Reasons For Automation Testing Failure

By Prometteur solutions 20 Min Read

Test automation ensures that most software testing tasks are completed without involving so many people to devote so many hours to repetitive tests. 

Test automation is an excellent testing technique aimed at improving your program, and it comes with several benefits.

There are many ways in which testing automation benefits you and your business. For example, it minimizes costs, eliminates superfluous efforts, and shortens time to market. All of the aforementioned factors lead to better revenues and productivity. But, if test automation promises to give rapid, efficient, consistent, and reliable testing, why aren’t more businesses using it?

Having an Automation Plan is Priceless in Testing

Automation can revolutionize your company’s efficiency. It allows you to overcome challenges and deliver exceptional software to your users.

In the world of software development, there can be various stumbling blocks that hinder efficient testing. But with a solid automation strategy, you can conquer them all. By understanding your business’s needs, considering the product’s time-to-market, evaluating your team’s capabilities, understanding user requirements, and allocating the available budget wisely, you can prevent any test automation failures and make the most of your investment.

Whether you’re a dedicated team member or a visionary manager, tracking test performance is key to ensuring the smooth release of your product and maintaining high software quality. Through proper planning, you can develop a robust test strategy, review and optimize the testing process, and minimize the occurrence of test failures. 

Automation testing is your gateway to enhanced efficiency, improved product quality, and accelerated time-to-market. 

We therefore believe that The future of testing is here, and it’s time for your company to seize the opportunity. Embrace automation, embrace excellence!

Why Does Test Automation Fail?

We will like to walk you through the best 6 reasons why automation testing fails. Let us go there!

Expectations that are unrealistic

One of the most prevalent causes for test automation failure is that development teams have come to assume that test automation is a one-size-fits-all solution. It is common for unrealistic expectations to be sometimes placed on test automation by developers who are not used to thinking like testers.

For example, they may believe it will remove all manual testing or significantly cut test cycle times. When expectations aren’t satisfied, this leads to dissatisfaction, and people wonder whether automated tests are worth it.

Automation cannot replace manual testing, just as robots cannot replace people. This kind of testing is only applicable for stable test cases involving the repetition of the same process. 

So, what should you do?

It is critical to remember that 100% test automation is impossible. Instead, do a thorough test case review to determine where to automate and where to rely on manual testing. Automation is excellent for regression tests, integration tests, performance testing, and other similar tasks, but manual testing may be used to assess user experience, analyze photographs, and other tasks.

Management Failure

When management does not value test automation, or worse, does not prioritize it above other activities, there will always be a large list of important tasks that must be completed before anybody gets around to Automation.

When you start automating, make sure you have higher management’s backing and don’t be scared to explain why it’s crucial in terms of preventing test automation failures. After all, if you have time for another meeting about bugs or code quality concerns, you have time for test automation!

How can this be resolved?

  • Ensure that the testing process and the outcomes of automation initiatives are clearly communicated to all the team members.
  • Ascertain that all team members are aware of which features are being tested and how the automation framework has been set up.
  • Have a clear test management strategy in place to specify test needs, the expert in charge, faults during testing, and so on.

Choosing the Wrong Automation Testing Tool

With so many automation tools available, it might be difficult to choose the best one to meet your testing needs and the goals of the company. Because each tool has unique characteristics, selecting the incorrect one may slow down your testing process or prevent you from accomplishing your testing objectives.

Furthermore, each team has a budget, and some teams hire automation testers with specific testing expertise. As a result, failing to sort through the chaff and choose the correct tools may incur expenses, time, and resources.

What should I do?

Before diving into a product, carefully outline some critical aspects for automation tools, such as team budget, testers’ skills and expertise, test report capabilities, and so on. Then based on the following questions below, you may determine what to anticipate from the tool:

  • Which platforms and programming languages is the tool compatible with?
  • Does the product enable CI/CD pipelines and the integration of external platforms?
  • Is it possible to connect to and get data from relevant sources?
  • Is there any technical assistance provided by the tool?

Mindset that fits all

One of the major reasons for test automation failures is that test automation does not give a one-size-fits-all solution since it is dependent on different characteristics such as requirements, the kind of tests, and the quantity of tests that must be automated.

