The secret to developing a android application successfully

By Prometteur solutions 15 Min Read

To summarise, you may begin your android application development with a simple step: write down your app ideas and be as precise as possible. Any software development, in general, consists of the processes outlined below, which are also addressed in this article: 

  • Visualize the concept
  • Make a user interface design 
  • Create a software model
  • Conduct rigorous testing 
  • Install the software 
  • Distribute the item

What factors contribute to an app’s success? 

You would probably agree that WhatsApp, Instagram, and game android applications like Angry Birds and Candy Crush are all examples of successful apps. Despite the fact that each has a unique success story, they all have something in common. Each of these apps had a distinct app idea that was represented in practical functioning. The app’s main feature enabled it to alter user behavior and integrate it into their everyday routine. 

To summarise, the following factors impact and contribute to the success of an android application development solution: 

  • Utility of a unique app idea 
  • Usability 
  • Performance
  • Appearance
  • Engagement 

Application Development: What You Must Concentrate on.

The development step begins when your designs are finalized. Here are some app development pointers for creating a high-performing and reliable product: 

1. Concentrate on the app’s primary features. 

The android application development expert should concentrate on a particular issue and feature a specified core functionality that addresses it, based on research and a determined strategy. 

Furthermore, according to a Standish Group study, just 20% of an app’s capabilities are utilized often. As a result, all development resources should be focused on these features, particularly in the initial product version. 

2. User Registration should be simple and easy. 

Research on android application development solutions shows that today’s users might be very impatient during registrations. The signup procedure should be as straightforward as possible. For example, you might use a social network to facilitate registration, which normally takes just two taps. Many IOS and Android applications use this feature.

3. Make certain that even your MVP is safe. 

Security is crucial, particularly in light of the current Facebook debacle and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The ideal method to design an app is to keep user information secure and protected. Make that the system is using secure HTTPS protocols as well. 

4. Provide appropriate alerts and categorize them 

As previously said, this section has a lot of interaction with the content app approach. Android development experts need to know that over 70% of consumers want a tailored experience from the companies with which they engage. In order to serve effective information, it is critical to gather profile data from user history. The tagging structure may assist you in providing relevant information to your users. 

Sending these automated communications ahead of time may improve user engagement. You care about them if you target the correct person with the right information, at the right time, and with the right message. This may contribute to increased user retention and the app’s long-term success. 

5. Create avenues of contact with app users. 

According to research, just 42% of users will reply to alerts. As a result, multiple communication routes with users must be built in with your android application development process. In-app messaging and an in-app message center are two options. In an ideal world, the app would feature both from the start. 

A messaging center is an inbox inside an app that enables users to communicate with one another. In-app messaging, on the other hand, enables users to send messages to other users who are also using the app. 

6. Create apps for both iOS and Android devices. 

In android application development projects, how do you create a native app or one that uses a cross-functional solution? First and foremost, consider your budget; yet, in order for the app to be effective, it must support both iOS and Android platforms. The third way would be to design a responsive online application that adapts to mobile displays and covers the web, iOS, and Android platforms. You will not have to create separate applications for various operating systems if you use this method. 

7. Make offline functionality available. 

The majority of android applications need an Internet connection to work. Users, on the other hand, do not always have an internet connection. As a result, having offline functionality in your IOS and android application is a huge plus. 

8. Maintain a high level of performance 

In android application development, experts ensure that the performance of an app is a major component in determining whether it is excellent or not. Consumers would try to utilize an app a maximum of three times if they are having problems. When it comes time to launch the software, it is vital to remove all potential errors and guarantee efficient performance. Apps that are successful react fast and do not crash. 

9. Give it out for free 

For a user, the difference between $0.00 and $0.99 is enormous. As a result, allowing users to test the program may be beneficial. Users will be more inclined to pay if they enjoy the app and it becomes valuable to them. The extent to which you may monetize your Android development is determined by your strategy and product type. 

10. Allow users to post content on social media from inside an app. 

This last IOS and Android application development tip might help you promote your app even more. Users may share their in-app content, screens, and other information with others after they have found the app. As a consequence, your app will have more exposure and a community to help it succeed. 

