Video Game Tester Salary (India and Globally) 2023 | Testbytes

By Prometteur solutions 18 Min Read

Video game testing 

Video game testing is an important part of the game development process that involves identifying and reporting bugs, glitches, and other issues in video games before they are released to the public. As the video game industry continues to grow rapidly, the demand for video game testers is also increasing. In this article, we will discuss the video game tester salary in India and globally.

Importance of video game testers in the game development process

Video game testers play a crucial role in the game development process. They are responsible for identifying and reporting bugs, glitches, and other issues that may affect the game’s performance or user experience.

Here are some of the reasons why video game testers are important in the game development process:

  • Quality Assurance: The primary responsibility of video game testers is to ensure that the game meets the quality standards set by the development team. They test the game thoroughly to identify bugs and issues that may affect the game’s performance or user experience.
  • User Experience: Video game testers provide valuable feedback on the game’s user experience. They can identify areas where the game is difficult to play or confusing, and provide suggestions for improvements.
  • Optimization: Video game testers can identify areas where the game may need optimization, such as in terms of graphics or performance. They can provide feedback on how the game could be improved to run more smoothly on different platforms or devices.
  • Preventing Game-breaking bugs: Video game testers play a critical role in preventing game-breaking bugs. They can identify issues that could cause the game to crash, freeze or become unplayable. By catching these issues early, game developers can address them before they impact the user experience.
  • Building Trust: A high-quality game can build trust with players, leading to better reviews and higher sales. By ensuring the game is free of bugs and other issues, video game testers help build that trust.

Video game testers play an essential role in the game development process. They ensure the game meets quality standards, provides a good user experience, runs smoothly on different platforms, prevents game-breaking bugs and helps build trust with players.

Brief explanation of video game testing industry

The video game testing industry is responsible for ensuring that video games are functioning properly and are free of bugs and glitches before they are released to the public. Video game testers typically play through various parts of a game multiple times to identify any issues, such as broken mechanics, graphical or audio glitches, or gameplay imbalances. They then report these issues to developers, who will make necessary changes to fix them.

Video game testing is an essential part of the game development process, as it helps ensure that games are of high quality and meet player expectations. It involves a combination of manual testing and automated tools to identify and fix issues before a game is released to the public. The testing process can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the game and the size of the development team. The video game testing industry offers a variety of job opportunities, including entry-level tester positions and more senior roles such as lead testers and quality assurance managers.

Average salary of video game testers in developed countries

The average salary of video game testers in developed countries can vary depending on several factors, such as experience, location, and the company they work for. However, according to data from Glassdoor, the average base salary for a video game tester in the United States is around $50,000 per year. In Canada, the average salary for a video game tester is around CAD $44,000 per year, while in the United Kingdom, it is around £20,000 per year.

It’s important to note that these figures are only averages, and salaries can vary significantly based on a number of factors, such as the size and reputation of the company, the level of experience of the tester, and the specific role and responsibilities they have within the testing team. Additionally, salaries may also be influenced by factors such as the demand for video game testers in the industry and the overall state of the economy.

Average salary of video game testers in India

The salary of video game testers in India can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and company. However, according to Glassdoor, the average salary for a video game tester in India is around INR 3,00,000 per year. This may vary depending on the specific company, the location, and the level of experience of the tester. It’s worth noting that this is an estimate and salaries may differ from company to company.

Factors affecting video game tester salary

The salary of a video game tester can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • Experience: Experienced testers with several years of experience in the field are likely to earn more than entry-level testers.
  • Company size and reputation: Larger companies with established reputations in the gaming industry may offer higher salaries than smaller, less well-known companies.
  • Location: The cost of living and demand for testers can vary depending on the location, with salaries generally higher in areas with a high cost of living.
  • Type of game tested: The complexity and scope of the game being tested can also impact salary, with testers of highly complex games likely to earn more than those testing simpler games.
  • Educational background: A degree or certification in a related field such as computer science or game design may increase earning potential for game testers.
  • Specialized skills: Testers with specialized skills such as programming, game design, or quality assurance may be able to command higher salaries.
  • Negotiation skills: Finally, the ability to negotiate a higher salary can also impact earning potential.

How the skills affect video game tester salary

The skills of a video game tester can have an impact on their salary. Some of the skills that can influence a video game tester’s salary include:

  • Experience: Testers with more experience may be able to command a higher salary due to their expertise.
  • Attention to Detail: Video game testers need to have a keen eye for detail in order to identify bugs and glitches. Testers with strong attention to detail may be able to command a higher salary.
  • Technical knowledge: Testers who have a strong understanding of programming languages, software development, and hardware may be able to command a higher salary as they are better able to understand and communicate technical issues.
  • Communication skills: Testers who are able to clearly and effectively communicate their findings to development teams may be able to command a higher salary as they are seen as more valuable to the team.
  • Time management skills: Video game testers need to be able to manage their time effectively in order to meet tight deadlines. Testers who are able to work efficiently and effectively may be able to command a higher salary.

The skills of a video game tester can impact their salary, with more experienced and skilled testers often able to command higher salaries.