In other words, if you believe that a single automated test technique can cover all testing issues, you may be mistaken, resulting in the failure of the test project. There is no “one-size-fits-all” guideline when it comes to automated testing since the need, kind, and proportion of this technique varies based on the requirements. Furthermore, there is no optimum percentage or correct value for automated testing coverage that is applicable to all enterprises.

For automated testing to perform well, you must be patient and eager to develop with continual progress.

What are you going to do now?

You may easily evaluate linked issues by designing automated test cases that logically test one element. Instead of merging several tests into a single test case, it is recommended to establish distinct and self-contained automated test cases.

Furthermore, to guarantee that the automated test execution is successful, you should personalize the test to your program by determining what and how much to automate depending on a variety of criteria.

Improper Staff Selection and Resource Planning 

Unskilled testers handling your test automation tool or technology might cause major challenges with the tests and their execution, resulting in test automation failure.

You must provide easier-to-use tools for your employees, and you must guarantee that you have an adequate supply of these tools.

Prometteur Solutions have qualified professionals on staff to meet all of your automation requirements. Consider your current team’s skill set, what they already know, and any training they may need when selecting a test automation tool or technology.

If you don’t choose a tool with a low learning curve, it will be far more difficult to persuade others in your company to give it a go. It also doesn’t help if none of them have any previous experience with it.

What should you do?

You should consider hiring testers with considerable technical understanding. Even if the cost in hiring skilled QA professionals is expensive, the return is excellent since you will not need to teach from the start. Furthermore, since software testers act as liaisons between developers and management, they must be proficient communicators.

Budgeting for periodic worker upskilling is another thing to think about. This will contribute to increased automated testing efficiency and performance. Furthermore, in order to fully use the potential of test automation, your teams should have frequent talks or meetings regarding the testing process, duties, and procedures.

Paying No Attention to Test Reports

What causes test automation to fail? It’s merely a response to the possibility that you’re not paying attention to testing reports.

Because automated testing performs several tests at once, failure is more probable, thus it’s critical to comb through test findings. If you do not thoroughly examine the test reports and pay attention to the test findings, you may miss the major flaws, wasting time, money, and efforts.

Some automated tests pass, while others fail; thus, in order to uncover and resolve any underlying problems in a timely manner, it is necessary to investigate the causes for specific tests’ failure.

What should you do?

To begin, it is critical that all QA engineers have extensive understanding of report analysis and the ability to identify potential test deficiencies. It is good to consider developing a habit of often reviewing test findings among the testing team.

When reviewing the findings, keep the following points in mind:

  • Identify the causes of failed tests by using your test automation platform’s logging, debugging, and reviewing features.
  • Examine if automated tests are created correctly.
  • Examine the outcomes of specific tests.
  • Complete a thorough study of test data to determine why certain tests fail more often than others.

Other Causes Test Automation Failures

Manual Testing Is Abandoned

Some firms that have adopted test automation have not abandoned manual testing; they have just automated a subset of their tests. Even if automating those tests makes sense, there may be no plan for shifting from largely manual to predominantly automated.

Because of this uncertainty, some companies forgo test automation entirely because it does not match their objectives or does not correspond with their efforts to cut staff. If you want to persuade your business that more tests should be automated than they already are, make sure everyone knows how test automation fits into your long-term goal.

What should you do?

Know when to employ the appropriate test. Do not use an automated testing approach for a project that is best suited for manual testing. Also, do not utilize the no-coding testing tool when technical testing is required for optimum results.

Not Having An Automation Strategy

Many things may go wrong while automating your tests, and it’s difficult to keep on top of everything. If you don’t have a strategy for automating your tests, you’re almost certain to fail at test automation.

Before automating anything, be sure you know what needs to be automated. The second step is to ensure that everyone who has to deal with those tests understands what to do if anything goes wrong.

The third stage is to ensure that everyone knows why automation isn’t always ideal and sometimes fails and make sure to know how to fix those failures. These three steps may assist or even guarantee that you can manage any Automation issues in a manner that doesn’t jeopardize your capacity to offer value via automated testing.

