What you should know about setting up your ideal dedicated development team

What you should know about setting up your ideal dedicated development team

By Prometteur solutions 13 Min Read

What does having a dedicated development team imply? 

A dedicated development team is a group of programmers that manage long-term software development projects for startups, small enterprises, and big organizations. When speed is crucial, these programmers are not freelancers; they work full-time alongside in-house programmers to design and maintain software. 

What is the definition of a dedicated team model? 

A dedicated team model is when a client hires a full-cycle team of software experts to implement a project over a long period of time. IT professionals work full-time for you as if they were in-house employees, but from a distance. 

A software engineering services provider determines what skills are required for product delivery after analyzing a technical specification and assembling a dedicated development team accordingly. 

Specialists are always available to talk about problems and complete tasks. Furthermore, the team size is adjusted to meet the current project requirements. If, for example, deadlines become more stringent, an IT service provider can connect other specialists from its staff to the development of software solutions. 

Building a website or mobile application requires fewer management efforts on your part because a trusted IT partner assigns a software development projects manager. As a result, you can focus on your core business activities. However, thanks to in-person and virtual meetings, regular reports, and access to a time tracking system, you have complete control over the development process. 

A typical dedicated development team consists of the following Skilled individuals  

  • Front-end/back-end/full-stack developers produce client-side and server-side programs. 
  • Simple, responsive, and engaging user interfaces are created by UI/UX designers. 
  • DevOps engineers coordinate the development, operations, and testing processes. 
  • QA engineers ensure the delivery of bug-free apps by developing test strategies and cases. 
  • Project managers serve as the intermediary between the customer and the programmers. They’re in charge of project planning, management, tracking, and risk reduction. 
  • Business analysts examine project requirements, user data, and analytics before making suggestions to CEOs and corporate owners.

What a dedicated development team looks like in action 

The first step in hiring dedicated development team is for a corporation to provide the project’s objectives, timeframe, and scope. It’s usually a good idea to describe the talents that committed team members should have, as well as the amount of developers that will be 

working on your project. The vendor firm starts recruiting developers based on this knowledge. You have the option of quickly onboarding them for a project or conducting extra interviews to assess their talents. You may also request that the vendor firm add or change developers based on their experience. 

The software development company then assigns various team members or one or more developers to your project, depending on your needs. The company will next create a pricing scheme that includes the wages of the team members as well as the service provider’s cost for the duration of the recruiting process. 

Why It is necessary to have a specialized development team. 

Keep up with the latest software development trends and best practices. 

It’s impossible to stress the significance of adhering to industry best practices. They enhance process, lower experimental costs, lower the chance of botched deployments, and, most significantly, increase efficiency. In the same manner, technological trends allow you to examine what industry professionals have lauded as guaranteed approaches to obtain the greatest results. While no developer can propose employing a technology just because it’s popular, it’s always a good idea to think about it. 

Always ask your software developer to give an estimated tech stack they expect to use, whether you’re hiring for a front-end, back-end, or mobile app development project. You may obtain the relevant documentation before the project begins if your team has never dealt with these technologies previously. In addition, have your vendor provide a list of possible testing tools and scenarios so that your in-house engineers are on the same page. 

Encourage the use of various agile approaches. 

Agile initiatives are 28 percent more effective than typical projects, according to a PWC analysis. Agile approaches are valued for the flexibility, constant improvement, agility, and efficiency they instill in development teams, whether it’s Scrum, Kanban, or Extreme Programming (EX).

Furthermore, since the specialized team collaborates with in-house developers (either remotely or in the office), there must be a common ground between the two groups. As a result, you may have a joint training session for both teams before onboarding the dedicated team to strengthen their coordination. Arrange weekly standups with the team and project management to verify that the project is on track. 

Follow security standards. 

Security is built into the finest SDLC at every level, and it’s an important issue to consider when recruiting a dedicated development team. It’s the first step in providing your users with a secure product and maximizing customer satisfaction. Right at the outset of the project, talk to the development team about how they intend to utilize best practices to prevent any security vulnerabilities in the program. In addition, depending on their experience, in-house and dedicated developers might adopt a shared approach to security testing. 

