The ultimate guide to agile testing methodology

By Prometteur solutions 17 Min Read

Agile Testing Methodologies

Discover the power of Agile testing methodology for improved software quality and accelerated delivery. The procedures for designing and developing software will always be subject to change; hence, the approaches used to testing software must likewise adapt to reflect these shifts. It is a well-known fact that consumers strongly prefer purchasing high-quality goods; this holds true even for online software items. When seen from this perspective, agile testing takes on a key role. When producing high-quality goods, agile testing methodologies are all about working smarter, not harder, to achieve your goals. 

The result is always fantastic whenever developers and testers work together to provide the highest possible quality in a software product. In this day and age, the development cycle needs all of the necessary feedback to create the ideal product for users, and Agile testing approaches are where the most useful technical feedback is uncovered and worked on by developers. In order to create the perfect product for users, the development cycle needs all the necessary feedback. 

What is Agile Testing Methodology? 

The term “agile testing” refers to a software testing methodology based on agile software development concepts. It is a process that collects all of the relevant input from consumers and software testers and uses it to produce an improved product based on that feedback. As a result, the finished product is often designed with the user in mind. 

The Agile testing approach does not follow a sequential format but rather a continuous one. After getting started on the project, continuous integration between development and testing will continue until the ultimate result is achieved, which will typically be a product of superior quality for end customers. 

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What Exactly Are the Principles of Agile Testing?

The following is a list of some of the principles that govern the agile testing process:

  • Less documentation is required. 

Less documentation is required since agile teams use a reusable checklist. This allows the team to concentrate on the test rather than the extraneous details.

  • Test-Driven

In agile techniques, Testing is done at the time of implementation, while in the conventional approach, testing is done after implementation. The results of previous implementations drive tests.

  • Testing occurs on an ongoing basis. 

An Agile team does tests on an ongoing basis since this is the only method to guarantee that the product is continually improving.

  • Input that is provided continuously 

Agile testing continuously offers feedback, which is how your product can fulfill the company’s demands.

  • All members of the team participate in the testing process 

With a typical software development life cycle, testing is the exclusive responsibility of the test team. However, in agile testing, the test team, the developers, and the business analysts test the application.

  • Reduce the amount of time needed to respond to input 

Agile testing and continuous feedback help reduce the amount of time required to respond to feedback since the business team participates in each iteration.

  • Simple and clean code

All of the faults found by the agile team are corrected inside the same iteration, which helps maintain a clean and simplified code base.

What is Agile Testing Life Cycle 

The typical starting point for the testing procedures carried out by agile teams is the writing and implementation of the many plans involved. Every team member is responsible for fully comprehending the release strategy and any additional user stories included in the sprints that comprise each release. At this stage, a document that details all of the features and other items that will be incorporated in upcoming releases is being produced and then sent to the agile team. After the paper has been disseminated and is read by all relevant parties, a test plan is presented. 

Test Plan 

What exactly is the test plan? It is a strategy that was developed to accommodate each new release. After each new release, it is necessary to update on it. The primary purpose of creating a test plan before starting the release process is to precisely define the scope, the test techniques, and the entry and exit elements associated with each release. What steps come after developing the test plan? 

Planning for Sprints 

Following that will be sprint planning. At this point in the process, the team will need to discuss in sprints all of the work they have done to prepare the document. In addition, they will investigate all dependencies that could crop up throughout development or testing. Substantial communication between team members is required to complete this stage and accomplish all the needed sprint velocity. The team also discusses their progress on the sprint using story points. These points represent the amount of work that goes into testing and development. In light of this, when sprints are being planned, all estimates on testing and development are submitted. 

The post-sprint planning stage occurs inside the sprint planning stage, and it is at this step, all work allocation is made, and all testers are given their jobs for every test case in conjunction with the execution. 

The Activities of Implementation and Execution 

When the sprint planning stage of the Agile testing process has been finished, the following phases are implementation and execution. 

This is where the test cases are developed and linked to the appropriate user stories. However, more user stories are written at this stage, and peer reviews on the product’s performance support them. 

The activities presented here aim to raise the QA team’s knowledge of the features, which will also be helpful inputs for increasing the test coverage. In addition, every single test case is connected to a user story to guarantee that the correct test cases match up with the correct user stories. 

For enhanced delivery. Developers review test cases to verify that every possible situation has been covered. It helps reduce the number of bugs. 

After the test cases have been developed and the stories have been prepared for testing, the test cases that have been produced should be run over it. Another critical practice to follow during execution is to ensure that the assigned tester responsible for creating the test cases is not the one running the tests. 

It is important that any and all defects found across user stories and test cases be reported in the bug management tool and connected to the relevant user stories and test cases. In order to suggest a strategy for the defects that have been recorded and their fixes, a triage meeting is held. After the bugs have been corrected, they are retested on all of the stories and finally closed. 

