Hiring a front end dev

Hire front end developer

By Prometteur solutions 14 Min Read

A front-end developer is a programmer who works on the front end of a website. A front-end developer is a web developer who is responsible for the visible portion of a website. The major goal is to make the site user-friendly and simple to navigate. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020, front-end developers are among the top three most popular IT jobs. 

A front-end developer creates appealing and simple-to-use websites and apps by;

  1. Collaborating with clients to create website designs; the design is brought to life using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; 
  2. Using features that promote user engagement. They are created, supported, and changed by the front-end developer. 
  3. Creating a tool to help users operate more efficiently with the site in various browsers
  4. Allowing website access on a variety of devices, including computers and cellphones; 
  5. Fixing bugs and performing usability testing on the website. 

The scope of a front-end developer’s duties is directly proportional to the project’s complexity and the nature of the allocated work. Before hiring a developer, it is critical to figure out how much work has to be done, since this will influence the developer you choose and his pay. 

Front-end developers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. 

There are various sorts of front-end developers, with JavaScript developers accounting for the greater majority. Javascript is a computer language that is used to create websites. Javascript developers utilize frameworks to make their job easier while doing similar tasks. 

A framework is a pre-built code structure that has been established by someone else. Rather than beginning from scratch, using this framework makes site construction simpler. 

The title of a developer is determined by the name of the framework that has been mastered. 

Among all JavaScript frameworks, React, Angular, and Vue is the most popular. Any of them may be utilized for any project, however depending on the circumstances, one may be more useful and efficient than the others. 

Front-end developer for React 

React is the most popular framework right now (over 80 percent of developers use it). Facebook launched it in 2013 and continues to actively promote it. 

React developers are the easiest to find on the market due to the popularity of the framework. Flexibility and simple connection with other programming tools are two of the framework’s features. 

When it comes to constructing basic websites and apps, React is most popular among entrepreneurs. 

Front-end developer for AngularJS 

The second slot belongs to Angular (used by 56 percent of respondents). It was created in 2010 by Google. 

Angular, unlike React, includes a large number of ready-to-use solutions as well as a more complex data collection and storage mechanism. On the one hand, it makes it easier to build large websites and maintain their stability, but on the other hand, it limits the system flexibility that React is known for. 

The most common use of Angular is for big projects with a tight framework. 

Front-end developer for Vue 

The third most popular Javascript framework is Vue (49 percent use it). Evan You, a Google ex-employee, invented it in 2014. 

Vue is one of the simplest and most convenient frameworks for developers, making it easy to integrate into existing applications. 

Vue is appropriate for both small and large projects. If you want to construct a complex one-page application and combine it with contemporary technologies, this is the ideal option. 

Front-end developer abilities that are required 

Even though every front-end developer is different, there is a core set of skills that they all need to execute their jobs. Any front-end developer should do the following: 

  • Be able to work with JavaScript and CSS frameworks; Understand basic concepts of web design; Know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery; 
  • CSS preprocessors should be allowed to be used; 
  • Understand the architectural approaches to API design, as well as the working principles of proxy servers and other web servers in the system. 
  • Learn RESTful API/GraphQL, ES6 (classes, variables, and visibility ranges, array methods, async/await), and Typescript (types, decorators, and interfaces). 
  • Know how to use a version control system and other development tools; 
  • Be able to produce a design that is adaptable.
  • Make use of web application testing software. 
  • A developer should have a particular understanding of the framework he specialises in addition to fundamental knowledge and skills: 

Knowledge of other frontend frameworks 

A developer should have a set of Soft Skills in addition to hard skills. Teamwork, time management, task prioritisation, and other abilities, for example, soft skills are very important to consider when recruiting a software developer. 

Also, Interviews and test cases are two methods for evaluating a front-end developer. 

Therefore, you should examine a front-end developer’s professional expertise before employing him. 

During an interview, we compiled a list of basic questions you may ask a front-end developer. Additional questions for React, Angular, and Vue experts were also highlighted. 

Frequently Asked Front-End Interview Questions 

Q1. What is the difference between HTML and HTML5? 

A1. The fundamental difference between HTML and HTML5 is that HTML is a standard markup language for creating web pages, while HTML5 is a newer and enhanced version of HTML that includes features like web sockets, Canvas, better video, audio, and geolocation capabilities. 

Q2. What is CSS Grid and how does it work? 