This infographic on common myths and realities about dedicated development teams will give you a better understanding of how a team is hired — 

When is it appropriate to hire a full-time development team? 

In the following situations, a specialized team model will be ideal for your project: 

1. A client lacks the in-house knowledge required. 

If a corporation wants to solve a problem but lacks the necessary technical expertise, it should engage a specialist development team. This is much more efficient than looking for, interviewing, and onboarding individuals separately. 

Additionally, a customer will be responsible for paying salaries or dismissing staff who may be required for continuing support and maintenance after the project is completed. When you work with a specialized team, you’ll work with designers, engineers, DevOps specialists, testers, business analysts, and project managers who are each accountable for a specific set of tasks. 

2. A corporation aims to reduce expenses while maintaining project management. 

One of the most significant benefits of a dedicated team approach is the cost savings. A client is not required to pay additional fees such as rent, property taxes, or office cleaning. Furthermore, you are not in charge of providing bonuses, insurance coverage, or other incentives to IT workers. 

Then, as part of a specialized development team, an organization has access to each member, allowing you to discuss any area of the project, from technical specifications to user experience design and quality assurance. IT professionals reply quickly to your inquiries and comments, allowing both parties to handle any difficulties in a timely manner. 

3. Project execution requires long-term participation. 

When a customer has a big amount of work, such as delivering a large-scale project or developing many software solutions, a dedicated team model is an excellent alternative. Even if a corporation has the essential skills and information, this practice can meet the standards. 

For starters, in-house staff may be overburdened with other tasks. Second, depending on the fees you’ll have to pay, outsourcing software development to specialized professionals may save expenses by 2–3 times. 

4. A company must complete a job as quickly as feasible. 

When meeting tight deadlines, such as demonstrating a minimal viable product (MVP) to innovators, a client should engage a specialized development team. A corporation does not have to spend time on these processes since an IT service provider is in charge of hiring, onboarding, and training software professionals. Furthermore, an IT partner may link as many professionals as feasible to enhance time to market when constructing a team based on customer requirements. 

What is an extended team model, and how does it work? 

To provide a software solution, in-house specialists interact with distant IT professionals in an expanded team approach, often known as staff augmentation. 

A company’s personnel (e.g., a project manager or chief technology officer) or a client individually may oversee an extended software development team. Remote designers and engineers, for their part, accomplish the essential duties and submit frequent reports to in-house professionals. 

An organization must prepare a software requirement document, outline an implementation plan, and define the work scope if this strategy is chosen. A specialized development team, on the other hand, often provides support in activities of this kind since it assumes responsibility for all project components from the beginning. 

When is it appropriate to recruit a larger development team? 

In the following situations, an extended team model will align with your goals: 

1. A corporation wants to have access to certain skills. 

If an organization’s in-house staff lack the capabilities required to produce a solution, it may enlist the help of a reputable IT partner to augment its software development team. A software project, for example, may need the deployment of cutting-edge technology (e.g., blockchain, artificial intelligence) or domain expertise (i.e., healthcare, e-learning, insurance, e-commerce). 

Let’s say you want to start a vacation rental marketplace but don’t have any back-end development knowledge. To solve this problem, you may hire a full-stack or back-end developer from an IT outsourcing business that specializes in constructing online marketplace systems. 

An expanded development team will establish a software architecture, execute business logic, and connect a marketplace app with multiple third-party services, while in-house specialists will be responsible for creating the user experience (e.g., a payment gateway, a data analytics solution, an order management system). 

2. A company needs to expand its personnel but is on a budget. 

When a corporation is on a restricted budget, an extended team model might bring the most value. If your country’s designer and developer wages are much higher than those in other locations, you may supplement your current team with remote expertise who charge cheaper hourly rates. 

3. A client wants to shorten the time it takes to get a product to market. 

When a customer has to fulfill tight deadlines but has limited resources, an extended team model is an excellent choice. You will be able to dramatically cut time to market by bringing in fresh professionals to a software project. 

With this goal in mind, it’s critical to recruit skilled designers and engineers who can help with onboarding and development. You will not have to seek, interview, or hire experts on your own, just as you would when employing specialized IT professionals, allowing you to get up and running quicker.

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