How to become a video game tester

Becoming a video game tester can be an exciting career choice for those who are passionate about gaming and have a keen eye for detail. Here are some steps you can take to become a video game tester:

  • Develop a passion for gaming: To become a video game tester, you need to have a passion for gaming. Play games regularly, and try to analyze them from a critical perspective.
  • Obtain a degree or certification: Although it is not a requirement, a degree or certification in game design, programming, or quality assurance can be beneficial. It will give you a better understanding of the industry and the technical skills needed to be a tester.
  • Build a portfolio: Create a portfolio of your gaming experiences, including reviews, bug reports, and feedback. This will showcase your abilities and demonstrate your passion for the industry.
  • Gain experience: Look for opportunities to gain experience in testing, such as internships or entry-level positions at gaming companies. You can also participate in beta testing programs to gain experience.
  • Network: Attend gaming events and conferences to network with industry professionals. Build connections and relationships to increase your chances of finding job opportunities.
  • Apply for jobs: Look for job openings on gaming company websites or job boards. Be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your skills and experience in video game testing.

Be patient: Becoming a video game tester can be competitive, so be patient and persistent. Keep improving your skills and gaining experience, and eventually, you will find the right opportunity.

What is the Education requirements of a game tester

The education requirements for a game tester can vary depending on the employer and the specific position. In general, most employers prefer candidates who have at least a high school diploma or equivalent.

However, some employers may require a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as computer science, game design, or a related discipline. A degree in a relevant field can provide a strong foundation in programming, game design, and other skills that may be beneficial for a game tester.

In addition to formal education, game testers should also have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a keen eye for detail. Experience with testing software or games can also be helpful in securing a position as a game tester.

What Certifications and training do game testers need?

Game testers typically need a combination of technical skills, gaming knowledge, and soft skills such as communication, attention to detail, and problem-solving abilities. While there is no specific certification or training required to become a game tester, there are several qualifications that can increase your chances of getting hired and help you excel in the role.

  • Game testing training: While it’s not a requirement, some training programs focus specifically on game testing. These programs teach you the fundamentals of game testing, including bug reporting, test case creation, and test plan creation. Some popular game testing training programs include the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) Game Testing SIG and the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) Foundation’s Video Game Scholarships.
  • Gaming knowledge: Game testers need a strong understanding of the gaming industry, including popular gaming platforms, game genres, and gaming trends. It’s essential to have experience playing a wide variety of games to be able to provide valuable feedback and identify potential issues.
  • Technical skills: Game testers should have a basic understanding of computer hardware and software, as well as experience working with different gaming platforms. Knowledge of programming languages, game engines, and other software development tools is also beneficial.
  • Communication skills: Clear communication is essential for game testers to effectively report bugs and provide feedback to the development team. Strong writing and verbal communication skills are critical.
  • Attention to detail: Game testers must be meticulous in their work to identify bugs and issues in the game. Attention to detail is essential to ensure that all issues are caught and reported accurately.
  • Problem-solving skills: Game testers should be able to identify potential problems in the game and develop solutions to those problems. Creative problem-solving skills can help testers provide valuable feedback to the development team.

While there is no specific certification or training required for game testers, having a combination of technical skills, gaming knowledge, and soft skills can help you excel in the role and stand out to potential employers.

Advantages and disadvantages of being a video game tester

Advantages of being a video game tester:

  • Early access to games: As a game tester, you get to play games before they are released to the public, giving you the opportunity to experience the latest and greatest titles before anyone else.
  • Paid to play games: You are essentially getting paid to play games all day, which can be a dream job for many people who are passionate about gaming.
  • Opportunities for growth: If you are interested in a career in the video game industry, becoming a game tester can be a great first step. It can provide you with valuable experience and help you learn about the industry.
  • Variety of games: As a tester, you may be required to test different genres of games, which can give you exposure to a wide range of titles and game mechanics.

Disadvantages of being a video game tester:

  • Repetitive work: Testing games can be a monotonous job, as you may be required to play the same section of a game over and over again to identify and document any issues.
  • Long hours: Video game testing can involve long hours, with some testers working 10-12 hour shifts, which can be mentally and physically exhausting.
  • Tight deadlines: Testers are often working under tight deadlines to meet release schedules, which can be stressful.
  • Low pay: Entry-level game testers may not be paid very much compared to other positions in the video game industry, although salaries can vary depending on the company and location.


In conclusion, video game testing is a crucial aspect of the game development process, and it plays a significant role in ensuring that games are free from bugs and other issues before release. The salaries for video game testers vary widely depending on their location, experience, and the company they work for.

In India, the average salary for a video game tester is relatively low, ranging from INR 2-6 lakhs per annum, while globally, the average salary is higher, ranging from $30,000-$60,000 per annum. However, salaries can also be influenced by other factors such as the size and reputation of the company, location, and cost of living.

Despite the relatively low salaries, video game testing is still a popular career choice for many people, particularly for those who are passionate about gaming and want to be part of the industry. With the growth of the gaming industry in India and around the world, it is likely that the demand for skilled video game testers will continue to increase, leading to better salaries and more opportunities for those interested in this field.

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