Why Usability And Functionality Testing Is Crucial In Mobile Game Testing?

By Prometteur solutions 17 Min Read

Right now, the world is witnessing an unprecedented expansion of the gaming industry, and with it comes a lot of opportunities and prospects for game developers and user-game players. People want to be able to enjoy playing their games on their mobile phones, so it’s only right for developers to ensure all errors, glitches, and vulnerabilities that will have negative effects on the users are totally eliminated at an early stage. 

So, how will they achieve this? There is only one sure way; usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing.

Oh yes! Usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing is still an issue. It is largely still a big issue because many factors contribute in determining how the testing tasks and goals will be. If your game is tough/complex, the required testing would be complex too.

If you want to make sure that the features of your mobile game and all its functionalities meet up with the user desires, then you must consider performing usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing services which are often manually done by game testers who play the game over a certain period and send detailed reports about any issues that need to be fixed. 

YoU should make the best testing plans for your game, use the best strategies and find and address any issues found during game testing. This is game testing best practices.

Get in touch with us now to hire the best experts in usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing? 

Usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing

Usability and functional testing in mobile game testing are two important tasks that should not be ignored. As we attempt to take you on a ride so that you can properly understand their  benefits of usability testing in games or if you like, the significance of mobile game testing, let us understand the concepts – importance of usability and functionality testing in mobile games

What is Usability Testing in Mobile Game Testing?

Usability testing in mobile games testing follows a reliable  technique used by games testers for assessing how well users can navigate and make seamless use of the game app. Before any mobile game application is made available to the public, usability testing should be done by testing experts (manual and automated testers) to find and address any design or functionality issues.

Anyone can conduct usability testing, including web designers, developers, or marketers. It is also a fantastic approach to learn how users will interact with your application and determine whether there are any issues.

What is Functional Testing in game testing services?

Usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing are components of gaming software development.  Let us quickly look at the latter here.

Particularly in the early stages of mobile game development,  functional Testing for game testing services is used to test the mobile game’s functionality. Functional testing’s goal is to test the app in a controlled setting to ensure that it performs as expected and complies with specifications. 

Functional testing requires the use of the best testing tools and Selenium is the most effective tool with which to accomplish it for optimal results.

In mobile game testing, executing test cases that evaluate the application’s functionality is known as functional testing. In other words, it’s the procedure of making sure the system or application complies with the specifications laid down in the design. This procedure helps to prevent errors and guarantees that the  application satisfies user requirements. 

Do you want to hire the best experts in usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing? Get in touch with us now.

The Importance of usability and functionality testing in mobile games testing

There are several Importance of usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing. Let us discuss them in clear terms.

Benefits of usability testing in games

Usability testing in mobile game testing, is done to confirm the type of user experience your game provides by assessing usability and navigation flow. So, only use genuine phones and emulators for testing. Identifying bad performance on the original device, for example, is not difficult. Interference, charger influence on overall performance and usage, and battery consumption are all examined during the test.

In mobile game testing, it is also critical to playtest your game in order to maximise its usefulness and pleasure. This determines whether the user has a pleasant or negative experience. All of these have a significant influence on user experience and satisfaction.

The only reason you play games is to have fun. As a result, games must provide both amusement and a positive user experience.Performing usability testing in mobile games necessitates artistic creativity as well as critical thought. Fun comes from when all of the other aspects of the game operate correctly together, which takes a lot of effort to develop.

Functional testing

The most frequently used kind of mobile game testing is functional testing. In functional testing, testers actually play the game manually while testing for bugs and error. The application can be thoroughly examined during functional testing to determine whether it satisfies the criteria.

Additionally, automation is a workable substitute in a number of functional testing domains. After becoming familiar with the mobile application’s source code, you can set up a test automation system. Mobile games’ user interface and aesthetics, game mechanics, graphical resource integration, and resistance can all be identified during functional testing.

You must make sure that the installation goes without a hitch, the programme runs in restricted mode, the application allows you to select your social network, it supports payment options, and so on.

Although functional testing is a crucial part of any mobile game testing strategy, the attention given on the unique characteristics and requirements of the mobile environment is what distinguishes a successful mobile game from an ordinary one. It is expected to  ensure that the operating functionality is error-free and consistent with the original design, end-to-end functional testing is performed, encompassing linear and non-linear game activity.

Usability Testing in Mobile Game Testing

Usability testing in mobile game testing is a testing process that enables you to determine how well a game can be used by the users. In order to improve the effectiveness of usability testing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the goals of the testing.

  • Usually, there are three primary goals of usability testing: 
  • To find problems with the design, 
  • To find ways to improve the design, 
  • To find ways to improve the user experience

Get in touch with us now to hire the best experts in usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing? 

What is the role of functionality testing in mobile gaming?

If you are thinking about using test cases for identifying and addressing errors and other vulnerabilities in your game, then you need to know about some of the roles of functionality testing in mobile gaming.

