What Is Best for App Development: Flutter, Dart Language?

By Prometteur solutions 18 Min Read

This article discusses the two app development languages, Flutter and Dart, by making comparisons and answering vital questions such as,

  • Is Dart superior to Flutter? 
  • Are Dart and Flutter interchangeable? 
  • Is the Dart language sufficient for Flutter? 
  • Should I start with Flutter or Dart?

Are you looking for the answers to these questions? Continue reading.

What is Flutter?

Google introduced Flutter in 2017 and quickly moved to the top of the list of the quickest application development platforms. Flutter, now the third most popular app development framework, is an open-source high-level native UI platform for Android and iOS devices. Dart is the engine that drives Flutter.

The feature-rich user interface of Flutter simplifies app development for developers. Flutter also provides reactive and declarative programming tools equivalent to React Native.

Flutter is also a portable user interface toolkit that includes many widgets and functionality. It provides a framework for programmers to construct and deploy natively designed, visually appealing apps for various platforms.

Flutter is also in high demand in the software business. So, if you want to recruit Flutter app developers in 2024, check out this article.

What are the Features of the Flutter Framework?

Widgets with high-value

A native app developer may utilize Flutter to build a beautiful and expressive user experience by combining multiple widgets according to the client’s demands.

Effective user interface

Flutter’s portable and well-organized GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) rendering allows developers to work with a variety of interfaces.

Google Firebase support

Developers may get Google Firebase back-end functionality through the Flutter framework. Developers may make use of this accessibility to create scalable applications.

What are the Flutter Framework Advantages

Easy to use

Flutter and Dart programming is simple to use and comprehend. Flutter allows you to create fully working applications with a lot less code. Because of the Flutter framework, installation takes less than 30 minutes.

All platforms are supported.

Unlike many other platforms, Flutter can run on iOS, Windows, Linux, Android, and macOS.

Rapid MVP assistance

Once the product foundation is in place, you can use the MVP to demonstrate your website’s core features and activities. Flutter assists you in developing a platform-neutral MVP that provides an excellent user experience.

A solitary codebase

Flutter allows developers to create robust enterprise-grade apps for Android and iOS mobile applications using a single code base. In addition, because they don’t have to create code for two platforms, developers may manage their code more effectively.

What is Dart?

Google launched Dart as an open-source, platform-independent, object-oriented programming language. Dart allows you to construct applications for both iOS and Android using the same codebase.

Dart code may be translated into native code for desktop and mobile devices. Furthermore, unlike React Native, Dart may connect to any platform through direct compilation without needing a separate bridge.

Dart is a client-side programming language with design elements, dynamic typing, interface, classes, and optional typing for designing applications. Dart is designed to work on both the client and the server.

What are the Features of Dart Language?

A large library

Dart includes several useful pre-built libraries, such as Math, Convert, HTML, SDK, Core, and others. Dart also allows developers to name-space and organize Dart code into the appropriate libraries. The import statement allows developers to reuse the libraries.

Adaptable collection

Dart has the tenacity required to build code at breakneck speed. In addition, it supports the compilation strategies JIT (Just in Time) and AOT (Always on Time). This functionality allows developers to easily transmit and execute the Dart programming language in web browsers.

Language-based on security

Dart is a type-safe programming language that enables developers to use both runtime and static type checking to verify that the value of a variable always matches its static type.

A large community

The Dart programming language has a substantial and active development community. As a result, if you run into any issues when working using Dart, help is always at hand.

What are the Advantages of the Dart Programming Language

Easy to learn and apply

Dart is a simple language that anybody can learn. Dart developers who are acquainted with the fundamentals of oops programming may begin creating applications straight immediately utilizing Dart’s Java-like syntax. In addition, because it provides a simple learning environment, developers may easily comprehend the framework’s tools and terminology while accessing multiple libraries.

Excellent performance

You may boost the performance of your applications by adopting the Dart programming language. JIT and AOT are two Dart characteristics that aid in language implementation. JIT and AOT aid in the application’s faster and more efficient execution.

