7 Types of Regression Testing Methods You Should Know

By Prometteur solutions 15 Min Read

Welcome to our blog post on regression testing methods.

if you want to have a very functional website, its best you consider implementing regression testing methods. This is important after changes have been made to the code. 

Regression testing checks for all existing features to test their functionalities agianst the original design.

This blog post is major about the 7 types of regression testing for ensuing quality and reliability.

What are the 7 Types of Regression Testing Methods?

there is no one size fits all regression testing methods or types for software testing. It will always depend on modification, issues fixed and so on. 

Let us look at some tyoes of regression testing methods.

Corrective Regression Testing Method

Corrective Regression Testing also known as CRT is one of the common types. It is performed right after defects and errors have been identified and even fixed in a software. 

CRT ensures that fixes for defects in the software do not come with new issues including unintended changes to the system’s functionality.

With this testing method, the selected test cases shoul dinclude failed and passed test cases before the defect was found.

What is the main goal of CRT?

  • To ensure that all fixes work well and no new issues come up as a result
  • Helps in identifying new issues after code changes or editing
  • Also helps in improving quality and reliability of the software

Retest-all Regression Testing Method

the is one of the type of regression testing strategy that retests all the previously tested functionalities of an app. It is very perfect after a new release or build.

Howeve, while this method is great and useful in fixing issues with functionalities in the app, it can be time consuming. It can also be somewhat expensive because it requires executing a large number of test cases.

Its Main Purpose 

  • The good part of it is that it is very reliable as it ensure changes do not reintroduce new issues. 
  • Reliable when critical changes are made

Selective Regression Testing Methods

The Selective regression testing technique focuses on retesting only the parts of the software affected by the changes made. It does not test the entire software to see if other areas have developed issues.

This regression testing techniques in software testing is fast because it optimizes testing efforts. It identifies and tests only the portions of the system that are most likely to be impacted by changes.  

the selective regression testing approach is very useful in agile development environments becasue of the frequency of changes. It helps development teams to accelerate delivery while maintaining quality and reliability.

so, to successfully implement this technique, testers need to identify areas afffected. It will be easier if the developers or testers are very exerienced because they understand the full architecture of the software. 

Exerienced testers will also have knowledges on the software’s features and functions. 

With all of these in place, they can understand where needs testing and which other testing methods they can combine to meet their goals.

Progressive Regression Testing Method

Another regression testing type id the Progressive Regression Testing (PRT). This technique involves testing only modified or newly added functionalies after a change has been made. 

PRT focuses more on important parts of the software to do an early detection in the software development lifecycle. 

Like the Selective regression testing technique, PRT is also useful among agile software development teams. in other words, it is very instrumental in the sucess of continous testing and short iterations. the testing technique can accomodate both frequent and quick testing.

Agile development teams use the PRT in the following ways;

  • Identify the changes made in the software system
  • Determine the areas of the system that are affected by the changes
  • Develop test cases for the affected areas of the system
  • Execute the test cases
  • Analyze the test results and report any defects found

If you ae tester who is looking for a viable regression testing technique and tools,  PRT is your go to tool.

Complete Regression Testing

Another amazing type of regression testing is the complete regression testing type. It is very useful for the verification of previously tested functions of a software to check the functionality after changes or updates.

To do a thorough and nice job, the complete regression testing deplys all testing types including the major types; functional, system, integration, and performance tests, to ensure that the software application works as expected after any modifications.

It follows a process and here they arel

  • Identify all the changes made 
  • Collect all the test cases executed in the previous test cycle.
  • Execute all test cases on the latest version of the software 
  • Record any defects found during the testing process and report them 
  • Repeat the testing process until all defects are resolved.

Partial Regression Testing

Oh Yes! and then there is the partial regression testing type which in some cases is called the subset validator.  

Could it be becasue it the software testing technique offers a subset of test cases that from the existing test suite is selected and executed to ensure that the changes made to the software do not affect the existing functionality? 

The partial testing type is useful when the tests is not major. It usually feployed whe the softwre undergoes only minor changes. You may also implement it when  you not hve enough time or even.

Unit Regression Testing

Unit Regression Testing is one of the types of regression testing methods with top notche

verifying powers. It is excellent during checks on the correctness of individual units or software components after changes. 

Unit regression testing involves the implementation of series of tests on each unit or component. The purpose is to ensure that changes do not introduce new issues to the code or software performance.