Game testing comes with several benefits, some of the most important benefits of functionality testing in mobile game testing are; the ability to identify and correct bugs, flaws, and other errors before they become severe problems. 

Functional testing is a process that enables you to find issues prior to users and hackers having access to your software. Functional testing can save future time and money loss as well as major embarrassment to your reputation and that of your company.

Functional testing in mobile game testing enables you to find issues and fix them while keeping the user experience in mind. By testing the user experience of your app, you can make sure that your game is easy to use and that users can get the information they need.

The Top 5 Tips for Better Functional Testing

There is no such thing as a perfect software development process because bugs will always be present. Consequently, it’s critical to have a mechanism in place for swiftly recognising and resolving problems. Functional testing is one of the finest methods for doing this. 

Functional testing is a procedure for evaluating a software application’s usability by running it against a set of predetermined inputs. You can make sure the application works as intended and has no unintended side effects by doing this. 

1. Understand the role of functionality testing in mobile gaming

Software engineers employ the functional testing procedure to validate the applications’ usability. Functional testing is used to find and solve any errors in the programme before it is made available to users.

There are several reasons why functional testing is important for your software product. 

It first assists in making sure the application performs as intended. It also aids in locating any potential issues that might have gone unnoticed during the design phase. Third, it aids in locating any issues that might have developed after the application’s launch.

2. Define the Scope of Your Test Cases

Having understood the purpose of your mobile game testing – functional testing, you need to establish the parameters of your test cases in carrying out the functional testing. This will enable you to pinpoint the components of your application that need testing.

3. Choose the Right Tools for Functional Testing

When it comes to choosing the best tool for your functional testing, Prepare your mind that the process can make or break your testing process. It will not go well if you choose the wrong tools and it will be a refreshing experience with thee best tools.

Mobile game testing in this sense requires or entails simulating the environment in which it will be utilised as closely as feasible. You can detect and correct any bugs before they cause issues by putting the system through various tests under various scenarios.

The best way to use the different types of tools for functional testing is to decide what type of testing you need to do and then find the tool that fits that requirement.

For example, if you need to perform mobile game testing under different conditions, you’ll need to use a testing tool. However, if you just need to check for errors, you can use a manual testing tool.

By using the right tools for your mobile game testing, you can get your functional testing done quickly and with minimal fuss.

4. Perform the Testing Process Correctly

Functional testing can cause faults that take longer to fix and potentially postpone the release of your product if done incorrectly.

The following are five pointers for conducting functional testing correctly:

1. Run test scenarios that reflect the user experience you wish to create.

2. Test the complete user interface rather than just certain components.

3. Examine how customers will engage with and react to your product.

4. Test on various browsers and devices.

5. Keep track of your experiments and adjust as necessary.

5. Take Advantage of Automated Testing Tools

One of the most important stages of software development process is functional testing Testing, however, some game testing may be tiresome and time-consuming. You should always make sure to utilise automated testing tools to increase the effectiveness of testing. Get a testing expert that will handle the process in a professional way and give you the value hat you deserve.

Selenium is one of the most well-liked automated testing tools. Using the open source programme Selenium, you can test web applications. Selenium is a tool that may be used to evaluate a website’s security, usability, and operation.

WebDriver is another good tool for automated testing. Using the WebDriver platform, you may communicate with websites and web applications. A website’s user experience, security, and functionality may all be tested with WebDriver.

Do you want to hire the best experts in usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing? Get in touch with us now.


What is usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing? 

The difference between usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing is this. Functional testing follows processes of evaluation of whether a gaming software product functions properly, and usability testing follows testing processes that evaluates the end user’s ability to access those features. You can easily imagine that it has something to do with whether you can use the product normally.

What is the difference between user testing and usability testing? 

The difference is that user testing helps you understand whether prospective users will need the product or service, whereas usability testing is used to determine whether the user is successfully using the service. 

Do you often confuse usability and functionality testing in mobile game testing? 

Functionality is determined by how the game applications help customers achieve their goals, but Usability testing in mobile games is focused on how effectively and conveniently testing is done with the purpose of fixing usability issues.

When should you do usability testing? 

After starting strategy work for a new website or app and before starting new design work, whenever possible, usability testing can and should be performed on the current iteration of the product. 

How do you do Usability testing in mobile games? 

A typical usability test includes four steps:

  • Find representative users from your target group.
  • Ask users to perform representative tasks on your site. 
  • Observe user behaviour
  • Summarise and report your results. 

Why Functional Testing Matters?

Functional testing is important because without it, you may not fully understand whether your application is working as intended. The application passes non-functional tests and works fine otherwise, but when using ex

What is functional testing? 

Functional testing is a type of testing designed to determine whether each application function functions according to software requirements. Each function is compared to its corresponding requirement to determine if its output meets the end user’s expectations.

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