The Best Ransomware Protection Tools

By Prometteur solutions 20 Min Read

Our Cyber spaces are spammed with thousands of ransomware attacks for several unauthorised reasons. These attacks have cost many businesses and individuals a huge amount of money, data and other important aspects of their businesses. 

Ransomware attackers target databases, important file servers and networks. Therefore, it is now imperative for us to get the best anti-ransomware software for better and enhanced protection from these attackers. 

But the big challenge about dealing with ransomware is that it can be challenging to eliminate.  So, it is better to build strong and reliable preventive measures to keep them away than to go through the trauma of worrying about eliminating them.

We recommend you use the best ransomware protection tools for optimal protection against attacks. 

Let us help you with the best ransomware protection tools. Contact us now!

Importance of Using Anti-Ransomware Tools

The world is witnessing unprecedented ransomware attacks. After Covid, many businesses and individuals activated the work-from-home method, and distance learning in schools worldwide became the new norm. 

As more systems, servers, networks and data are connected and shared on the internet, so do ransomware threats and attacks expand. To this end, the importance of ransomware protection cannot be overemphasised. 

It is important to use the best ransomware protection tools so as to prevent threats and attacks that will lead to data loss, security breaches, and other attacks that will lead to business downtime. 

Because every business needs protection against security threats and attacks, the importance of ransomware protection should never be underestimated.

What is the Importance of Ransomware Protection?

Network servers, computer devices, and data will always play game-changing roles in business scaling. and protecting such assets from threats and attacks will be wise and ideal for business growth.  

Here is some importance of ransomware protection software.

Low or Reduced Cost

It is always cheaper to prevent ransomware attacks than to deal with full-blown penetration and security compromise of your assets. You do not want a situation whereby you have to deal with permanent data loss or pay-out huge amounts to recover stolen files or business downtime. Using the best ransomware protection tools or software help you to save cost, time and stress. 

Risk Mitigation

Ransomware protection software is important to any business security structure. The software helps to ensure access controls, data encryption, data management and offers protection to users. For best protection, we recommend you use the best ransomware protection tools.

Business Downtimes

Security threats, attacks and data loss can lead to an immediate business downtime and great loss to the business. however, having ransomware protection software in place and on time can prevent such loss. The security software serves to prevent threats and attacks from businesses.

Businesses of all sizes need ransomware protection software to stay in the industry, to be trusted and deem worthy of patronage by their esteemed customers. With the best ransomware protection tools, your business is protected and can easily recover from attacks.

We can help you identify the best ransomware protection tools. Contact us now!

The Best ransomware protection tools 

Trend Micro

Micro is rated amongst the best with full-fledged monitoring, detection and response features.

This is a sure plug if you require advanced security tools with top anti-ransomware solutions. The tool can easily and quickly identify areas with high-risk exposures to security threats and attacks and respond adequately before they can spread. It has all the features and capabilities to protect important data and files from ransomware attacks.

Benefits and features of the tool include;

  • Uses High machine learning and behavioural analysis
  • Comes with an email security tool to fight sandboxing
  • Protects physical, virtual and cloud-based servers
  • Has endpoint detection tools
  • Has superior intelligence features


Kaspersky is one of the best ransomware protection tools that is free for all.

Although it has a premium plan, the free version offers great services in combating ransomware attacks. Users can use the tool to keep their attackers away at no cost really. No wonder it is one of the most preferred choices for free ransomware protection software out there.

Features and benefits include

  • Free Plan
  • Behavioural detection and cloud analysis
  • Endpoint protection
  • Crypto miner detection
  • Cloud analysis
  • Blocks remote and local atempts

This anti-ransomware software solution stands out among others.


Cynet is one of the best ransomware protection tools. It comes with fully loaded package, powerful enough to monitor and protect businesses by offering enhanced protection across different, servers, networks, users and end points. 

Cynet is an automated tool for offering top anti-ransomware solutions. In other words, it can automatically detect and respond to threats and attacks before they get too serious to cause any data loss.

Cynet platform monitors updated ransomware techniques and quickly adapt to their behaviours. This is powered by its AI features which gives the anti-ransomware software an edge over threats and attacks. 

Other benefits of the anti-ransomware tool include;

  • Prioritises risks and notifies the monitoring team
  • Automatic investigation to threats and attacks
  • Attempts automatic solutions
  • Allow users to build custom remediation actions

Features of the anti-ransomware tool include;

  • Critical filtering
  • Real time filtering
  • Automatic detection of ransomware
  • Real time protection

Like we said, this is one of the best ransomware protection tools out there.