Perfect documentation

Dart programmers can vouch for the language’s excellent documentation and simplicity of use. Developers may immediately begin coding, and the community is quite encouraging. In addition, Dart offers developers with simple syntax, useful functions, and helpful training materials.

There is no setup or installation.

Dartpad is a basic user interface included with Dart. This interface does not need to be installed or configured before usage. To execute the Dart code, write it down and pick the ‘Run’ command.

Dart vs. Flutter What are the Distinctions?

Development on Multiple Platforms

Both Flutter and Dart are cross-platform programming languages. As a result, you may create an app for a variety of mobile operating systems, including iOS and Android. Furthermore, both languages have sophisticated user interfaces that are ideal for corporate applications.

Operating Systems for Mobile Devices

Flutter and Dart both support a variety of mobile operating systems. Your app may be created for Android, iOS, and other platforms. Furthermore, both languages have sophisticated user interfaces that are ideal for corporate applications.

Extensive User Interfaces

Flutter and Dart provide sophisticated user interfaces ideal for corporate applications. Furthermore, these languages provide speedy development, sophisticated graphical capabilities, and quick execution speeds.


One of the primary advantages of adopting Dart is that it is cross-platform, which means that it can be used to develop applications for both Android and iOS devices. This makes it an excellent alternative for companies who need to create applications for numerous platforms.

Flutter is based on the Google Dart programming language. It utilizes the same rendering engine as Google Chrome, making it snappy and responsive on mobile devices. It also supports numerous displays and has complex animations, making it ideal for building immersive user experiences.

Dart is noted for its speed and efficiency, making it ideal for data retrieval and network calls. In addition, its code is simple to build and execute on both the Android and iOS platforms, making it a good candidate for cross-platform app development.

Dart is a sophisticated programming language that makes it simple to design unique applications. Consequently, organizations may create new applications quickly without employing a coder.

Speed and performance

Flutter and Dart are similar in performance and speed, designed for mobile apps.

However, Flutter outperforms Dart due to its focus on mobile devices, faster web page performance, precision compiler, and open-source flexibility. 

If speed isn’t crucial or design freedom is desired, Flutter may be a better choice, as it allows native script for more control over app appearance and feel.


Dart and Flutter are mobile application frameworks offering various features, but deciding which one is best for your company depends on cost-effectiveness.

Flutter is more expensive upfront, but Dart may be more cost-effective in the long run due to reduced development costs and faster app speed, making it a superior choice for enterprises.

Dart is more cost-effective due to its lower installation footprint and energy-saving potential, while Flutter may increase energy expenses.

Flutter VS Dart Flexibility and Customization

Flutter allows developers to design unique, personable applications with unlimited control over the user interface and features like hot reloading, ensuring data safety.

Dart offers a conventional programming environment with React Native compatibility, enabling quick migration of Android or iOS applications without learning a new language or framework.

Flutter offers more developer freedom, while Dart simplifies cross-platform development with its closely integrated platform, allowing third-party integrations and extensions using both platforms’ SDKs and APIs.

Flutter is a mobile framework designed for quick, responsive applications, focusing on bubbling data for fluid animations and faster reaction times.

Dart vs. Flutter: Performance and Consumption of Resources

Flutter and Dart are both competitive platforms in terms of performance and resource usage. Both have reached rates over 60 frames per second on a big device. Dart additionally touts quicker reload times.

On the other hand, Dart is expected to be more powerful in terms of raw processing power, while Flutter depends more on the GPU. Dart is, therefore, better suited for applications with high processing needs. However, in terms of resource usage, both systems will need a considerable amount of memory and CPU resources to function properly.

However, since Flutter is developed on top of the Android SDK and Dart is built on top of the Javascript engine, there may be some variances in third-party libraries accessible.

Overall, both platforms provide acceptable options for enterprises seeking a mobile development platform.

Tools for Debugging Dart vs. Flutter

Flutter and Dart both have benefits and cons in terms of debugging tools. While Dart has an in-built debugger, Flutter features a plugin architecture that enables third-party developers to write their debugger plugins. On the other hand, the Flutter debugger is not as robust as the Dart debugger.