False ROI Estimates for Test Automation

Strategically determining the appropriate approach for each test case—whether it should be executed manually or automated—allows your team to maximize efficiency and optimize resource allocation. By considering factors such as the complexity of the test case, the frequency of execution, the level of risk involved, and the potential time and cost savings through automation, you can make informed decisions that align with your testing goals.

A comprehensive understanding of ROI helps you identify the areas where automation can have the greatest impact. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, you can free up valuable human resources to focus on more critical aspects of testing. This not only increases efficiency but also reduces the chances of human error, leading to improved software quality and faster time-to-market.

Moreover, by calculating the ROI of automation, you can effectively communicate the value and benefits to stakeholders and gain their support. It provides a solid foundation for justifying investments in automation tools, infrastructure, and training, ensuring that your testing efforts align with the overall business objectives.

What should you do?

There are various variables to consider when determining ROI on test automation, including test coverage, test speed, cost savings, and more. Here are some guidelines for calculating the appropriate test automation ROI:

  • Breaking down tasks: For better execution and reporting, consider splitting the automated testing process into sprints with various tasks. Automation testing duties include planning, building a testing framework, implementing, analyzing, and reporting.
  • In terms of expenses, investment costs often comprise one-time expenditures, apparent costs, hidden costs, labor costs, and so on.
  • Identify areas of automated testing that need optimization.

What Are Automation Testing Tools?

An automated testing tool is a software that enables you to create testing tasks and then automate their execution. This execution, in the best-case scenario, can take place with little or no human interaction.

Automation testing technologies are available for a variety of contexts, including smartphones, mobile devices, and desktop PCs. You can do performance testing without human interaction using an automated testing tool. It allows you to test 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you desire.

However, test automation technologies are capable of much more. Let’s look at why more and more teams are turning to automated testing tools.

What Are the Advantages of Automation Testing

There are different advantages of using automated testing. Let us look at some use cases for an automated testing tools:

  • Multilingual Sites
  • Repetition of test scenarios
  • Test Cases that are tedious
  • Test Cases with wide and expanding implications

Humans are capable of doing these things. However, since can be very sophisticated and competitive, they are prone to mistakes. For example, testing a new software in another language is prone to errors, particularly for big and complicated applications. It is best to leave testing to automated tools in situations like these.

  • However, there are certain circumstances when manual testing is preferable. They are as follows:
  • New test cases that have not yet been manually validated
  • Test Case studies in which the criteria are continually changing
  • Test cases that are not routine, that is, occur just once or twice

In the aforementioned instances, it is much better to have human experts perform the tests. A new feature for example should be manually checked by humans to ensure that it functions as planned. After you’ve confirmed this, you may run those tests using an automated testing tool.

When automated testing tools and frameworks are utilized in the right ways, you will gain  the following advantages:

Coverage of the Speed Test


Savings on expenses

Regular and extensive testing

Time to go to market

It’s time to hire automation testers. If you are considering hiring a professional automation tester, contact us. Thank you for reading, we hope to hear from you soon!


Can automation testing fail?

Yes automation testing can fail for several reasons, especially when you don’t get your testing plans right

Why does automation testing fail?

Why does automation testing really fail? We think the The most prevalent reason is when managers and testers don’t get their testing plans right. Other reasons include but not limited to, poor management, selection of wrong testing tools, not knowing the right test automation to use, not hiring experienced automated testers, etc.

What is test automation?

 Test automation ensures that most software testing tasks may be completed without requiring so many people to devote so many hours to repetitive tests. Test automation is an excellent technique to improve your program, and it comes with several benefits.

When it comes to manual testing, there are too many steps that result to time wasting. Test automation eradicates this, especially doing repetitive tasks over and over again.

Test automation is one of the best techqniues for testing

What are the benefits of test automation?

Test automation has lots of benefits for its users and experts. Benefits of test automation include;,

  •  Time saving, 
  • Costt 
  • effectiveness, 
  • lesser manual input, 
  • ‘automating repetitive tasks,
  •  less stress, etc
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