Prometteur only use the best ransomware protection tools. Contact us now!


When talking about the best ransomware protection tools, Sophos comes to mind. 

The ransomware protection tool it driven by AI and it offers very fast and easy protection for office, home, and business. it is very efficient in fighting viruses and other advanced threats.

Users of the Sophos Anti-Ransomware software can easily single out viruses and eradicate them from the system. Its ability to recover infected files, protect files against ransomware attacks and neutralise threats makes it stand out. 

Benefits and features

  • Sophos offers AI detection services
  • Deep Scanning
  • Endpoint protection
  • Good for businesses
  • Behavioural analysis

With Sophos anti ransomware service, you can easily deploy security actions to neutralise threats and attacks that will affect your business before the implications get deeper.

Carbon Black

Carbon Black offers the anti-virus and ransomware defence at endpoint levels. No wonder it is rated among best ransomware tools in the market.

It has proven to pull up great works where other ransomware protection software have failed. It comes with all the right features to offer best ransomware protection and keep attacks away from your servers, devices, networks, data and files.

Benefits and features include:

  • Lightweight and easy to use
  • Offers behavioural anaylysis
  • Provides endpoint protection
  • Powerful app controls
  • Automatically monitors different events and ransomware behariours
  • It can lure ransomware with fake files

It is indeed one of the ransomware protection software with promising features.

Palo Alto Network Cortex

Experts call it the best ransomware protection tools with automation-driven security functions.

Palo Alto Network Cortex is ranked among the top anti-ransomware solutions as it offers businesses with game changing security solutions against ransomware attacks. 

You deserve to have the best ransomware protection tools. Contact us to help you!

What are the benefits of using Palo anti-ransomware software?

  • Uses automation approach
  • Automatically secure all users
  • Offers intelligence


  • Comes with automated threat intelligence features
  • Monitor, protect and secure all users automatically
  • Automatically respond to threats

Palo Alto is the best ransomware protection tools for large businesses since it can secure several multiple devices.


We crawled the web for the best ransomware protection tools for threat detection. Guess what name kept popping? Yeah right, CrowdStrike!!

CrowdStrike offers a strong anti-virus platform that can detect and protect threats and attacks from all angles. The anti-ransomware tool is easy to use and can prevent attacks from known and unknown sources. It can block malicious activities and clean up your system quickly. 

Benefits and features

CrowdStrike has the following benefits and features;

  • AI machine learning 
  • Lightweight and fast
  • Easy to use
  • Threat Detection
  • Behaviour analysis
  • Automated IOA remediation


Cybereason is a typical example of one of the best ransomware protection tools for preventing, detecting and responding to threats and attacks.

The tool passes for a good anti ransomware service provider, offering behaviour based and signature analysis combined with machine learning to detect, prevent and respond to threats before they cause serious damages to important data and files. 

Features and benefits of the Cybereason anti-ransomware software 

  • Multi layered behaviour based and machine learning features
  • Monitors in real time
  • Prevents unknown ransomware attacks

Cybereason is among the top anti-ransomware solutions out there.

How to Choose the Best ransomware protection tools 

Choosing the best ransomware protection tools can be challenging as there are many available tools in stock. Here are some important things to consider;

Effectiveness of the tool: We are sure you never want to waste your time and resources on getting a ransomware protection software without guarantee for effectiveness. So, make sure you find out how effective the tool is, take a look at the features and benefits it offers. Also, put your system posture in the picture and see if the tool will serve you properly. For example, not all ransomware protection tools serve large businesses. You should also check customer reviews about the tools to access its track records.

Features: Pay good attention to the tool’s features. Actually, it is one of the criteria that makes them rank amongst the best ransomware protection tools in the market. Your preferered tool should have different features, powerful enough to meet your anti-ransomware needs.

Compatibility: How compatible is the tool? Most of the best ransomware protection tools are compatible with different operating systems, majorly Windows, IOS, and Android. 

User friendly: How user friendly is the tool? If any ransomware tool is ranked amongst the best ransomware protection tools, it must have user friendly features and designs. You do not need to deal with complex programs and software to clean up your system.

Let us help you choose the best ransomware protection tools. Contact us now!

