7 Features That Have To Be Tested In An E-Commerce Website

By Prometteur solutions 18 Min Read

Beta testing is a crucial step in the software development process. It allows developers to test their product for any potential bugs and glitches before it gets released to the public. The ultimate cheatsheet can help you make sure that your product goes through a successful beta testing phase.

This cheatsheet will provide you with all the necessary information on how to properly prepare your product for beta testing and what steps should be taken during the process. Furthermore, it will give you tips on how to handle potential issues that may arise during beta testing, as well as advice on how to interpret user feedback and use it in order to improve your product.

What is beta testing?

Beta testing is a type of software testing that involves releasing a product to a limited group of users to test its performance and stability. This type of testing helps developers identify potential issues and bugs before the product is released to the public. Beta testers provide valuable feedback on the product’s usability, functionality, and overall user experience. By conducting beta tests, developers can ensure that their products are ready for launch and meet customer expectations.

What do beta testers do?

Beta testers are an essential part of the product development process. They provide valuable feedback on the usability and functionality of a product before it is released to the public. Beta testers are usually recruited from a wide range of backgrounds, including software engineers, designers, marketers and other professionals who can provide insight into how well the product works in real-world scenarios. 

By testing new products and features, beta testers help developers identify flaws and areas for improvement before they reach the market. In addition to testing products, beta testers can also provide feedback on user experience design and other aspects of product development that may have been overlooked during development.

Cheat Sheet on Beta Testing

To make sure that you are doing it right, here is our Cheat Sheet on Beta Testing. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about beta testing, from what it is and why it’s important, to how to set up and run a successful beta test. With this Cheat Sheet, you will be able to confidently carry out beta tests for your software projects and get accurate results.

Start With Alpha Testing

Alpha testing is an essential step in the development process of any product. It helps to identify potential issues and bugs before the product is released to the general public. Alpha testing involves inviting a small group of people, such as family, friends or connections, to test the product and provide feedback. This feedback can then be used to make improvements or changes before launching the product into the market.

Alpha testing is a great way for developers to get an early look at how their product will work in real-world situations and allows them to find any issues that may arise before it reaches a larger audience. It also provides valuable insight into potential user experience issues that could be addressed prior to launch. By engaging with your connections and friends or family for alpha testing, you can get valuable feedback on your products and ensure they are ready for launch.

Move to a Private Beta Launch

After completing the alpha testing phase, it is essential to have a private beta launch to get as many of the beta testers onboard and start collecting valuable feedback about the product.

The private beta launch provides an opportunity for companies to interact with early adopters and understand how they use their products. This helps them identify any potential issues before launching it publicly and make necessary changes accordingly. Furthermore, it also helps them build relationships with their users by providing them with a platform where they can ask questions, provide feedback and suggestions.

How Long Should Beta Testing Take to complete?

Beta testing typically takes a minimum of 9-10 weeks to complete, as it requires a sufficient amount of time to gather enough data which is useful for making informed decisions about the product. During this period, testers use the product in real-world scenarios and provide feedback on its performance and usability. This feedback helps developers make necessary changes and improvements before they make their product available for customers.

Make Sure Your Website’s Landing Page is Top-Notch

Invest in creating a better website landing page because it is essential for any application beta testing procedure. It helps to make the sign-up process easier for the beta testers and ensures that they have all the necessary information about the application before signing up.

A well-designed website landing page should provide clear instructions on how to sign up as a beta tester, provide an overview of the application and its features, and give an idea of what kind of feedback will be expected from the testers. It should also include contact information in case any questions arise during the process. With this kind of information, it is much easier for potential testers to decide if they want to join in or not.

Explain all of the app’s features and software’s functionalities throughout the sign-up process. The beta testers you choose for the beta program must be familiar with the application and how it operates. As a result, try to create a landing page with additional information about your program. Strive to provide all of the fundamental information that beta testers may want.

Have a Clear Agreement with your beta testers

It is also important to ensure that you have a clear agreement with your beta testers. This agreement should include their responsibilities and what they will receive in return for their help.

When creating a sign-up form for your beta testers, make sure that you require them to register and sign an agreement in which they have to send you bug reports, feedback, and other information about their experience with the product. By doing this, you can ensure that your beta testers are held accountable for their work and that they understand the importance of providing accurate feedback.

This will assist you in keeping a healthy balance for your feedback incident and making it easy for you to keep track of each report.

Let Your Beta Testers Sign A Non Disclosure Agreement

When developing a new product or service, it is essential to ensure that a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is signed by the beta testers. This agreement protects the company’s confidential information and intellectual property from being shared with third parties. 

It also ensures that all feedback received from the beta testers remains confidential and cannot be used for any purpose other than what was agreed upon in the NDA. By signing an NDA, companies can protect their ideas and products from being copied or stolen by competitors. This makes it important for companies to have NDAs in place when working with beta testers in order to safeguard their interests and ensure that their products are not compromised.