Dart Architecture vs. Flutter Architecture

Dart Architecture is heavier and more difficult to utilize than Flutter Architecture. Flutter Architecture, on the other hand, is more powerful and performs better.

In addition, Dart Architecture is better for high-resolution graphics, while Flutter Architecture is better for low-resolution graphics.

Use cases for Flutter and Dart

Use cases for Flutter

Cross-platform app development

Flutter is a popular choice for cross-platform app development, enabling developers to create native-looking apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase.

Rapid prototyping

Flutter’s hot reload functionality enables rapid prototyping, allowing developers to immediately see changes in the app.

High-performance apps

Flutter apps are known for their high performance, making them a good choice for demanding applications such as games and real-time data visualization apps.

Custom UI design

Flutter’s widget-based UI system gives developers a lot of flexibility to create custom and unique UI designs.

Use cases for Dart

Server-side development

Dart can be used for server-side development using the Dart VM or the Aqueduct web framework.

Command-line tools

Dart can be used to develop command-line tools using the Dart CLI.

Web development

Dart can be used for web development using the Flutter web framework or the Dart web development libraries.

IoT development

Dart can be used for IoT development using the Dart VM and the Dart GPIO library.

Cost of developing a Flutter or Dart App

The cost of developing a Flutter or Dart app depends on a number of factors, including:

App complexity 

More complex apps will require more time and resources to develop, which will increase the cost.

The features of the app

Apps with more features will also require more time and resources to develop, which will increase the cost.

The experience of the developer

More experienced developers will typically charge higher rates than less experienced developers.

The location of the developer

Developers in more expensive countries will typically charge higher rates than developers in less expensive countries.

In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $10,000 to $200,000 for a Flutter or Dart app. However, the actual cost could be higher or lower depending on the factors listed above.

Popularity and community support


Dart and Flutter are both popular languages for creating apps, however, Flutter is more widely used. Flutter and Dart are the 10th and 13th most popular programming languages worldwide, respectively, according to a recent Stack Overflow study.

Community support

Both Dart and Flutter have large and active followings. The community for Flutter, however, is bigger and more vibrant than the community for Dart. This implies that there are more tutorials, documentation, and help forums available to Flutter developers.

In Conclusion

Flutter, a new yet popular framework, will continue to adapt and improve as the developer community grows. However, its advantages for cross-platform development are apparent, and it would be a severe mistake to dismiss it as a tool for app development.

On the other hand, Dart is now the most crucial choice for developing software for several platforms, including iOS and Android applications. Dart’s team has spent several years raising it to the top client-side programming language, making it a popular option among app developers.

So, before selecting a platform for app development, consult your management and team members and review the project requirements.

Prometteur Solutions provides incredible remote work in over 100 skills, including Flutter, Dart, React, Python, Java, and others. So if you need the best Flutter or Dart dev experts for your projects, reach out to us now.


What is Flutter?

Google introduced Flutter in 2017 and quickly moved to the top of the list of the quickest application development platforms. Flutter, now the third most popular app development framework, is an open-source high-level native UI platform for Android and iOS devices. Dart is the engine that drives Flutter.

What is Dart?

Google launched Dart as an open-source, platform-independent, object-oriented programming language. Dart allows you to construct applications for both iOS and Android using the same codebase.

Which one is superior, Flutter or Dart?

In terms of performance, the Dart language often beats all other development frameworks.

Is Dart required for Flutter?

Do not proceed to Flutter without first mastering Dart. Dart is straightforward to learn if you have prior programming knowledge.

What is an example of an app made with Flutter?

  • Google Pay
  • Hamilton
  • Fuchsia OS
  • Alibaba Xianyu
  • Philips Hue Wireless Lighting
  • BMW app

What is an example of an app made with Dart?

  • Google Ads
  • AngularDart
  • Dart Editor
  • Dart VM
  • Aqueduct
  • Dart GPIO
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