Sprint Closure Activities 

The user stories are considered finished and prepared for the Product Owner’s approval after all of the defects associated with the test cases. The user stories have been retested and closed. A sprint review is carried out to demonstrate the deliverables produced throughout the sprint. If any of the stories being worked on during a sprint cannot be finished because of unresolved bugs or unfinished development work, those stories will be carried over to the next sprint. It is essential to clearly understand that a story is only deemed deliverable if the testing activities associated with it have been completed, and not just when the development effort has been finished. 

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Testing for regression will take place after all of the sprints associated with a release have been finished. The test cases of the features that are scheduled to be included in the release and the test cases of any earlier releases that were affected by those features would be combined to form a regression suite. The Product Owner would provide their stamp of approval to the regression suite. 

The stakeholders get daily emails with updates on the progress, showing both the current state of the execution and the total number of issues found. The regression is usually broken up into numerous cycles, the exact number determined by the number of issues and the complexity of the company involved. Additionally, retesting would be conducted across all bugs throughout those cycles. Finally, after the conclusion of the regression, a sign-off report would be prepared and sent to the various stakeholders. In addition, a cumulative defect analysis report covering all of the sprints will be sent with it, if necessary. 

Release Activities 

After a release, the build is submitted to UAT, where it’s set up for restricted user acceptance testing. Alpha testers will do a smoke test when UAT receives the release. If the smoke test passes, the release will be sent to beta testers, who will test it before releasing it to production. After testing, the build is forwarded to production for end-user testing. Again, alpha testers will do this following smoke testing. Any production release faults will be recognised and immediately fixed if possible. If not, a point release would resolve the concerns.

Making Preparations for the Upcoming Release 

Following the completion of the release, the team would begin preparing for the subsequent release. This preparation would include reading the narrative that encapsulated the features intended to be included in the release. During this stage, any questions or concerns pertaining to the company’s operations would be addressed and resolved.

What are the Agile Testing Methods?

There are many different approaches to agile testing. Let us have a look. 

The Acceptance Test-Driven Development Methodology (ATDD) 

ATDD emphasizes incorporating team members who come at the problem from diverse angles, such as the customer, the developer, and the tester. To create acceptance tests that include the opinions of the client, the development team, and the testing team, Three Amigos meetings are organized. The client is concerned with the issue that needs to be resolved, the development team is focused on how the issue will be resolved, and the testing team is involved with the potential problems that may arise. The acceptance tests represent the user’s point of view and outline how the system will perform moving forward. In addition, it helps check that the system is operating just as it should be. Acceptance testing is also conducted by automated means in specific cases. 

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Behavior Driven Development (BDD) 

Behavior Driven Development (BDD), often known as BDD, aims to increase communication between the various project stakeholders. Before the development process can start in earnest, all participants must have a complete and thorough understanding of all the features. Therefore, communication between developers, testers, and business analysts is maintained on an ongoing basis and is based on examples. 

Scenarios are the names given to the examples, and they are expressed in a particular manner known as Gherkin Given/When/Then syntax. Every scenario contains essential information about how a feature should behave in various contexts and with a wide range of input parameters. This kind of thing is referred to as “Executable Specifications.” The Executable Specifications document includes both the specification and the inputs to the automated tests. 

Exploratory Testing

When it comes to this kind of testing, the test design phase and the test execution phase are conducted simultaneously. The exploratory testing focuses on the product’s functionality rather than its documentation. People and their relationships are more essential than the process and technologies used. Collaboration between businesses and their customers is more valuable than contract negotiation. Exploratory testing is more malleable to different circumstances. During this phase of testing, testers explore an application to discover its functionality. The testers get familiar with the application so that they may build and carry out test plans based on their observations.

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What are the benefits of Agile Testing Methodologies?

In what ways is the Agile Testing Methodology superior to other approaches?

The following is a list of advantages that come with using an agile testing approach:

  • It is a time and financial saver.
  • Agile testing results in less documentation being needed.
  • It is malleable and very adaptive to different circumstances.
  • Finally, it offers a method for collecting consistent feedback from the customer at the end of the chain.
  • Improved understanding of the situation gained via frequent meetings

Are you in need of Agile testers for your project? Do you want to set up the best Agile testing team? Then, get in touch with us, and we will offer you the best for your project.


What is the meaning of agile testing?

Testing practices that adhere to the guiding concepts and guidelines of agile software development are called agile testing. In contrast to the Waterfall technique, Agile testing may commence at the very beginning of the project and features continuous integration between development and testing.

Is the Agile testing technique continuous or sequential?

Agile testing is not a sequential approach (in the sense that it is carried out just after the coding process) but rather a continuous one.

Is It Beneficial to Use Agile Testing?

Testing your product using an agile methodology is advised, and that is correct. Get in touch with us now if you want to put together the most influential agile testing teams.

How do I recruit the most qualified Agile testers for my project?

For the best possible outcomes, Prometteur Solutions can assist you in rapidly assembling the most qualified agile testing team likely.

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