A2. CSS Grid — this is a two-dimensional layout creation method. It is perfect for web layouts, forms, galleries, and anything else that needs exact, responsive placement. 

Q3. What is semantic HTML, and how does it work? 

A3. Semantic HTML refers to using the best relevant tag for the job at hand. It entails the usage of important assets like <form>, <article>, and <table> rather than only <div> and <span>. 

What Is the Importance of Front End Development? 

End customers are looking for programmes that are simple to use and have current, robust, and intuitive functionality. Organizations may build a seamless experience for clients by merging development, user interface, and analytics. 

Boost Your Performance 

Visitors are irritated by slow online sites and programmes, prompting them to look for alternatives. Pages with a quicker loading time, on the other hand, increase visitor engagement, retention, and, ultimately, purchases. Conversion rates are greater when a website responds quickly. As a result, one of the commercial advantages of front-end development is improved performance. 

Business Intent Alignment 

The business’s true objective must be reflected on the website. Customers should not be confused by the design or visuals. Instead, the user experience should emphasise the reasons for the market’s existence. It is all about producing pages with relevant material that answers the visitor’s anticipatory inquiries. 

Visitors will bookmark your website and return if the information is updated on a regular basis. The overall goal of enterprise business front-end design is to increase attention in a constantly changing and complicated market. 

Improve Navigation 

Visitors will be able to locate what they are looking for on your site thanks to intuitive navigation. It has a well-structured, clean, and well-planned site layout, as well as eye-catching images. It also aids enterprises in maximising the commercial advantages of front-end development. This natural mix will enable tourists to get around quickly. It will also assist in gaining consumer trust. 

Retention of Visitors 

Well-designed interfaces create trust and confidence in your brand while also assisting you in meeting your communication objectives, resulting in increased traffic and conversion. It is one of the primary goals of developing a front-end application in an enterprise setting. 

Furthermore, they are able to emphasise the end-worth. Users Sluggish websites with run-time faults, bad design, and graphics, on the other hand, will decrease user interest and make them less inclined to return.

Interview questions for React Front-End developers 

Q1. What distinguishes React from other frameworks? 

1. React’s major characteristics are: 

The usage of a virtual DOM; the component method; and the use of JSX are all examples of this. 

Q2. What exactly is JSX? 

2. JavaScript XML (JSX) is an abbreviation for JavaScript. This is the sort of file that combines the expressiveness of JS with HTML syntax in a template-like fashion. It aids with the comprehension of HTML files. 

Q3. How do you make forms with React? 

3. React forms are comparable to HTML forms. In React, however, the state is stored in the state component’s property and may only be modified using setState (). As a result, elements may not alter their states directly, and their passing is handled by the JavaScript function. 

Interview questions for Angular Front-End developers 

Q1. What are components, and why do they matter? 

1. In Angular, one component may include additional components, resulting in a tree-like structure of building blocks that can be used to create user interfaces. Components in Angular may be thought of as the fundamental building pieces of the whole user interface. Within an application, each component has a specific purpose. A blog feed, for example, is one component; a read article is another. Motion-sensitive components react to user actions such as clicks, opens, minimises, and maximises. 

Q2. How do you distinguish between a component and a module? 

A2. HTML and graphics are controlled by components. Modules are made up of one or more components that decide what is in the application. 

Components are building pieces that hold the functional aspects of the same programme, while modules are a form of a box that contains all of the parts of the application. 

Q3. What is the difference between Directive and Component? 

A3. Directives provide behaviour patterns (colours, sizes, styles, and so on), but they do not construct the application’s functionality or structure. Whey operates inside the component, which in turn generates the framework in which template behaviour may be provided through a directive. 

Interview questions for Vue Front-End Developers 

Q1. In Vue.js, how can we receive request parameters? 

А1. Your components’ $route objects provide you access to the information you need. 

Q2. What are the different types of Vue.js components? 

2. Components — Components are one of Vue.js’ most powerful features. Customizable elements in Vue components assist to expand basic HTML elements to contain frequently used logic. 

Q3. In Vue.js, how can you construct two-way binding? 

3. To establish two-way bindings in Vue.js, use the v-model directive. 

The data or model is tied to the DOM, and the DOM is bound back to the model in two-way binding. 

The kind of questions to be asked is mostly dictated by seniority and professional status. Our articles How to Hire React JS Developer and How to Hire Angular Developer give more thorough information on how to interview React and Angular engineers.

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