Reputation: Ensure you select one of the best ransomware protection tools with good track records. Take your time and do some quality research about this. Check reviews and see which company or business have patronised them and what are the things they are saying about the using the tool.

Cost: Everything we do is made effective or ineffective by their cost. While you need the best ransomware protection tools, you will also need one with pocket friendly cost. However, this is not to say you should compromise quality over cost. Just spend wisely.

Customer Support: The best ransomware protection tools are backed up by robust customer supports. At a point, you may need to contact the company behind the tool for some technical assistance. You need a customer support group that is accessible, and quick to respond to your queries. 

Considering the steps above can guide you in finding and choosing the best ransomware protection tools for your protection.

Steps to Finding Top Anti-Ransomware Solutions

Here are the steps in finding top anti-ransomware solutions.

Create Effective Plan

One of the top anti-ransomware solutions is having effective plans that will keep your networks, devices, servers, data and business safe from attacks. You may also include strong back-ups that will help you to resume business in no time when there is an attack.

Always Monitor Your Devices and Environment

Another top anti-ransomware solutions is for you to have all the measure in place to ensure that your environment is always monitored against attacks. You can back this up with strong anti-ransomware software and reliable firewall for early detection of threats and attacks.

Prevention of Attacks

Proper monitoring will result to early detection of threats, attacks and dealing with these attacks will be easier than having them fully operation as intended by the attackers. You must activate user authentication, access controls, and other security measures to protect your data from attacks.

Restore Data

To further strengthen your security, another top anti-ransomware solution to consider is having all the necessary tools for data storage, backups and restoration. You may consider using cloud services for storages and back-ups. Do not forget to keep all passwords safe and secure from unauthorised persons.

Always Test Your Plans

Do not relax and say “oh, I have all the technical defences in place, I am safe.” Attackers also upgrade their strategies and malwares so you must always test your plans to be sure of how efficient it is. Are all members of your team adhering to the predefined security measures? How protected do they keep their devices? Is your anti-ransomware software updated? What about your connections and the files or emails received? Make sure everything about security stays updated. 

Be Proactive

In the list of our top anti-ransomware solutions, being proactive is very important. Take this very seriously and you will keep many attacks away from your business. Being proactive entails taking all the necessary measures to prevent attacks, including providing your employees with the needed security trainings, especial on phishing emails, and clicking of links. You should also include using the best ransomware protection tools as one of your proactive steps.

Why Should You Choose the Best Ransomware Protection Tools for Your Business?

You should pick the best ransomware protection tools for a number of reasons:

Protection from ransomware attacks: A type of virus called ransomware has the ability to encrypt your files and demand payment in exchange for the decryption key. The best ransomware protection tools are able to recognize and stop ransomware assaults before they cause any harm.

Data loss prevention: Ransomware attacks may cause the loss of crucial files and data. The best ransomware protection tools can help you avoid data loss by thwarting ransomware attacks and safeguarding your files.

Peace of Mind: You may have peace of mind knowing that your data is safe from ransomware attacks if you use the best ransomware protection tools. Without having to worry about a potential ransomware assault, you can concentrate on your business and other important duties.

Cost-effective: The best ransomware protection tools are an excellent investment if you want to keep your data safe. Spending money on ransomware security measures can be significantly more expensive than recovering from a ransomware assault.

Requirements for compliance: Many firms are subject to data security and protection legislation. You may fulfill these standards and avoid exorbitant fines by using the best ransomware protection tools.

Selecting the best ransomware protection tools is crucial to safeguard your data, avoid data loss, comply with regulations, and provide piece of mind.

Looking for the best ransomware protection tools? We can help. Contact us now!

How Can Prometteur Help You with Ransomware Protection Services?

Look no further than Prometteur if you’re searching for the best ransomware protection tools to safeguard your company. 

Risk analyses, security awareness training, ransomware detection, and response are just a few of the services we provide to help defend against ransomware attacks. We can assist with data restoration in the event of an attack, we may also help implement backup and recovery solutions. 

You can find and fix vulnerabilities in your network, systems, and applications with Prometteur’s vulnerability management services. Additionally, you can stay current on the most recent ransomware threats and trends, thanks to our cyber threat intelligence services. 

And with our managed security services, you can relax knowing that your business is being watched for potential ransomware attacks around-the-clock. 

Get in touch with us right away if you want the best ransomware protection tools and services available.

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