With so much information and so many alternatives to pick from, it is probable that you may get overwhelmed. Prometteur have a decade of experience developing successful applications and they are always available for assistance. 

Successfully Launch an App 

The next stage is to launch a fantastic app. This requires precise planning, scheduling, and management. The major goal is to combine all of the processes on a production level, as well as to provide adequate software testing services prior to release. There is some preparatory work to be done through: 

1. Use analytics software. 

For a successful launch of your android application development solution, there is a necessity to link comparable analytical services in the ideal scenario. This provides a detailed picture of the target audience. Google Analytics, Flurry, Localytics, Mixpanel, Fabric, Appsee, and others are good examples. 

2. Perform beta-testing 

This is also perfect for determining the success of your app. Beta testing is the first chance to get meaningful input, and it consists of three key components: 

Identifying the intended audience. Finding the correct target testers might help you avoid problems and enhance the functionality of your app. Additionally, the Android app allows users to test various features prior to the launch. 

Beta testing of android application development is important because many bugs as possible must be eliminated. You must test all capabilities on all product platforms during beta testing. The approach and basic objectives are examined. Beta-testing may assist you in redefining your original approach and allowing you to pivot your product development. 

3. Compile the data 

The last stage in launching a successful app is to actually gather app stats. More precise data collecting should be documented as the number of users grows. Here are some examples of mobile app measurements: 

  • Tracking sales funnels might help you figure out why certain in-app transactions or ad clicks did not go through. 
  • Social sharing – assess how much attention the product is attracting from the target audience. This is very important in determining the success of any android application development project.
  • Correlation of user data – link user behaviour to demographic variables. 
  • Other insights – measures of app use at certain times and places 

Promotion of the App 

The efforts performed and whether or not mobile app campaigns are effective may be used to determine true app success. Before launching an app, it is important to figure out how to advertise it and which channels to utilize to get it to the right people. 

1. Promotion on social media

Utilizing all social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter during the pre-launch phase is one of the simplest things to accomplish. Make advantage of the social media platforms that your target customers are likely to utilise. Joining groups on LinkedIn and Facebook to spread the news about the app is another option. These postings should be made on a frequent basis to encourage users to download the app once it is available. You may also start blogging or making podcasts about the product. 

2. Attract media attention

Getting the attention of the press also helps to spread the message for android application development. For example, Evernote received thousands of sign-ups for its beta product after TechCrunch covered the company. As a result, reaching out to various news sites might be a terrific way to help promote an app. As a suggestion, make sure your PR kit includes at least some of the following items: 

3. Make contact with influencers

Using famous bloggers and online personalities to promote curiosity among prospective consumers would be a terrific method to get their attention. Kevin Systrom, the creator of Instagram, allowed important bloggers on Twitter to test the beta version before the public launch. Within 24 hours, there were 24,000 users, and by the third week, there were up to 300,000 members. As a result, cultivating genuine and mutually beneficial connections with influencers will go a long way toward effectively marketing your app. 

4. Create a landing page for your campaign. 

The sooner you begin establishing a mailing list of IOS and Android app users who are interested in your app, the better. As a result, the landing page of your android application development project may be quite useful, either on your own website or with the aid of pre-made solutions. This page should be marketed via Google ads, social media, and influencer shares. The message should include information on the app’s primary advantages, such as features, sample screens, and a demo video, among other things. A basic news sign-up form should follow this preview section. Include the app download links once the app is available. 

5. Make a PreApps post 

PreApps, a community of early adopters, is another sort of site designed to promote interest for an app in its early phases. They can even serve as Android application beta-testers and future subscribers for you. 

You may distribute your software not just via the App Store and Google Play, but also through a variety of other app stores: 


Once you have your app’s URL, you can start thinking about SEO. With a little research, you can determine the ideal magnet keywords to rank for better results. 

It is critical to monitor, learn, and respond in a quickly changing environment in order to make an aAndroid application development effective in a short amount of time. You will need to know your app’s worth and performance, as well as app KPIs, to do this (key performance indicators). To begin, identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are most important and directly related to the marketing strategy. Then, using the data gathered, effective app tweaks may be performed. 

For your best android application development project, reach out to Prometteur now!

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