Explore Cucumber Testing Tool

By Prometteur solutions 16 Min Read

The cucumber tool was initially written in the programming language known as “Ruby.” Still, Cucumber now supports a wide range of different programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, PHP, Net, Python, and Perl, each of which can be implemented in various ways. In addition, it offers support for native JUnit in Java.

What Is Cucumber Testing Tool?

The Cucumber is a testing tool that supports Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD). BDD is an Agile software development process that fosters team involvement. In addition to its function as a tool for evaluating software behaviours, it also performs a supporting role in automated testing. The Cucumber tool is an essential component that supports the process of creating acceptance test cases for automated testing. Its primary purpose is to facilitate writing acceptance tests for web applications in accordance with the operation of their various functions.

The test cases used in Cucumber testing are written in plain English, meaning that anybody can comprehend them even if they have no prior experience with technology. This straightforward piece of English writing is referred to be the Gherkin language. It gives business analysts, developers, and testers, among other professionals, the ability to automate functional verification and validation in a simple, read, and comprehend style. 

What exactly is BDD?

BDD, which stands for Behavioural Driven Development, is a method for developing software that evolved from TDD, which stands for Test Driven Development. The construction of test cases in BDD is done in the form of straightforward English statements that are included inside a feature file created by hand. The assertions that make up a test case are based on the system’s operation and are more customer-oriented.

As opposed to being expressed in a standard programming language, BDD is written in straightforward English language statements. This facilitates improved communication between technical and non-technical teams and stakeholders.

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When Getting Started with The Cucumber Tool, What Are Some Important Things to Consider?

  • Is its automation testing on par with that of a simple project?
  • Does the code adhere to all standard coding practices, conventions, etc.?
  • Can you make a features file with an actual communication layer in which you can store the tests that have been received and format the data that they include?
  • Have you ensured that there is no containment of domain business logic?
  • One needs to give some thought to using an appropriate editing tool. For example, it should be possible to modify and debug feature files saved in a typical text format. Examples of editors that fully support BDD-based Cucumber include RubyMine, a commercial editor; Aptana, a free editor; and Katalon Studio.

What Are the Processes for the Cucumber Test?

  • Cucumber test cases are created simultaneously when the underlying software code is being developed. In the Gherkin language, the name for these specific test instances is a step.
  • At the beginning of the process, the Cucumber tool reads the Gherkin or plain English text that is included inside the feature file.
  • At this point, it looks through the step definition file for an exact match of each step. After it has located its match, it will carry out the test case and report the outcome, either a pass or a failure.
  • The newly generated software’s source code has to be compatible with the test scripts specified by the BDD. If it does not, then the code will need to be refactored. The code is only frozen after the successful execution of the test scripts that have been defined.

What are the benefits of Cucumber Testing tool?

You can immediately notice that the Cucumber testing tool offers a variety of advantages, ranging from how straightforward it is to how fantastic its features are. Let us look at some of them.

  • Data-Driven Testing Capability 

Cucumber has support for data-driven testing as part of its core functionality. In addition, it makes it possible to use data tables and scenario outline examples in many contexts.

  • Cucumber is an automation tool with HTML, JSON, and XML reporting features. You can combine it with other reporting libraries (like Extent and Alure, for example), but it also has built-in reporting capabilities. You may proceed with it if you are comfortable with the reporting tools that it provides; otherwise, you can interface with other systems.
  • Community Support

Support from the Community Cucumber is a well-established tool with a robust community that includes users, members, and experts from various continents. In addition, you may discover many lessons and discussion groups to choose from on the internet.

  • Simple to Use: 

The Cucumber testing tool requires very little instruction to get up and running. It is simple to set up using integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Eclipse and IntelliJ. Installing the Cucumber IDE plugins is another option for gaining access to improved and expanded capabilities.

  • Reusable Codes

Cucumber’s basic Hooks, Background, test script architecture, and Data Table make it possible to reuse code. This feature is part of the framework’s reusability functionality. This indicates that the tester can skip re-write new programs to complete new testing jobs since they can always utilise the earlier ones. This will also save you some time.

  • Free tool

Cucumber is a free tool that is available and accessible for both manual and automated testers, and it does not cost anything to use it. In addition, on the website of the repository, libraries associated with Cucumber are made accessible for testers to download and use whenever they choose.

  • Different Programming Languages Are Supported: 

Cucumber is compatible with various programming languages, including Ruby, Java, Net C#, PHP, Python, and other languages.

  • Cucumber Scripts are written in the Gherkin language, which confers upon them the capability of providing support for accepting several other languages. 
  • Localisation 

This implies that you may always input keywords and steps in various languages while using the program and always obtain accurate results that meet your requirements. Cucumber makes it very simple to put a website with a feature that supports several languages through its paces for testing.