What is the goal of unit regression testing methods?

  • To easily and quickly identify bugs or issues early in the development process. 
  • It is implemented to ensure that software product are still very functional after changes or modifications of codes.

What are the Benefits of Regression Testing Approaches?

Sometime, editing or changing software codes come with their one problems. These could be errors, weaknesses or broken functionality. This is where regression testing takes significance. 

Regression testing is a type of software testing that involves the re-execution of all ready executed test cases. The purpose of regression testing methods is to ensure that changes do not introduce new issues to the software. 

Here are some of the benefits of regression testing:

Detecting defects

If you want to detect defects in your codes that may have been introduced changes to your codes, regression testing methods is your sure plug.

Ensuring stability

if it can help you to detect defects in your code, then it can help you to stabilise your software. It can aslo play vital role in helping you to have a reliable softwaare product. 

Regression testing methods ensures that the software is stable and reliable. 

It helps to identify any issues that may arise due to changes made in the software. By this, it allows for timely fixes to be implemented.

Preventing defects 

Regression testing techniques also helps in the prevention of defects becasue it cathces them early. 

Early detection saves time, money and other resources for the business in the long run.

Ensuring quality

Every needs top quality product and the adoption of regression testing techniques offers this. It ensures the maintenance of quality throughout its development life cycle. This also means that it helps in ensuring that software products meet certain stakeholders requirments and specifications.

Enhancing customer satisfaction

By adopting regression testing methods, you are following important processe to produce a software that will meet user expectations. 

The testing method is a great technique in making software to be reliablie as well as driving customer satisfaction.

Saving time and resources

from all that we have been discussing so far, regression testing approaches will help you to save time and resources. 

This is largely because they automate testing processes and catch defects early enough. 

And as you may already know, any software testing practices that reduces manual inputs will have a speedy.

Overall, the implementing of regression testing methods offers several benefits to software testing. It is also crucial in improving quality and reliable of the final product. 

Explore The Ultimate Guide to Manual Web Application Testing: A Step-by-Step Manual Approach

Why Regression Testing Techniques in Software Testing Needs to be Regular?

In our other software testing blogs, we posit that tesing is a continous process. It should never be a one time wonder thing. Same notion applies to the regression testing approach. Test early and test often.

Therefore, regression testing should be on a regular basis for the prupose of ensuring identification and elimination of isses after code changes. This is good for the software’s functionality and reliability. 

This is why you need to get experience testers who understand the software architecture to design your test cases. These set of testers will use their knowledge on how software should function, and how their features should be, to deliver a nice job.

Regression Testing Methods and New Changes

The landscape of software application development and use is evolving at a high speed. Other issues also contribute in leading to different developments. 

These call for contnious adjustments, which requires code editing, editing or upgrading of the software on a regular basis.

Regular upgrading, recoding and fixes lead to the development of new issues in many cases. These new issues tend to affect the functionality and reliability of the software. This is where the adoption and imoplementation of regression testing strategies takes significance.

As the changes would be continous, so should the testing. This is very crucial for identifying and fixing of errors and bugs in the software. With continous regression testing methods, testers can catch these issues early, before they can impact end-users.

Also, the continous performance of regression testing enable the developpment teams to ensure changes do not negatively impact the software. in another way, regular testing eliminate the possibility of unexpected and unintned consequencies.

Furthermore, performing regression testing on a regular basis helps in enhancing maintenance in terms of quality. By this, there is reduction of risks and critical errors. For the better part, this leads to improved software quality and enhance customers experience. all of which will positively impact the retunr of investment for the business.

Regular Regression Testing Helps Identify Root Causes of Errors

When there is a bug or error, yoy need to know the root cause so that you can address it in a more sustainable way. Regression testing plays a vital role in helping you to achieve this. 

When there are new changes, new erros and defects may emerge, with the implementation of regression testing on a regular basis, the root cause of the issues can be identifed and fixed. This gives room for offering lasting solutions, rather than dealing repeated issues from thesame root causes.

In the long run, this improves the software’s efficiency, helps in saving time, and in managing resources. 


Overall, regression testing methods play very important roles in the software development life cycle. They are techniques that help in guaranteeing quality and reliablility of software products. Without using these techniques, software product will hardly meet user requirements nor enhance customer experience.

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