on in the development process.

By testing early and often, developers can catch defects and issues before they become more costly and time-consuming to fix. Additionally, this approach can help ensure that the final product meets the requirements and specifications, and that it is of high quality.

It’s important to note that testing should not be limited to just the development team. Other stakeholders, such as end-users and quality assurance teams, should also be involved in the testing process to provide feedback and identify any issues that may have been missed.

Document everything: 

Keep detailed records of your tests and findings, and share them with the development team. This will help you identify patterns and trends in defects and bugs.

Keeping detailed records of tests and findings is an essential part of any software development project. It helps to ensure that all issues and bugs are identified and addressed, and that the software is functioning as intended.

Here are some tips for documenting everything:

Keep a logbook: This can be a simple notebook or a digital document where you record all your tests, findings, and observations. Make sure to include the date, time, and any relevant details.

Use a bug tracking tool: There are many bug tracking tools available that can help you keep track of all the issues and bugs you encounter during testing. These tools allow you to assign issues to team members, set priorities, and track the status of each issue.

Create test cases: Before you start testing, create a set of test cases that cover all the functionality of the software. This will help you to ensure that you have tested all the features and that you have not missed anything.

Include screenshots and videos: Screenshots and videos can be very helpful in documenting bugs and issues. They provide visual evidence of the problem and can help the development team to reproduce the issue.

Share your findings: Make sure to share your findings with the development team. This will help them to understand the issues you have encountered and to work on fixing them.

By documenting everything, you can identify patterns and trends in defects and bugs. This can help you to identify the root cause of the problem and to develop strategies for preventing similar issues from occurring

Understand the end-user:

Know your audience and the purpose of the software. This will help you test for the specific needs and expectations of the end-user.

  • Understanding the end-user is crucial in developing and testing software that meets their needs and expectations. To do this, you should consider the following:
  • Identify the target audience: Determine who your software is intended for. Consider factors such as age, gender, occupation, education level, and technical proficiency.
  • Identify user goals: Understand what the end-users want to accomplish with your software. This can help you prioritize features and functionality.
  • Understand user expectations: Determine what the end-users expect from your software. This can help you develop software that meets or exceeds their expectations.
  • Test for usability: Test the software to ensure that it is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Conduct user testing to get feedback from end-users on the usability of the software.
  • Test for functionality: Test the software to ensure that it performs as intended and meets the needs of the end-users.

By understanding the end-user, you can develop and test software that meets their needs and expectations, which can lead to higher user satisfaction and adoption rates.

Use test management tools: 

Invest in a test management tool to help you manage test cases, defects, and test results.

Using a test management tool can greatly simplify and streamline the process of managing test cases, defects, and test results. 

There are several test management tools available in the market, each with its own unique features and capabilities. Some popular options include:

  • TestRail: TestRail is a web-based test management tool that enables teams to create, manage, and organize their test cases, as well as track and report on testing progress and results. It integrates with popular testing frameworks and tools such as JIRA, Selenium, and Jenkins.
  • qTest: qTest is a cloud-based test management platform that provides end-to-end testing solutions for Agile and DevOps teams. It offers features such as test case management, test execution, defect tracking, and reporting.
  • Zephyr: Zephyr is a widely used test management tool that offers features such as test case management, test execution, defect tracking, and reporting. It integrates with popular development tools such as JIRA and Confluence.
  • PractiTest: PractiTest is a cloud-based test management tool that offers features such as test case management, test execution, defect tracking, and reporting. It also offers integrations with popular development tools such as JIRA, Jenkins, and Selenium.

By investing in a test management tool, you can gain several benefits, such as:

  • Improved collaboration and communication among team members.
  • Increased efficiency and productivity in test case creation and execution.
  • Better organization and tracking of test results and defects.
  • Enhanced reporting and analysis capabilities for testing progress and results.
  • Improved overall quality of the software being developed.

A test management tool can be a valuable investment for any organization looking to improve their testing processes and achieve better software quality.

Seek feedback: 

Ask for feedback from your peers and stakeholders to improve your testing skills and identify areas for growth.


In conclusion, becoming a better tester requires a combination of continuous learning and practice. By implementing the 10 simple ways outlined in this guide, testers can enhance their skills and add more value to their teams. Whether it’s improving their communication, collaborating with developers, or exploring different testing tools and techniques, there are always opportunities for growth and development. It’s important to remember that testing is not just about finding bugs but also about ensuring that the software meets the needs of its users. As testers, our ultimate goal is to deliver high-quality products that meet or exceed customer expectations, and by following these tips, we can move closer to achieving that goal.

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