  • Collaborative Collaboration: 

Technology not only facilitates but also fosters and improves teamwork and collaborative abilities. This is taken to a whole new level with the Cucumber testing tool. It is a tool that helps teams keep the overall company aim in mind while encouraging tighter cooperation among team members. Furthermore, creating test cases written in simple English allows us to demonstrate that Cucumber successfully bridges the gap between business and technical terminology.

  • No Coding Skills Needed:

You don’t need to know how to code to develop test scripts since you can do it without knowing how to code. Cucumber is a testing tool that enables non-programmers and manual testers to participate in the testing process and help achieve the desired results.

  • Integration with Other Frameworks: 

In order to accomplish additional testing objectives, Cucumber enables its users to combine it with other frameworks. Frameworks such as NUnit, Selenium, TestNG, and JUnit may all be integrated into your project.

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What Are the Features of Cucumber Testing Tools?

Let us look at some of the fundamental capabilities of the Cucumber testing tool.

1. The Features File, which serves as the gateway to Cucumber Testing

In Cucumber testing, you may rapidly generate multiple feature files as required; however, each feature should have its feature file for an organised structure. It is used for developing automation steps for acceptance tests and live documents, and the feature file contains it. In testing with Cucumber, feature files are saved with the feature extension.

What are the basic components of a file or its keywords?

  • What is the name of the functionality that is now being evaluated?
  • What exactly is the Description of the Function that is Being Tested?
  • What kind of a test scenario will there be?
  • What requirements must be met before a test step may be run?
  • Where can I find the specific condition to be met to go on to the next step? 
  • What will take place if the condition described in WHEN is met?

2. Step Definition

At this point, you are going to specify the step. The Definition will assist in mapping out the test case stages in the feature files that are brought about by When/ Given/Then. It operates on the Application Under Test, comparing the results obtained with anticipated outcomes. This is specified in the Ruby files under the path “features/step definitions/* steps.rb.”

3. Test Runner file

The step definition location is specified in the test runner file, which is the place where the file itself is located. The primary purpose of the runner files is to provide all of the metadata information that is necessary for the execution of the test. Using the annotation known as ‘@CucumberOptions,’ the secondary purpose of this task is to specify the directory in which feature files are stored.

4.JUnit Runner

This unit testing framework is open-source and designed for the Java programming language. It can analyse the Gherkin feature file and run the functions defined in the step definition file in the order that the feature file statements reference them. Next, it will combine the results of all the test cases and generate the test report in the format you want, such as HTML or JSON.

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What Software tools are supported by Cucumber Testing Tools?

Cucumber has support for some of the best testing tools out there, some of which include;

  • Selenium
  • Watir
  • PicoContainer
  • Spring Framework
  • Ruby on Rails

In Agile Projects, What Function Does the Cucumber Play?

Cucumber is a tool that can help agile teams accelerate the application development projects they are working on (to the next level) because it enables these teams to automate the testing and documentation processes. This is made possible by its capacity to accommodate a wide variety of stakeholders and its ability to create acceptance test cases in the most intuitive way possible.

Although it enables product managers and business analysts to alter the tested scenarios and the product appropriately, Cucumber is also recognised as one of the most excellent tools for agile development. This is because of the role that it plays in the process. In that light, Cucumber helps reduce ambiguity in scope and design and enhance product quality before the final release.


Cucumber enables businesses to enhance their products, reduce the time and resources needed for deployment, and scale up operations more quickly. In addition, its strong support for other automation testing tools is impressive and makes it widely used by testers.

Are you looking for the best Cucumber testers for your team? Then, get in touch with Prometteur Solutions, and we will offer you the best.

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Is Cucumber a testing tool, or is it more of a framework?

Cucumber is a program that can build automation test cases in a simplified version of English known as the Gherkin language. However, you will also require an automation tool such as Selenium to construct an automation framework.

What is BDD?

BDD, or behaviour-driven development, is a mode of operation for software development teams that helps bridge the gap between business people and technical people using different means.

Is Cucumber BDD or TDD?

Cucumber is an automation tool that uses BDD (Behaviour driven development) approach.

Can Cucumber be used for testing APIs?

Although it is not an API automation tool, Cucumber plays along with other API automation technologies. Going via the user interface (UI) might be more time-consuming and prone to errors than using APIs for your test automation, which can make your tests more efficient. In general, changes to APIs occur less often than changes to the UI, which means that your automation will remain current for a more extended period.

Is Cucumber utilised for agile testing?

Because it allows product managers and business analysts to adapt the tested scenarios and the product appropriately, Cucumber is also considered one of the most excellent tools for agile development. This is one of the reasons why Cucumber is so well-known.

Does one need coding experience to use Cucumber?

The most crucial benefit of using Cucumber is that it makes it possible to write tests that are easy to understand by anybody, regardless of whether or not they have experience with coding. And vice way, it does not need any prior knowledge of programming to develop test cases, in contrast to specific other testing tools, such as Selenium and HP ALM (QTP), which require prior knowledge of coding.

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