Ecommerce app development | Mobile App Development Company in India | Prometteur Solutions

App Development Solution For Ecommerce

Case Study

Ecommerce app development

App Development Solution For Ecommerce

E-commerce is the process of buying and selling goods and services online or over the internet. The world is ever-changing and the internet has come to stay.

According to Statista, as of March 2020, "the current number of smartphone users in the world is 3.5 billion, and this means 45.12% of the world's population owns a smartphone".

Ecommerce app development solutions have become popular because of the constant increasing demand by mobile smartphone users. For example, businesses such as grocery stores, would need a grocery store mobile app development and use this to get more customers on a global platform.

E-commerce apps have highly influenced the shopping habits of modern smartphone users. A good number of the population of people who own smartphones rely on mobile apps for carrying out their buying and selling daily. This means that eCommerce stores will become the major buying and selling platform for smartphone users.

However, building a scalable and efficient eCommerce App for Android and iOS is a task that must be done properly. These 10 features must be properly taken into consideration for Amazon like app development to be used in eCommerce.


  • Proper customization - Mobile e-commerce app must have a seamless user experience by the user for the growth and promotion of the eCommerce business.
  • Stress-Free Registration Process - The process of registering for users should be as easy as possible. While signing up by the user, minimum information such as email ID or mobile number and a password should be required in the process as too much information can put the user off.
  • Loading Speed - According to a report, site visitors spend only 15 seconds on a page. If the mobile app page loads slowly, the chances of losing them is high. To engage a potential customer, the mobile app pages have to be optimized to load very fast.
  • Feedback System - The mobile app should be built in such a way that it allows for feedback from its users. Feedback is a vital tool for the growth of the business. Users should be able to give feedback on their individual experiences on the e-commerce mobile app. This is a great feature especially for fashion store app development or grocery store mobile app development
  • User Experience - The user should enjoy using the app. To make the users see the app as a daily habit, there should be some sort of a reward system in the mobile app. The mobile app should have simple navigation and provide valuable information
  • Advanced Search Options - Most e-commerce apps usually have thousands of products across many categories. Advanced search options will take them straight to the products they need. This should be included during grocery store mobile app development or fashion store app development
  • Wish list Button - Wish list button allows users to bookmark the products they need. Providing this button, the business can track the users to notify them of the availability of the product and offers.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) - Two-factor authentication is a security process in which the user provides two different authentications to verify themselves. The mobile app should incorporate the 2FA to allow users to log in to their accounts from their social media accounts such as Facebook, Google and so on.
  • Quick Checkout - This is a must-have feature for an e-commerce mobile app. With a quick checkout feature, the user can complete the process of buying and it provides the billing and shipping information to the user accordingly.
  • Multi-Currency Payment - The mobile app should allow for the use of multi-currency payment options during check out. The payment process should also be safe and secured. Popular payment gateway methods such as Paypal, Payoneer, Skrill, Mastercard and so on. Also, multiple international currencies must be supported such as USD, GBP, EURO, RMB, YEN, AED and so on.

These top 10 features should be on your list when creating Ecommerce App for Android and iOS. This is very crucial and the key to any e-commerce platform is to enhance users' experience which promotes business growth and development.

About The Author

Pradip Thakar is Co-Founder and Director at Prometteur Solutions Pvt Ltd. He is passionate entrepreneur and technocrat . He has experience in Design, Business Development and Startup consulting and mentoring. He prefers business readings and loves traveling.

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