Use the right Numbers of Beta Testers

Gathering around 200-300 beta testers for your product is essential in order to get accurate feedback and make sure that it works as expected.

Having more than 200-300 beta testers will also be beneficial as it will provide you with a larger pool of data and feedback that can help you identify any potential issues before releasing the product into the market. 

Why do you need a large pool of testers?

With a larger pool of testers, you can also gain insights into how different user types interact with your product and make changes accordingly. Remember that each beta tester will test software in a unique way. As a result, it will assist you in receiving various feedbacks and working on them. Your program would be tested on all platforms and conditions, which would undoubtedly help you obtain more input and enhance your software.

Beta testing time period

The beta testing time period is a crucial stage in the development process of any software. During this phase, developers are able to identify any potential issues with the product before it is released to the public. This ensures that the software functions as intended and meets all customer requirements.

The beta testing time period is initially used as a monitoring stage, where developers can observe how users interact with the product and identify areas of improvement. This helps them to make sure that all features are working correctly and that any bugs or glitches are addressed before launch. Additionally, feedback from users during this stage can help shape the final product and ensure it meets customer expectations.

As a result, if you intend to rebuild the program, you must allow at least two weeks for rebuilding. This will allow beta testers adequate time to evaluate the product and offer you with valuable comments. If you offer fresh builds in a short amount of time, the beta testers may grow confused, and software monitoring will become routine. Try establishing a time frame for introducing fresh build software to beta testers.

Use The Best Beta Testing Feedback Tools

Today, feedback tools are becoming increasingly important in the software development process. They allow developers to collect valuable feedback from their beta testers more quickly and efficiently than ever before. 

Feedback tools can help you to identify potential issues before they become a problem, as well as provide useful insights into how users interact with your product. With the right feedback tool in place, you can ensure that your product meets the needs of your users and that any changes or improvements are implemented quickly and effectively.

You may employ an in-app feedback channel so that beta testers may simply offer feedback and problem reports. Instead of providing bug reports and comments via email or manual reports, using an in-app feedback medium would be more beneficial and simpler. Utilizing a feedback medium resulted in 500% more user input. Using feedback would be more effective and frequent, resulting in more frequent program modifications.

Other Things to Consider

  • Try to avoid adding a new feature to your app during beta testing. This will be difficult for the beta testers, who may have to redo the testing procedure from the beginning if any unexpected negative effects occur. This will take extra time and lengthen the procedure. Beta testers require sufficient time to evaluate it and provide meaningful input.
  • Always provide incentives and prizes to your beta testers. You may make them more efficient by offering discounts or your premium app for free. Make them happy by giving them a free coupon to their favorite restaurant or a free pizza at their favorite establishment. You may also give customers free t-shirts or mugs, especially if your program is a game. This will make their participation in beta testing more engaging and gratifying.
  • You should also ensure that the beta testers you’ve recruited are responding on a frequent basis. If a beta tester is not responding, contact them immediately and remind them of their agreement. You should set specific criterion limits that must be met. It is not required to maintain beta testers who do not satisfy your standards. Likewise, if you have terminated your relationship with the beta tester during beta testing, make sure you request your software back to avoid any leak of knowledge about the product prior to the first release.
  • If you’re releasing several versions of the program. To minimize misunderstanding, you must decide how you will distinguish between Adding a restricted number and another reference in your list. This ensures that the reports and feedback can be simply repeated. If you don’t have a serial number or references in your log, don’t share more than one build. Reduce the possibility that the beta test will take a lengthy time to finish.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Beta Testing

As you prepare to launch your beta test, there are a few things you can do to ensure it’s as effective as possible. First, consider what goals you want to achieve with your beta test. This will help you determine who to invite to participate and what kind of feedback you’re looking for.

Next, put together a clear and concise briefing for your testers. This should include an overview of the product or feature being tested, as well as any instructions on how to use it. Be sure to also provide a way for testers to give feedback, such as through a survey or discussion forum.

Finally, once your beta test is underway, take some time to monitor it closely. This means paying attention to both the quantitative data (such as how many users are participating) and the qualitative feedback (what people are saying about your product). By doing so, you’ll be able to identify any issues and make changes accordingly.

Tips for Interpreting Beta Testing Results

There are a few key things to keep in mind when analyzing and interpreting the results of your beta test:

1. Make sure you have a clear goal for your beta test. What are you trying to accomplish? This will help you focus on the right data when reviewing results.

2. Collect as much data as possible. This includes both qualitative (feedback from users) and quantitative (usage metrics) data.

3. Be prepared to iterate based on what you learn. The goal of beta testing is to improve your product before launch, so don’t be afraid to make changes based on feedback or usage patterns you observe during the beta period.


Beta testing is a critical step in the software development process, and we hope that our cheat sheet has helped you understand what it entails. With careful planning and preparation, beta testing can be an invaluable tool to help you refine your product before launch. It will provide valuable feedback from real users which can help you identify any issues or areas for improvement. Hopefully this article has given you some insight into how to get started with beta testing, so start today and make sure your product is ready for launch!

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